Author Topic: Drugs kill!  (Read 8322 times)

Offline -Concho-

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« Reply #45 on: November 21, 2003, 12:55:23 AM »
Originally posted by Airhead
<> Concho, Maverick and Dune. I believe you all fight the good fight and without people like you we'd be less of a society.

Thank you Airhead

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« Reply #46 on: November 21, 2003, 01:02:26 AM »
Originally posted by Capt. Pork
You're right for the most part, Airhead. 95% of cops fight the good fight and we could not live the way we do without them. The other 5% it seems, were somehow placed (by some higher power) in Los Angeles County. While living there a few years ago I was harassed twice. Once for walking up Sunset BLVD in the Palisades at 3 in the morning, from the local Vons Supermarket to my apartment and the second time while riding in the back seat of a car that got pulled over fir a traffic violation. The first time the bastard spent 10 minutes questioning myself and my two buddies on why we were there, who we were, where we'd gone to highschool and other banalities. While I don't blame his vigilance(since it was late and we were three very young guys strolling around in a nice neighborhod), his attitude totally sucked. We were cooperating to the best of our abilities, were sober, and he still threatened to "get out of his car" after my friend answered the question of where he went to high school with: 'I graduated two years ago', and then, before finally pulling away, he actually made us thank him for the trouble of stopping us. He was older, bald and very pissed to be alive. We agreed that the most unlucky person in the world was the guy's poor wife.

The second time I got pulled out of the backseat and forced to do a field sobriety test because I didn't have a seatbelt on. It was a younger cop this time, and he claimed that I was 'giving him s**t' when he shined his light into my eyes through the backwindow. All I'd done was put my palm up to block the beam. Nevertheless, I told him that I wasn't giving him any s**t, that I respected his position and the work he did. After that he shook my hand and calmed down.

There is nothing scarier than a cop that's abusing his power. In my mind, that rare creature is nothing but a thug in uniform, paid and protected by the state. To the rest of the guys, like the plain-clothes officer who helped me push my dead truck through a nasty intersection last winter, and the guys who each day put themselves on the line defending lives of people who are often unworthy of such defense, salutes are most definately in order.

I agree about the 5%.  We draw our ranks from the population, surely there is going to a bad apple every now and again.  My problem is when folks generalize all police officers as "bad cops" based on one or two peoples actions.

Offline -Concho-

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« Reply #47 on: November 21, 2003, 01:05:55 AM »
Originally posted by Montezuma
In Caulifornia possession of an ounce or less is still illegal without a doctor's note, but it is a $100 ticket - maximum.  Also...

In any case in which a person is arrested for a violation of this subdivision and does not demand to be taken before a magistrate, such person shall be released by the arresting officer upon presentation of satisfactory evidence of identity and giving his written promise to appear in court, as provided in Section 853.6 of the Penal Code, and shall not be subjected to booking.

Ca Health and Safety Code 11357

wow, here under 2 oz is a class b misd.  up to 6 months in jail and/or 2k fine.   usually its probation for a year tho.

got to have 50 or more pounds for a felony.

Offline mrblack

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« Reply #48 on: November 21, 2003, 01:09:09 AM »
To be honest with you I have never really understood why Booze is leagel and pot aint.
I mean wich one is more natural????
God gave us pot.
Man gave Booze and all it's lovely health isses:rolleyes:

Offline Torque

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« Reply #49 on: November 21, 2003, 06:00:48 AM »
Originally posted by mrblack
To be honest with you I have never really understood why Booze is leagel and pot aint.
I mean wich one is more natural????
God gave us pot.
Man gave Booze and all it's lovely health isses:rolleyes:

Cuz Dupont only had the patent for nylon not corn.:D

Offline mora

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« Reply #50 on: November 21, 2003, 07:32:01 AM »
You can't make money out of pot, unless it's illegal.

Offline Capt. Pork

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« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2003, 08:25:20 AM »
Originally posted by mora
You can't make money out of pot, unless it's illegal.

Ever hear of the hemp industry?

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« Reply #52 on: November 21, 2003, 09:42:22 AM »
Yes I have... I just didn't remember it was illegal there.

Offline kappa

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« Reply #53 on: November 21, 2003, 09:48:36 AM »
The Hemp industry is not illegal in america.. Least I have seen many hemp products.


Offline -Concho-

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« Reply #54 on: November 21, 2003, 09:55:27 AM »
Originally posted by mora
Yes I have... I just didn't remember it was illegal there.

you seem to have a very deep understanding of the US

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« Reply #55 on: November 21, 2003, 10:11:31 AM »
OK, I stand corrected. It is legal in 12 states.

So what do you folks think about this one, should it be legal/illegal? Remember that industrial hemp doesn't have any recreational value.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2003, 10:22:33 AM by mora »

Offline miko2d

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« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2003, 10:18:02 AM »
-Concho-: call us what you want to miko.

