Author Topic: Favorite Aviation Quotes...  (Read 3831 times)

Offline daddog

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Favorite Aviation Quotes...
« on: May 05, 2000, 12:43:00 PM »
You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky.
Amelia Earhart

Like many of us, I have more than I could list, but this is a favorite.  
What is your favorite quote?

332nd Flying Mongrels
Where men become friends and friends become brothers.
Noses in the wind since 1997
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Offline Spoons - SimHQ

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Favorite Aviation Quotes...
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2000, 12:53:00 PM »
Not a quote, per se, but I love the poem "High Flight."

Have to go find a good quote now.....  

John Sponauer
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Favorite Aviation Quotes...
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2000, 12:58:00 PM »
"If you want to climb just pull back on the stick.  If you want to dive, keep pulling back on the stick".


Offline Azrael

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Favorite Aviation Quotes...
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2000, 01:05:00 PM »
A good landing is any one you walk away from

A great landing is one after which you can use the plane again


Offline Ouch

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Favorite Aviation Quotes...
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2000, 01:40:00 PM »
Instructor to student : If a bird had your flying ability - it would fly backwards.
At one point, we were all primary students, understanding little, questioning even less, but placing complete faith in our instructor. Many of the little things necessary to get through the first few lessons before solo were done by rote, without a great deal of understanding. Such as ensuring anyone on the ground near the airplane was aware the prop was about to spin.

One instructor was working with a pre-solo student. Instead of using the phrase, "Clear prop!" before turning the key, the instructor had simply taught his pupil to use the word "Clear!", presumably shouted loudly enough that those inside the FBO could hear. Of course, primary students rarely fly in poor weather.

One day, preflight complete, the student reached for the key, looked outside the airplane, and shouted, "Cloudy!"
A military flight student was chopped from training and was due to be reposted. Asked for
his preferences he replied: AA. "If I don't fly - nobody will"
From the "squawk sheets":
-Problem: "Left inside main tire almost needs replacement."
-Solution: "Almost replaced left inside main tire."

-Problem: "Test flight OK, except autoland very rough."
-Solution: "Autoland not installed on this aircraft."

-Problem #1: "#2 Propeller seeping prop fluid." -Solution #1: "#2 Propeller seepage normal."
-Problem #2:"#1,#3, and #4 propellers lack normal seepage."

-Problem: "The autopilot doesn't."
-Signed off: "IT DOES NOW."

-Problem: Weather radar went apesh*t
-Solution: Opened radome, chased out ape, cleaned up sh*t.

-Problem: Knocking sound heard in #3 engine cowl, sounds like little man with hammer.
-Solution: Opened #3 engine cowl, located little man, took hammer away.

-Problem: Whining noise heard in cockpit after engine shutdown.
-Solution: Removed pilot from aircraft.
Flight instructor to a student : "If your flying knowledge were written on a matchbox, there would be an ampleroom left for the Old Testament and few chapters from the new".
An F-15 pilot's definition of the F-16 : "The quickest method of hauling a spare engine for my plane."
It is a little-known fact that Santa has to keep his pilot's license current in order to make his deliveries every year, and so the old man wasn't too surprised when he got a letter from the FAA informing him that an examiner would be appearing shortly to run him through the usual recertification drill. A detail of elves was sent out to wash and polish the sleigh, another group was assigned to inspect, service, and repair all the tack, and a
third squad started curry-combing the reindeer. Santa himself got out his logbook and the rest of the paperwork and made sure that it was all in order.

On the appointed day the examiner arrived, and after the ritual cup of coffee, he went over Santa's log and the paperwork, then followed Santa outside. After a meticulous review of Santa's weight and balance calculations, the examiner watched Santa do the preflight, then followed behind him, looking closely at everything from the bells on the back of the sleigh to Rudolph's nose. When he finished, he turned to Santa and said: "It looks pretty
good so far. Let me get one thing out of my bags and then we'll take her up."

