Right - so if I must pay money to restore Iraq, I want it spent in the most efficient way. If a german or french company presents a more attractive bid, it is in my interests as a US taxpayer to have it accepted.
How about we solict the opinions of those taxpaying parents who have lost sons and daughters in the Iraq war? I strongly suspect that they pay more taxes than one communist loudmouth who has nothing good to say about the country he is currently infesting.
I am pretty sure if you polled the parents of the servicemen and women who have died, and those who have children serving, they would be in favor of countries who have supported us in some means in our efforts. Matter of fact, I will go out on a limb here and suggest that if a national poll were held today, an overwhelming majority of the this nations citizens would support the policy of awarding contracts to only those nations who stood by us in this effort.
Must be aggravating to so many of you anti-Bush admin types that his approval rating is going up, not down. That better than 50% support our actions in Iraq.
Miko, since I do not remember even once you saying anything positive about the USA, about life here or our government, why don't you move out? France would probably welcome you, Canada isn't picky, and what the heck, you already speak Russian and they agree with your views. I promise we will get by just fine without you.