Author Topic: SB Damage  (Read 348 times)

Offline scJazz

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SB Damage
« on: December 15, 2003, 10:54:04 AM »
Yesterday an issue came up concerning the # of rounds that should be required to destroy a ship using a Shore Battery. It appeared that a CV had taken a totally rediculous amount of damage from numerous hits by an SB and still hadn't sunk yet. Brady was online and so we asked him to check the ship damage amounts. He reported that everything was OK with ship damages. After which there was some good natured debate as to how many SB hits was required to sink a CV. Various numbers were tossed out as being correct. Obviously to some degree no one really knew.

Brady asked me to look into this and since I've done previous work related to the subject I agreed.

The Shore Battery guns inflict 390lbs of damage with a perfect shell on target hit. The shells also have a blast radius but I do not yet know what the radius is or how the damage is scaled. This means that in the Okinawa setup the secondary ships are destroyed by 2 or 3 rounds. The lead ship requires about 20. The vagueness is caused because I don't know exactly what Brady has set for Secondary Ship Hardness. If it is the 750lbs described in MOTD then 2 rounds. If it is the 800lbs or so hinted at by him over CH2 then it is 3.

The link to the updated list of weapon damages is here...

Analysis of Aircraft Guns

Offline zmeg

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SB Damage
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2003, 12:38:41 PM »
I done extensive testing with shore battery and 390lbs proved to be exactly accurate. I also tested hits needed to sink flagships and found some inconsistancy. 18 hits will always sink sink them but sometimes 17 will do the job. Setting plane gunner leathality (2) higher is the only thing that can decrese this, ship hardness or respawn time have no effect. I also tested the CHogs cannons 4lbs is very close if not exactly right.

Offline scJazz

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SB Damage
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2003, 12:45:34 PM »
I'm posting an email from Brady to further clarify the whole issue.

Brady's Email
OK, in a way I am glad you asked since it has been a real head scratcher for me as well I did some testing a long time ago and came up with around 20 shels to sink one set at 50% of MA hardnesss. So I called HTC and just asked:) Well turns out that:

CA(8inch) and the SB shell weight is between 250 to 500 pounds depending on range, so the father out you get the less damage it does, hince the varance in the number of shels to sink it.

 Repair time works like this: It is half the Down time. So if the down time is 30 min and it is damaged in 15 min  it will be fully repaired, it is not incremental, and goes from the time of the last shell hit, so as long as damage keeps ocuring withen the 15 min windo it will not reset.

Offline scJazz

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SB Damage
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2003, 12:46:23 PM »
The value given of 390lbs was done against a target at 6400 yards to give everyone an idea of how the damage scaling works.