When the examiner got back, Santa was in the sleigh and ready to taxi. As the examiner climbed into the sleigh, Santa noticed that he was carrying a shotgun. "What's THAT for?" Santa asked. The examiner looked at him, then winked: "I really shouldn't tell you this, but you're going to lose an engine on takeoff."
What do you have when you've got ten F-14s in the air at the same time? One hell of a maintainance team!
Actual radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95  (yeah right, but still funny)
#1: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.
#2: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
#1: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship, I say again, divert YOUR course.
#2: This is a lighthouse, Your Call.
#1: ...
On my first solo cross country, I was flying north through the San Fernando valley and trying to keep track of traffic callouts. Apparently there was a controller with a similar problem.

He had managed to confuse a commercial jet on approach to Burbank with a private plane that was  transitioning south across the valley. For a period of about 90 seconds he was calling out instructions to them that weren't quite what they wanted ... and finally the commercial jet pilot enquired as to where he was being sent.

There was a brief exchange about intentions, followed by an "oops" and 30 seconds of silence. The next voice I heard on that frequency said:

"Attention all aircraft. Previous controller no longer a factor. "
Back before Western Airlines was consumed by Delta I was taxing for takeoff at LAX. A Western DC-10 was doing likewise.

The ground controller was so busy she was talking continuously without even breathing. An F-27 commuter had landed on RW 25R and turned on to the "connector" taxiway just ahead of the Western DC-10 creating a possible conflict. The F-27 hadn't contacted ground control yet.

She gave the Western a call: GC: Western 123, use caution for the F-27. I'm not talking to him yet. W123: (A really quick witted co-pilot, no doubt) Roger, we see the little Fokker.

Total silence on ground freq. for about 2 minutes!

Joe Vincent FedEx DC-10 Cap.
Military Bravery

One day, a general of the Army, an Admiral, and an Air Force General are having an argument about whose branch of the military is braver.

So the Admiral yells to a passing Sailor, "Sailor, catch that falling anchor!" The Sailor snaps to attention, shouts, "Yes, sir!", runs under the anchor, and is crushed to death trying to catch it. The Admiral turns to the others and says "Gentlemen, that was bravery."

The Army General says, "That's nothing," and yells, "Private, stop that moving tank!" The Private snaps to attention, shouts "Yes, sir!" and is crushed under the tank while trying to stop it. The Army General turns back to the others and says, "Gentlemen, that took guts."

Finally, the Air Force General takes his turn. "Airman, catch that landing plane." The Airman snaps to attention and shouts "F*ck you, sir." The Air Force General turns to the others and says, "Gentlemen, that took balls."
Late one afternoon, the Air Force guys out at Area 51 are surprised to see a Cessna landing at their "secret" base. They immediately impound the aircraft and haul the pilot into an interrogation room. The pilots story is that he took off out of Vegas, got lost and found the base just as he was about to run out of fuel. They Air Force
starts a full FBI background check on the guy and hold him overnight. The next day they are finally convinced that the guy really was lost and is not a spy. They gas up his airplane, give him a terrifying "you did not see a base" briefing complete with threats of spending the rest of his life in prison. They say Vegas is that-a-way on this heading and send him off.

The next day, here comes the Cessna again. Once again the MPs surround the plane, only this time there are two people in the plane. The same pilot jumps out and says" do anything you want to me, but my wife is in the plane and you have to tell her where I was last night....."
One mouse tells her girlfriend she dates a bat... - What is this "thing" you are dating ? - It's a bat - It's a mousewith wings ! - But he is so ugly ! - Well, yes. But he is a pilot !
After a DC-10 crash, McDonnell Douglas ordered the operators of the aircraft to ground the aircraft until getting the FAA investigation results...

This instruction went down to an East European company operating MD aircraft; They grounded two DC-3 and one DC-4 they owned.
How did the west find out about STOL performance of the Soviet aircraft ?

