Author Topic: Torpedo usage  (Read 1572 times)

Offline Rolling

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Torpedo usage
« on: December 03, 2003, 10:30:09 AM »
Does anyone know where I can find some info on how to make a torpedo run? I've been trying the stay low over the water approach and drop, but the CV guns tear me up before I get within striking distance. Should I stay low and then pop up when in CV gun range, then make a diving release? I looked at the JABO bombing tutorial and didn't find any info on torpedos.

Offline Hap

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« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2003, 11:20:24 AM »
by no means am i the last word on torpedo tactics but in many years of playing, VERY infrequently have i hit and sunk a ship.  once i do recall i got a "ship destroyed" msg and that was from a pt boat.  i gather, the ju88 pilots may have the best success.

if you're wanting to sink ships and that's the main reason for your question, myself and squaddies have had and do have very good success with jabos.  up something like a jug or pony with 2k of bombs.  2,000 lbs will sink all task force ships EXCEPT the cv which takes 8k.

good luck


Offline Hazard69

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« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2003, 12:48:05 PM »
Im no expert at torpedoing....though how I have tried...:rolleyes:

The way i do it is to fly low (under 200ft) and slow (under 200mph) and i almost always have a successful launch. If u r too fast or high i think the torp doesnt work.....

when torping i use a ju88 formation mostly, 1 of 6 occasionaly hits something, and i get a ship kill message.

A trick to survive is.....launch when just in gun range.....then dont bank, but turn away from the cv inly using rudder......seem to last longer with few hits or losses
<S> Hazardus

The loveliest thing of which one could sing, this side of the Heavenly Gates,
Is no blonde or brunette from a Hollywood set, but an escort of P38s.

Offline simshell

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« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2003, 02:37:51 PM »
ok if your going to use aircraft then use the ju88 now get infront of the cv so its heading right at you drop below 200feet 200 mph and zoom all the way on your gunsight and try to line up with the cv drop the torps when you feel that they well fire soon or have already started firing;)

i have sink cvs doing this
known as Arctic in the main

Offline Easyscor

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« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2003, 03:17:20 AM »
You'll have to figure out how to aim your fish but some basic information on the torpedos in AH1 might help.

All Axis torpedos run at 46 mph and travel about 6,750 feet before they expire.  The max TAS for the drop is 180 mph and be below 400 ft.

All Allied torpedos run at 39 mph and travel 14,000 feet before they expire.  The max TAS (TBM) for the drop is 250 mph and be below 1000 ft.

Those Allied torpedos are tough little buggers.
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2003, 08:04:51 AM »
There is more information on the topic than can be reposted here. Justs use the search page.

But right off the bat, I can tell you that I've  had the mosts success usinig Ju-88s and attacking from aboout 35 degrees off the bow, taking aim at the bow of the CA (give or take).

If you want to see some badass torpedo action, send me an email today... seriously.

You too Easy.

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Offline whoru

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Re: Torpedo usage
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2003, 09:32:11 AM »
Originally posted by Rolling
Does anyone know where I can find some info on how to make a torpedo run? I've been trying the stay low over the water approach and drop, but the CV guns tear me up before I get within striking distance. Should I stay low and then pop up when in CV gun range, then make a diving release? I looked at the JABO bombing tutorial and didn't find any info on torpedos.

When your line'n up, you gotta stay well in front of the ship your bombing, it will look like you'll miss it badly, but by the time the torpedo gets to the ship it will be right on target. Just release it when they start to open fire on you and turn away from the ship if you don't want to get shot down

Offline JB73

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« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2003, 04:11:27 AM »
i used to be able to hit a CV 90% of the time or better.... now im out of practice.

but here goes:

line up ahead of the CV path and to the left while facing it.

come in at about 20°-30° on the left of direct head on (while facing it)

when the yellow tracers of the CV auto ack start shooting be ready to release.

aim the gunsight directly @ the front of the big gun ship NOT the aircraft carrier.

drop with a slavo of 1 (3 torps 1 from each bomber)

use rudder and turn nose to about 3/4 the way down the big gun ship and release the second salvo.

pull up and to the left to get away (95% of the time you will not survive)

this process takes time to set up and execute... but like i said i was over 90% kill ration on the CV doing this.

practice makes perfect though.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline scJazz

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« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2003, 09:49:56 PM »
OK put simply... forget the whole idea. Yes it can be done yes there are plenty of stories about doing it yes I've even done it myself on more than 1 occasion.

