Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Isnt his hatred for america apparent?
I'm just about to negotiate the supply of consumer health products with a company in NJ, value to them - about 1.8 million dollars per annum. If I hated USA why would I bother?
I disagree with the current administration and I feel that the liberties which America has stood for in the past have been seriously eroded.
I think some of the posters on this BBS are in terms politics in the country that I live in - little more than neo fascists.
I'm not that bothered by the fact, it's heartening to see how many American's are not right wing, religious fanatic bigots who glorify killing and death - as long as it's someone else's of course.
There's a difference between disagreeing with a political class and a country's current administration and hating that country - and yes if it's not clear I do think you're a narrow minded moron.