This comes from a top secret recording describing what happened at a soviet cockpit during approach to JFK at IFR conditions:
Captain : "500 ft. low visibility, runway seems to be short. Co-pilot, lower flaps to 30 degrees..."
Co-Pilot: "Flaps down at 30.. check."
Captain : "300 ft, low visibility, runway looks very short...
Co-pilot, lowerto 45 degrees !!!"
Co-Pilot: "Flaps down at 45...check."
Captain : "100 ft !!! Runway very short !!! Co-pilot, lowerflaps to emergency - 90 degrees down !!! "
Co-Pilot: "Flaps down to 90 degrees ready to land...check." Aircraft lands and breaks immediately...
Captain : "*wipes off the sweets and sighs*... "Ohh they make the runways so short in the west...."
Co-pilot: "Yes...*points out the window*...but they are so wide..."
A SABENA airliner pulls up behind a KLM airliner on a crowded taxiway.
SABENA to KLM on tower freq: "KLM holding number 4 come up 3030 (303.3 Unicom)." After a few minutes they call again "KLM holding number 3 come up 3030."
Still no response so they call tower : "Tower tell the KLM aircraft ahead of SABENA 123 to come up on 3030"
Just then the KLM crew jumps in and says, "Tower please tell the SABENA Aircraft that the professionals at KLM Dutch Airlines don't come up on discreet frequencies when they should be monitoring tower."
The SABENA Aircraft then replies, "Okay tower, that's no problem but could you just let the professionals at KLM know that their gear pins are still in."
(A moment of silence)
KLM : Tower, KLM 3030 needs to return to the gate.
A 747 airline pulls up behind a C-5. The 747 calls the C-5 and asks "what are you guys grossing today."

In a somewhat cocky tone the C-5 crew says "50 to a 100 thousand pound more than you. What are you guys grossing today."

After a slight pause the 747 comes back and says, "oh about 50 to a 100 thousand dollars more than you."
True Story : Texas Air Guard Attacks House With Sidewinder

On August 15, a F-16C of the 182FS, Texas ANG, based out of Kelly AFB encountered engine difficulties during a flight. The pilot jettisoned his wing drop tanks and training Sidewinder rounds. One of the Sidewinders crashed through a two story house, went through it's garage, and ended up sitting in the driveway. A woman, the lone occupant of the house, was shaken, but not injured. The aircraft recovered back at Kelly AFB safely.
Why does the Pope kiss the ground each time that he lands ?

Did you ever fly with Alitalia ?
An airlines manual report describing plane crash : "Involuntary conversion of a 727..."
True Story : At the Oceana, Va, Naval Air Station, I was training a young ground-crew member on how to direct an F-14 into the fuel pit. I glanced over to check wing clearance and, when looked back, discovered that he had taxied the aircraft too far forward from the fuel hose to reach.
"You'll have to send him aound again," I informed the trainee.
"What?" he said, surpised. "They spend millions on these things and you can't put them in reverse?"
- AD2 John G. Rutgers -

Paul Harvey's radio newscast told of an airline pilot in Arizona who rear-ended a car in front of him while driving home from work one night. He told the traffic court judge that it was late, he was tired, and when he saw the car ahead and realized he couldn't stop in time, he slammed on the gas and pulled back on the steering wheel, fully expecting to go up and over. Verdict: unknown.
AVFlash 2-28

An award should go to the United Airlines gate agent in Denver for being smart and funny, and making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo.

During the final days at Denver's old Stapleton airport, a crowded United flight was canceled.

A single agent was rebooking a long line of inconvenienced travelers. Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS."

The agent replied, "I'm sorry sir. I'll be happy to try to help you, but I've got to help these folks first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out."

The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, "Do you have any idea who I am?"

Without hesitating, the gate agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone.

"May I have your attention please?" she began, her voice bellowing throughout the terminal. "We have a passenger here at the gate WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to the gate."

With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United agent, gritted his teeth and swore "(Expletive) you. "Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to stand in line for that, too."

The man retreated as the people in the terminal applauded loudly. Although the flight was canceled and peoplewere late, they were no longer angry at United.

James Stevens
Definition of jet lag : "finding your wallet in the refrigerator and not remembering what you did with the milk".
The Workplace Blunder of the Week An airport security officer opened a suspicious looking box, licking his finger before dipping it into the powder and putting it in his mouth to taste. "Well, it's not a narcotic," he said, sure of himself. At that moment, a distraught elderly woman tottered along the aisle and asked the stewardess if she had happened to come across a small engraved casket. It apparently contained her husband's ashes.
Pierre, a French fighter pilot, takes his girlfriend, Marie, out for a pleasant little picnic by the river Seine. It is a beautiful day and love is in the air, so Marie leans over to Pierre and says: "Pierre, kiss me".

