Author Topic: Newbie questions:  (Read 3644 times)

Offline lasersailor184

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Newbie questions:
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2003, 09:01:33 AM »
One time I was chasing a p51 in just a corsair (forget which one).

I had a speed of 300 or so, he wasn't going nearly as fast.  I came in from high 8 o clock to him and focused all my shots on his right wing.  Nothing happened after roughly 3/4 of 75 bullets from each gun.

He breaks hard flat left and I go into a non vertical / horizontal yo yo.

Somehow he's on my tail.  I only hear 2 hits register on my chasis and my tail completely falls off.  

I start flying backwards (which I've gotten quite good at recently), and he starts waving at me.
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline nopoop

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« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2003, 03:26:48 PM »
Punisher currently your accuracy with your guns is around 3%. Your not hitting as hard as you think you are. Get closer.

Go here and type in your name and you can keep track of your gunnery. Try to get closer and then let them have it !!

Welcome, you'll have alot of fun.

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline lasersailor184

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« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2003, 03:40:38 PM »
I know that most of the time i'm just increasing the lead content of the air.

But I saw the little flashes from hits registering.
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline Tarmac

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« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2003, 04:34:36 PM »
If you're using .50 cals (on F4U-1, F4U-1D, or F4U-4), you need to land a good steady burst (maybe 10-15 hits) on the same part of the plane.  Spreading your bullets out from one of the enemy's wingtip's to the other will result in a bunch of lightly damaged parts, but no catastrophic damage.  Catastrophic damage is what you want, not a plane with a bunch of random holes spread all over it.  

My advice: don't even bother firing until you're less than 350 yards out with the 50 caliber guns.  300 is preferrable.

Offline Tyro48

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« Reply #34 on: December 28, 2003, 05:07:04 PM »
A high yo-yo means u have excess spped so u go up to convert speed to alt and come back down on boggie, low yo-yo is just the opposite ur slower so u make a shallow dive to convert to more speed and pull back into boggie, there isnt a horizontal yo-yo !
Set your convergence for 300 yards get in close and hit hard, if your in a near direct 6 shot lead by about 1 planes length, if your out near 60 deg off make it at least 2 planes length and alway try to have you wing is the same attitude as the boggies wing to get best gun effectiveness, if you were coming in from a high perch dive in behind the boggin dont dive straight at it, then level behind to start the chase, manage throttle so you dont overshoot, the faster your going the wider you turn so if the boggie is max performing and your not and u pop out in front your in a bit of a spot, know what speed your plane max performs at and try to stay close to that speed.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2003, 05:12:21 PM by Tyro48 »

Offline lasersailor184

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Newbie questions:
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2003, 12:53:01 PM »
Ok, so I'm trying to practice my dive bombing skills for GV's offline.

How do I turn on that little green marker on the ground?

How do I pause gameplay so I can look at all my stat's so that I can get a general idea of what's going on?
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline Roscoroo

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« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2003, 02:02:34 PM »
in offline go to the kneeboard /setup/arena settings

look for "Flightmodeflags" click change .. you will see the dive bomb site   there .... click save .

now the dive bomb site the green +  is a training tool

as you dive in on various objects note were it is on the gun site

for most jabo dives you will want to line the target up in the center point between the top of the dash and the center of the gun site .

I myself never use the green dive bomb site .. i learned the hard way ... practice pratice practice   noting my angle /speed /position of target .  

try to get one type (angle) of dive down 1st ... then move on to learning the other angles  ... the higher the angle of attack the easier it is to hit the target . remember to keep the speed down and to "float " the plane as you dive.
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
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Offline BigMax

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Newbie questions:
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2004, 12:12:13 PM »
Trainers are available to answer questions like these on a 1 to 1 basis.  Asking over voice really helps you get clearer answers and allows you to ask ALL the questions you have.

Email us...


Offline lasersailor184

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« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2004, 04:49:08 PM »
Would you be able to teach Fighting online?
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline Delirium

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« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2004, 05:51:16 PM »
I'd also recommend asking someone who knows what they are doing if you can join their aircraft. This way, you can see what angles the veteran uses to take down aircraft. The command is

.join pilotname

Just make sure you ask them in advance before you do so, it throws a box in front of them and it can be lethal in a dogfight :D

Also, I happen to disagree with some of the .50 cal comments, I've gotten kills on enemy aircraft 1.4 out but then again I do fly a P38.
80th "Headhunters"
Retired AH Trainer (but still teach the P38 selectively)

I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

Offline lasersailor184

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« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2004, 07:48:49 PM »
Well, i've been watching some of these AH's videos.  Does that help?
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline MaddogJoe

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« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2004, 12:20:00 PM »
Originally posted by lasersailor184
Well, i've been watching some of these AH's videos.  Does that help?

It helps if you learn from them. If you find yourself looking at the pretty explosions, and cloud formations, it isn't going to help  :)

The way I watch a film is first run thru, watch the fights for its entertainment value, just to get that out of the way  :) next watch it again, but this time watch the gauges... see when the pilot throttles down, when he uses flaps, and for how long. when and how he engages in a fight, when and how he runs from a fight, what angle does he use to make a guns pass. Take notes!! It sounds funny, butif ya want to learn ya got to take notes just like in school.

There is alot of info that you need and use when in a fight, untill it becomes second nature to you you'll need all the notes and info you can get. Film your own fights and see what you did wrong. If you can't figure out what you did wrong, ask a friend to check it out and see if they can find some thing. Heck post it here !!! I'm sure some people will give ya constructive ideas.

Good Luck !

Offline Roscoroo

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« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2004, 12:29:46 PM »
i ussually watch in the outside view f3 and turn on trail option .

that leaves the flight path lines on the screen  you can see were your opponent  changes angles ect ...then spend time in the cockpit of there plane . pay attention to speed ,flaps ,location of opponent, how they look around ''SA",gunnery, timing ,ect

at first your gonna want to copy there moves .. then later on as you get those manuvers down  , start adding other ones to your book of tricks.
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
(=Ghosts=Scenariroo's  Patch donation

Offline lasersailor184

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Newbie questions:
« Reply #43 on: January 04, 2004, 02:33:06 PM »
Yeah, I figured out how to do the external trails thing.

But man do I love irony!  

I was all alone at a base with a p47 just attacking stuff.  So I take off and start harassing him, trying to build up energy and fight at the same time.  

So I finally take him down and I finally am set on a plane i'm going stick with: the p51d.

So I say outloud, "Yay, finally found a plane I like!"

Someone else said, "What is it."

Suddenly my engine cuts out.

I say, "Give me a sec, engine failure."
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline lasersailor184

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Newbie questions:
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2004, 03:41:36 PM »
Can a friendly plane shoot me down in the MA?
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"