 I did not mean it to be personally offensive to you. Whenever a government bureucracy creates a warm spot for human trash to benefit from tax money, it does not necessarily meant that some good people would not get in. Probably many do.
 But the whole system is skewed against such because the politicking scoundrels can advance their careers better than the principled people do.
 If you are one of those principled people, all the more respect to you!

you world is a safer place because of people like me.

 If you mean you personally and you are a good cop, sure, and I am gratefull. Not that I would need your charity or would like to rely on it, but I appreciate it nevertheless. I would rather had a system where every one was paid fairly for doing good job.

 I was speaking not just about individuals but about all the coercive tax-funded non-consumer cintrolled mechanism. I surely do not feel safer because of it.
 I would be much safer if I cept my tax dollars to spend as I find optimal for my protection and if there were not so many restrictions on the supply of security by the private market.
 I cannot legally own a bullet-resistant vest or carry a weapon in my city - because policemen are supposed to protect me and somehow my owning a vest would upset them.
 And I see whole bunches of them catching seat-belt violators or pot smokers. When not doing that, they are mostly patrolling some inner-city areas who's residents pay no taxes and I hardly see a policeman on my block even though I am paying through the nose.
 Somebody's world may be safer because of people like you and money extorted from people like me - but it surely not my world!

how can you take your opinion of police based on an interview with one police officer?

 I made one illustration from y personal experience. That surely does not mean that is all I have.

what kind of job do you have?  is it a safe eviroment?

 And it costs me pretty penny of my private expenses. My taxes I just write off as a loss.

you have total and complete control over your police force if you are a voter.

 I have no control over my police force whatsoever. With our all or nothing system a minority vote, even if it's 49% is totally discarded. We do not have proportional representation here. Even if I switched parties to the majority, I would have 1/2,000,000 of the influence. I would hardly call that "total and complete control".

if you don't like it get off your bellybutton and change it.

 That would be stupid and never work because of simple economics. If I got out to changed every thing I do not like - from the ban on the milk sale to the foreign tariffs, I would pay much more than I lose.
 The political power of special interest groups is concentrated while that of the consumers is diffused.
 It is more efficient for me to pay extra few dollars a week for milk rather than go against milk interests - even if I won, which I wouldn't.
 Same with the security and other services taken over by socialist state.

 Slogans are nice but ignoring the economic reality is plain madness.

Maverick: He spouted off and made a grand generalization about all cops after watching a tv show. Like he has the REAL idea about law enforcement.

 You idiot. My family and peole I know have been victims of several crimes and I've seen how police handles those. You do not have to be an electrical engineer to know that the system does not work when the lights do not come up.
 In NYC the police protection sucks, the whole system is politicized, corrupted and undermined by Affirmative Action.
 Any agressive cops tryinmg to do their job in NY are chased away or prosecuted because of accusations of "excessive force", "ethnic profiling" or some other crap.
 The windbags like you stay on, chase pot smokers and sing praises to their bosses, whenever they are not getting underfeet of the Fire Department guys.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2003, 10:21:12 AM by miko2d »

Offline gofaster

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« Reply #57 on: November 21, 2003, 10:44:37 AM »
Originally posted by miko2d
It's easier to harass inoffensive drug posessors or people not wearing seatbelts, then tackle real criminals or terrorists.

They got Ted Bundy on a traffic violation before they were able to tie him to the murders.

They got David Berkowitz on unpaid traffic tickets before they were able to tie him to the murders.

They got Timothy McVeigh on a traffic violation.

They got Al Capone on tax evasion.

If you pay attention to the little crimes, sometimes you can get the bad guys that commit the big crimes.

Offline Manedew

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« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2003, 11:03:52 AM »
Originally posted by Ripper29
I guess that I can't use that term here.

Your reference to the Police Officers who stopped to offer assistance to a "stranded motorist", who is stupid enough to swallow a plastic baggie filled with pot, speaks to your lack of understanding of the big picture here.  Cops don't make the law, the idiots you elected did (so in reality you did).  

I take offense to the term "Pigs", I will tell you here and now that I am currently a serving police officer, for 23 years  I have served my community with pride and have seen things that would make most people turn away or cower in fear.  I have risked my life for those that are unable or unwilling to take a stand and never given it a second thought.  I have served my country in a mission in a foreign country, as a police officer, to make life better for the people there.

Don't blame the copper for this idiots own demise, perhaps it’s the dope he has been smoking.

If you want to continue to call Police Officers "pig's" then you can kiss my prettythang

And this has to do with what i posted how?   I said something like '''do you wonder why cops get called pigs   :taken out of context: 'pepper spraying a guy to get him to puke up a joint is bad"

but maybe you'd know that if you read one paragraph instead of typeing 3 when you see the word 'pig'

Offline Capt. Pork

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« Reply #59 on: November 21, 2003, 11:08:59 AM »
Originally posted by mora
Yes I have... I just didn't remember it was illegal there.

It's not illegal. It's legal and makes money. It could even make more money, given the right approach. That was the point. I thought you mentioned something about not being able to make money off pot without it being illegal, didn't you?