So our hero grabs a bottle of red wine and splashes it on Marie's lips.

"What are you doing, Pierre?" shrieks Marie.

"Well, my name is Pierre, the French fighter pilot, and when I have red meat I like to have red wine!"

His answer is good enough for Marie and things begin to heat up. So she says: "Pierre, kiss me lower."

Our hero rips off her blouse, grabs a bottle of white wine and starts pouring it all over her bosom.

"Pierre, what are you doing" she says.

"My name is Pierre, the French fighter pilot, and when I have white meat I like to have white wine!"

They resume their passionate interlude and things really steam up. Marie leans over once more and softly whispers into Pierre's ear..."Pierre, kiss me lower."

Pierre tears off her underwear, grabs a bottle of Cognac and sprinkles it all over her private region. He then grabs a match and lights it on fire.

Patting the flames out furiously, Marie screams, "PIERRE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!?"

"My name is Pierre, the French fighter pilot, and when I go down, I go down in flames!"
A practice flight for the Mattias Rust Memorial Invasion Squadron : 650,000 Cessna 172's carrying one 850lb bomb each, which will equal the bomb load of the entire fleet of B2s, for less than the cost of ONE B2!
Pilot: "Outer marker, inbound."

Tower: "Roger, cleared to land, winds 270 at 21, gusting 29, heavy rain, severe turbulence below 300, RVR 2,000 feet."

Pilot: "Roger--cleared to land--and oh, let us know if it gets any worse."

Tower: "WORSE?!"
In response to a controller remarking on the speed of his plane, the pilot replied "If Robert E. Lee had one of these, we'd need a visa to get into Pennsylvania".

In response to how he checked the weather,

"I just whip out my blue card with a hole in it and read what it says:

'When colour of card matches colour of sky, FLY!'"

-Gordon Baxter

A Mexican newspaper reports that bored Royal Air Force pilots stationed on the Falkland Islands have devised what they consider a marvelous new game.

Noting that the local penguins are fascinated by airplanes, the pilots search out a beach where the birds are gathered and fly slowly along it at the water's edge. Perhaps ten thousand penguins turn their heads in unison watching the planes go by, and when the pilots turnaround and fly back, the birds turn their heads in the opposite direction, like spectators at a slow-motion tennis match.

Then, the paper reports, "The pilots fly out to sea and directly to the penguin colony and over fly it. Heads go up, up, up, and ten thousand penguins fall over gently onto their backs.

Audobon Society Magazine
A male pilot is a confused soul who talks about women when he's flying, and about flying when he's with a woman.

Parachutists are good to the last drop

(found on a bumper sticker from a parachute school!)
Little boy to airline pilot: "You're a pilot?!?!? That must be exciting! "

Pilot: "Not if I do it right."
Hi there,

He re are a couple of stories you might like to here... I've only been flying for a year so I don't have that many...

An incident I heard of was when a Welsh student pilot (who was the butt of many jokes), was leaving the squadron after his 3 years was up. On his final circuit, while he was turning onto finals...

Anon.: *Dodgy Welsh Accent* This is Evans the pilot, on finals to land...

Another story I was told...

A guy takes a fellow pilot flying in his sea plane, and they decide to do a few approaches at the friend's airfield.  At the last moment before touchdown the owner says,

"NOOOO, Go around, we've got floats remember?"

After an uneventfull landing at a nearby lake the owner, whilst getting out of the plane says : "Thanks for reminding me, that could have been very embarrassing back there"

After which he stepped right into the lake...
Ok.... this was overheard on the RAF Woodvale Approach frequency last summer, when a student was doing practice emergencies...

Student: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Uniform Alpha 2 Uh..
Sorry... Practice Pan, Practice Pan, Practice Pan....
Another one I heard of,

A visiting four ship formation of American F-15's were visiting RAF Benson...

ATC to Lead F15 : *Callsign* Turn deadside.

Lead F15 : Uh... whats deadside?

Anonumous RAF Pilot : Break Left NOW!!!
My instructor on my first lesson,

Instructor: Now watch carefull... stick backward *pulls stick back* trees get smaller see? Now... stick forward... *pushes stick forward* trees get bigger... and bigger... and bigger...