Screw it! Even JU88s aren't a good source of success even though each plane carries 2 torps. If you insist come in from the FRONT. The torpedos themselves are slower than the ships so a stern shot will miss just because the torpedos will never catch up. Coming in with 10 to 30 degrees of angle is reasonable. Maintain alt of less than 200' and less than 200mph. Right here is a big cause of failure as you are now the epitomy of low slow big fluffy undefendable bomber. Some Hog pilot is going to love you! Drop when the AAA tracer fire starts coming up at you. Aim around the Cruiser not the Carrier if you have angle. Right down their throat otherwise.

On the other hand you could grab a P47 load it with the rockets and 1000lb bombs and the light gun load 6 guns half ammo. Climb to 12000' and ingress to target area. Use 3000' of alt in a gentle nose down dive with WEP on to increase airspeed to avoid intercept solutions. Get angled to the target so you are in FRONT of the ships. Drop dive flaps, chop throttle, and roll over on to target. Fire your rockets first aiming for the front of the ship do this within moments of starting the dive. Aim the bombs right in front of the CV and drop them from about 4K alt. Pull up, punch wep, and execute rolls alternating left and right or right and left while pulling 2 or 3 Gs and you will probably live. Better yet you just landed 50% of the damage necessary to blast a CV out of the water. If your intent on suicide take the 8 guns and start firing them right after the rockets are off the rails. Drop the bombs and switch to the 2nd gun bank and continue to fire as you plummet out of the sky. I've added a solid extra 150lbs of extra damage on the CV using the guns.

Offline AmRaaM

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« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2003, 09:19:04 PM »
takes skill to drop n die. lol.

Offline zxs

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« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2003, 11:47:58 PM »
I have finished making a torpedo aiming device plus a whole-through readme and illustrations.
The whole pack is about 700kB in size. I am currently looking for a place to post it so it is always available to anyone online.

A core part of it is here:
but there's a lot more (including some tactics as well)

gives an idea of the effectiveness.

Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2003, 07:33:05 AM »
Originally posted by zxs
I am currently looking for a place to post it so it is always available to anyone online.

I'll host it for you.

Send me an email at (but don't attach the files to that addy) and I'll send you my non-spam addy.

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Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2003, 07:36:25 AM »
Originally posted by scJazz
OK put simply... forget the whole idea. Yes it can be done yes there are plenty of stories about doing it yes I've even done it myself on more than 1 occasion.

If you are only interested in sinking the CV, scJazz is 100% correct.

I just enjoy Torpedo Attacks though. It's best when there's a BoB Scenario in the CT, and you can take out a formation of Ju-88s and only have to worry about Spits and Hurries witih .303s lol.

You: Blah Blah Blah
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Offline Blank

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« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2003, 06:41:55 AM »
same as jb73,

manned flak coverage is weakest on the front right quadrant of the fleet, and i normally leave via the front left quadrant.

salvo 1, drop turn drop to spread your torps,

my best is 3 succesive runs, three ships sunk for the loss of 2 drones, so it is possible.

but probably you will die to fighters anyway :)

practice off line, take control of a cv fleet and move way point close to an enemy base then hit the jump fleet button to hop it there instantly.

Then change countries so you can up from the base where the cv is and you can practice with ack shooting at you. :)

Offline zxs

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« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2004, 11:13:27 PM »
Many thanks to -Sikboy for hosting!

The full pack (zipped) is here:

The full pack (size: 683 kB) contains 2 zipped packs:
1. The torpedo aiming device itself with an installation instruction + some additional files (also downloadable from : ). - size: 16 kB.
2. An extended readme on usage + illustrations. - size: 666kB.
