Originally posted by Martlet
As I said, if the Judiciary was removing elected officials I put into office, I'd have a problem with that. The Judiciary is not elected. Some members of it aren't even appointed by public servants.
Right, but that's how the system works, how you or I approve of it doesn't matter. It does not rule on all elected officials, only judges. You can't have rogue judges making their own rules.
"The court shall have authority, after notice and public hearing (1) to remove from office, suspend without pay, or censure a judge, or apply such other sanction as may be prescribed by law, for violation of a Canon of Judicial Ethics, misconduct in office, failure to perform his duties, or (2) to suspend with or without pay, or to retire a judge who is physically or mentally unable to perform his duties. Taken from the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, Amendment 581, §6.18. "