Having completed my first solo on Bulldogs, I taxied back to ATC to pick up my instructor, as he was watching me from the tower.

ATC : Uniform 45, can you confirm that you are behind the tower?

Instructor: Yes, Uniform 45.

ATC : Oh right, it's just we couldn't see you behind the buildings.


Instructor: Stealth...
What's the difference between God and pilots?

God doesn't think he's a pilot.
Then there's the pilot who dies and goes to heaven; while waiting to check in he notices a large twin coming in high-and-hot to a nearby landing strip. The twin pilot blows the landing-collapses the nose gear and strikes the props; he gets out of the plane and walks away. Fifteen minutes later, same scene: another twin, another blown landing--same guy gets out of the wrecked plane.

The fellow waiting to check in to heaven is amazed, he turns to St. Peter and says "what's the story with the twin pilot over there?"

"Oh, that's just God" says St. Peter, "he thinks he's a surgeon."
A student was having difficulty with his landings. Seems like he would bounce it in every time. However, on the first night lesson, the student greased in all of his landings.

Puzzled, the instructor asked, "How are you doing that? You have so much trouble during the day?"

The student replied, "It's easy, I continue the approach until you stiffen up, then I just pull back."
The Greatest Lies in Aviation

Pardon me, ma'am, I seem to have lost my jet keys.
I have no interest in flying for the airlines.
 I fixed it right the first time, it must have failed for other reasons.
All that turbulence spoiled my landing. I only need glasses for reading.
I broke out right at minimums.
The weather is gonna be alright; it's clearing to VFR.
Don't worry about the weight and balance -- it'll fly.
If we get a little lower I think we'll see the lights.
 I'm 22, got 6000 hours, a four year degree and 3000 hours in an F-16.
We shipped the part yesterday.
I'd love to have a woman WSO.
All you have to do is follow the book.
This plane outperforms the book by 20 percent.
We in the military aviation are overpaid, underworked and well respected.
Oh sure, no problem, I've got over 2000 hours in that aircraft.
I have 5000 hours total time, 3200 are actual instrument.
No need to look that up, I've got it all memorized.
Sure I can fly it -- it has wings, doesn't it?
Your plane will be ready by 2 o'clock.
We fly every day -- we don't need recurrent training.
It just came out of annual -- how could anything be wrong?
I thought YOU took care of that.
I've got the field in sight.
Of course I know where we are.
I'm SURE the gear was down.
Scene: Student and instructor are on a dual, night cross country.

Instructor : Turns down the panel lights, "OK, you've just lost your lights, what are you going to do?"

Student pulls out a flashlight.

Student : "I get out my flashlight."

Instructor grabs flashlight.

Instructor : "The batteries are dead, now what are you going to do?"

Student pulls out another flashlight.

Student : "I get out my other flashlight."

Instructor grabs next flashlight.

Instructor : "The bulb is burned out on this one, now what?"

Student pulls out yet a third flashlight.

Student : "I use this flashlight."

Instructor grabs this one too.

Instructor : "ALL your flashlights are dead. Now what?"

Student : "I use this glow stick."

Instructor : "Sighhhhhh, just fly the plane without any lights, OK?"
"Renting airplanes is like renting sex: It's difficult to arrange on short notice on Saturday, the fun things always cost more, and someone's always looking at their watch."
Story I heard when I was getting my private on Long Island: Local fellow working his way up had padded his logbook with extra twin time. For acouple of these "flights" he'd used the tail number of a twin he'd seen passing through his airport -- it looked like it was from far away, and headed back there. The checkride was at a bigger airport nearby. After the ri de the examiner was looking at the logbook and checking the totals.

"Nice plane, that N12345" says the examiner.

"Sure is," says the candidate.

"I don't suppose you know that I own that plane?" asked the examiner as he motioned out the window to where it was parked, just down the line.
If God had meant man to fly, He would have given him more money.
Commandments of Helicopter Flying.

