Author Topic: Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?  (Read 5768 times)

Offline Squire

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #45 on: December 17, 2003, 04:50:16 PM »
There are a lot of us that would like to see less balance and more variety, but it seems to be a hard sell. As for the C-Hog, I dont really care either, but the thread brings up the old debate about balance vs history vs variety.
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Offline Toad

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #46 on: December 17, 2003, 05:08:51 PM »
I recently talked to HT about the CT.

I'm content with what he said. :p

Oh yeah.. so if it can't ever be enabled in an Okinawa setup, where would it ever be enabled?

Basically, because of one unreasonable guy, it'll never be seen.

Whining? I can't remember the last time I flew the C. It's not that impressive except for the gun package. It's not that big a deal for me.

I just find it amazing that he gets away with such bias. But, now I know why. ;)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2003, 05:12:45 PM by Toad »
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Offline Slash27

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #47 on: December 17, 2003, 05:15:21 PM »
Really, all I can think of is just the ability to spray rounds incessantly at extending targets and get bullshi* kills with lucky pings, the ability to give confidence to the pilot to HO everything at sight, and the ability to provide nice ground-strafing power for both structures and vulch kills.

Wow,thanks for coming over from the MA and putting things in perspective for us.

It's a really mixed logic - "to match up" the firepower of the N1K2 you ask for the -1C? So then, what do the IJAAF/IJN pilots get to match up the 50~60mph speed margin with?

 Good point. There have been no kills of Allied aircraft this set up. No one can catch them.

Besides, just look at the posts - its not even an universal consensus. There are mixed opinions for both sides - and yet people ask for certain things which the guy in charge again and again answered "NO" to. When's the last time we've seen a Tunisia setup with the Fw190A-5 enabled? Oh sure, I've enjoyed SpitV mass killings, winging up with some nice gents, but ever since then I've never seen the setup appear twice. Why? Because the Fw190A-5 in Tunisia, was like the Tempest of its time. Unbalancing? You bet. That's why the staff never ran that setup again.

   Dont know where you got this from.

Offline Slash27

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #48 on: December 17, 2003, 05:32:31 PM »
I don't fly N1Ks, I don't fly with a squad. I fly with whatever plane I like, with the whatever side lacking in numbers. You say the Allies are getting gangbanged because of N1k2s? I'm afraid not - I can't say I've been in the CT everday this week, but at least from what I've seen, I've seen the poorest tactics possible by both sides.

Whats it like coming over from the MA and flying circles around us incompatent CT types? Sure wished I could have seen you in action. You sound like one smooth ace:aok

Oh, and one more thing, park the fediddlein' CV 5 miles off coast and do that ack hugging thing, and you bet I'm gonna go kill it anyway I can, If I'm flying for the IJAAF that day. I don't care how many times I have to die for it, but I'm gonna do it.

Man, that was inspiring, Im all misty now,  just give me a moment please....................... .....  ok  all better.

Slap up some "whiner" stickers on your foreheads guys.

YEAH!!  You tell'em!!:mad:

I cant speak for the rest of these guys, but I think you have the makings of Bradys replacement. Vote KweASS a:aok

There's other CT cms. Ask them to run what you want. You have HT's number and email addy just call him and complain. Tell him “Brady won't do what I say”. See what he says.

 Have you sent him your updated list of players that should be blackballed? Hows Target Rabaul? Have they seen it your way yet? What are you getting Brady for X-mas? A spellchecker? Why are you here?    Wait, wait, wait, I remember. You are the self-proclaimed BBS tough guy that isnt afraid to stand up for right and wrong, blah blah blah blah blah,  and Bradys lapdog.

Offline Dux

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #49 on: December 17, 2003, 05:34:53 PM »
I don't really have a huge opinion either way on the C-hog, but I will say this...

It's a tricky thing to judge balance purely on performance numbers and other subtleties. Any 2 planes in a 1v1 are going to fight to their strengths and defend to their weaknesses. But in my experience, 1v1s are rare. Most of the time when I play CT, the numbers are 3:2 (or greater) in favor of the Allies. I would worry that adding a plane that has such a perceived notoriety about it (such as the C-hog) will cause many more to migrate to Allied and make the number-of-players balance even worse.

Sure, you can out-turn a Hog, but you can't out-turn 3 of them, and you certainly can't extend from them.

Just my 2 cents.
Rogue Squadron, CO
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Offline Arlo

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #50 on: December 17, 2003, 05:41:05 PM »
Allies ALWAYS have numbers on their side![/b][/i]

This misconception was brought to you by the Society for the Protection of Aces High Axis Pilots From Meaness and Unfairness

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #51 on: December 17, 2003, 05:44:18 PM »
lol Arlo!

Just sayin' that's what I see during the two or three hours per week that I'm on... YMMV. :)

Your Mommy Kills Axis Pilots!!! :D
Rogue Squadron, CO
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Offline Arlo

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #52 on: December 17, 2003, 05:46:32 PM »
:D Ok, Dux ... dammit ... I like ya.

Alright ... enough of that. It's not like we're gonna be trading spit in the shower.

(Tosses Dux a beer)

Offline Dux

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #53 on: December 17, 2003, 05:49:55 PM »

That got wierd. :eek:

but thx for the beer.
Rogue Squadron, CO
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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #54 on: December 17, 2003, 06:52:02 PM »
Don't worry brady, i just felt i had say something for those lovely spits. :-) i believe there were only 2 Seafire sqdn's + mainly used for fleet defence against kamikazes due to their great climb rate.  

The majority of f4u's the brits fielded were F4U IV though.
"Willy's gone and made another,
Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
Unbraced tailplane ends it's figure.
One-O-nine F is it's name-
F is for futile, not for fame."

Offline LtMagee

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #55 on: December 18, 2003, 06:25:44 PM »
I just find it amazing that he gets away with such bias. But, now I know why.

Did I miss tell us why??????

Offline Toad

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #56 on: December 18, 2003, 08:07:24 PM »


In time, it will become clear.
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Offline Arlo

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Okinawa setup but no Chog or P38?
« Reply #57 on: December 18, 2003, 08:15:17 PM »
Oh my cod! Brady is HT's son! The spelling shoulda gave it away!