quick survey, who besides me has bookmarked StripperWeb?
Gawd bless this thread.
And yes Sapphire, do consider attending the next Aces High convention. Lot's of money to be made. If you hang around Aces High you will find that unlike most online sim games, most of our pilot's are older, and in general successful. This game has a steep learning curve that tends to weed out the idiots. From a dancers perspective, (pure sales talking here) AH is a gold mine for an attractive aggressive girl who know's how to "work" the customer. Especially the geeky nerdy types (and us closet geeky nerdy types. Lute's actually rather awe inspiring in real life) with disposable income that you'll find here. Never know who is flying. I've flown both with an Actor from the Kids in the Hall, to a NY pro football player. Heck, on Air Warrior David Bowie was rumored to fly the occasional sortie. (and as a former AOL employee who witnessed that particular account being opened, there is some truth to the Bowie rumor)
Next convention should be in Nevada.
just sayin'.
III/JG26 9th ST WidowMakers
p.s. Mini-D, you really lost that argument. Quit trying to out "clever" her. Your not considering the "hot chick" factor. She only has to be "sorta" witty to win. Unless you can whip out some DD's (please pluck the nipple hair if you can) you gonna lose this fight.