* The performance differences between the -1D and the -1C is almost none.
* The performance difference between the -1 and the -1C are less visible than say a Bf109G-2 and a G-6.
Just what exactly can the -1C do, that the -1D or -1 cannot, that you people so want it badly?
Really, all I can think of is just the ability to spray rounds incessantly at extending targets and get bullshi* kills with lucky pings, the ability to give confidence to the pilot to HO everything at sight, and the ability to provide nice ground-strafing power for both structures and vulch kills.
It's a really mixed logic - "to match up" the firepower of the N1K2 you ask for the -1C? So then, what do the IJAAF/IJN pilots get to match up the 50~60mph speed margin with?
Are you asking for gameplay balance, or historicity?
Obviously the limited, minimal JP planeset offers no possibility of satisfactory results - neither in terms of gameplay nor in terms of historicity. The only way to get rid of dissatisfaction, is to not run the PAC setups at all.
But oh wait, people want the setup, whether the planeset is dinked or not.

So what does the staff do?
They make a decision.
brady made his. It's final.
We can ask for zillion other things but he's not gonna give it to us, and he has explained his reasons. Agree with it or not, we play by his rules - unless, like some people are lobbying, people get to be decision makers themselves.
Is that so hard to understand?
Besides, just look at the posts - its not even an universal consensus. There are mixed opinions for both sides - and yet people ask for certain things which the guy in charge again and again answered "NO" to. When's the last time we've seen a Tunisia setup with the Fw190A-5 enabled? Oh sure, I've enjoyed SpitV mass killings, winging up with some nice gents, but ever since then I've never seen the setup appear twice. Why? Because the Fw190A-5 in Tunisia, was like the Tempest of its time. Unbalancing? You bet. That's why the staff never ran that setup again.
Or how about early PAC setups when the worst JP fighters and bombers were pitted up with the best of Wildcats and SBDs? People complained, but that was once. Another fault of the plane setup choices, but it ended there, since there was no other option.
Slap up some "whiner" stickers on your foreheads guys. If you don't like this particular setup, and the guy in charge says its staying that way, then it's staying that way. Return when you get to see a setup you like. This ain't no democracy, not to mention there isn't even a public consensus of the "demos".
I don't fly N1Ks, I don't fly with a squad. I fly with whatever plane I like, with the whatever side lacking in numbers. You say the Allies are getting gangbanged because of N1k2s? I'm afraid not - I can't say I've been in the CT everday this week, but at least from what I've seen, I've seen the poorest tactics possible by both sides.
And when tactics go poof, what's left is a chaotic theater, which planes excell in such circumstances, you people already know.
Oh, and one more thing, park the fediddlein' CV 5 miles off coast and do that ack hugging thing, and you bet I'm gonna go kill it anyway I can, If I'm flying for the IJAAF that day. I don't care how many times I have to die for it, but I'm gonna do it.
As for my opinion, brady, just give them their fediddlein C-hog. Quad Hizookas are gonna shine in gangbanging fights with lots of snapshot opportunities, but the way they are flying, it's not gonna make any difference. Maybe when they learn to utilize some group tactic things, then maybe other people will ask to do away with the C-hog.