He who inspecteth not his aircraft giveth his angels cause to concern him. Hallowed is thy airflow across thy disc  restoring thine Translational Lift. Let infinite discretion govern thy movement near the ground, for vast is the area of destruction. Blessed is he who strives to retain his standards, for without them he shall surely perish.
Thou shalt maintain thy speed whilst between ten and four hundred feet lest the earth rise and smite thee. Thou shall not make trial of thy centre of gravity lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. T hou shalt not let thy confidence exceed thy ability, for broad is the way to destruction. He that doeth his approach and alloweth the wind to turn behind him shall surely make restitution. He who alloweth his tail rotor to catch in the thorns curseth his childrens children. Observe thou this parable lest on the morrow thy friends mourn thee.
The Top 15 Advertising Slogans for Delta Air Lines:

Delta: We're Amtrak with wings.
Join our frequent near-miss program.
Ask about our out-of-court settlements.
Noisy engines? We'll turn 'em off!
Complimentary champagne in free-fall.
Enjoy the in-flight movie in the plane next to you.
The kids will love our inflatable slides.
You think it's so easy, get your own damm plane!
Delta: Our pilots are terminally ill and have nothing to lose.
Delta: We might be landing on your street!
Delta: Terrorists are afraid to fly with us.
Bring a bathing suit.
So that's what these buttons do!
Delta: A real man lands where he wants to.
Delta: We never make the same mistake three times.
Did you hear about the duck who flew upside down? He quacked up.
Here is a joke that I read in a cartoon in Air Force magazine a while back.I can only paraphrase and the animation is helpful too, but:

Lt. Green was out on his first solo flight in a T-38 and was feeling a bit cocky. He decided to see what ballisticflight was like and pulled thejet into a vertical climb. After a few seconds he got a call from the tower as follows,"Ghost 53Z, tower. Say heading," to which the pilot responded "Uh, up, sir."
The Pilot's Prayer

Oh controller, who sits in tower Hallowed be thy sector. Thy traffic come, thy instructions be done On the ground as they are in the air. Give us this day our radar vectors, And forgive us our TCA incursions (*) As we forgive those who cut us off on final. And lead us not into adverse weather, But deliver us our clearances. Roger.
What's the purpose of the propeller?

To keep the pilot cool. If you don't think so, just stop it and watch him sweat!
Cessna: "Jones tower, Cessna 12345, student pilot, I am out offuel."

Tower: "Roger Cessna 12345, reduce airspeed to best glide!! Do you have the airfield in sight?!?!!"

Cessna: "Uh...tower, I am on the south ramp; I just want to know where the fuel truck is."
This story was told to me by a friend who "swore" he heard it on an IFR flight in Germany. It seems a "good ol' boy" American (Texas-sounding) AF C-130reserve pilot was in the (that day very crowded) instrumentpattern for landing at Rhein-Main. The conversation went something like this:

Cont: "AF1733, You are on an eight mile final for 27R. You have a UH-1 three miles ahead of you on final;reduce speed to 130 knots."

Pilot: "Rogo', Frankfurt. We're bringing this big bird back to one-hundred and thirty knots fur ya."

Cont (a few moments later): "AF33,helicopter traffic at 90 knots n

Ouch out
For Bug reporting. System:
Celeron 300a oc to 450mhz
Viper 770 (TNT2)
64 meg ram
Sound Blaser 16
gigs and gigs of mp3's... I mean hd space
Logitech cordless Mouseman+ (4 buttons & wheel)

Offline Bino

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Favorite Aviation Quotes...
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2000, 01:41:00 PM »
"No drinking within fifty feet of the aircraft!"

"Hey kid, do you think that was simulated?"

"Let's go turn some JP4 into noise!"

I could go on, but I'll spare you.  

"Mongo just pawn in game of life." - Mongo

"The plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'." - Randy Pausch

PC Specs

Offline Duckwing6

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« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2000, 01:45:00 PM »
"Kid, there's three useless things in aviation: Runway behind you, Sky above you and Fuel in the fuel truck"

My Flight instructor during taxi-out for my first flight lesson

Offline Ouch

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« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2000, 01:47:00 PM »

Second Half of humor file.  UBB won't let me post them all.  


This story was told to me by a friend who "swore" he heard it on an IFR flight in Germany. It seems a "good ol' boy" American (Texas-sounding) AF C-130reserve pilot was in the (that day very crowded) instrumentpattern for landing at Rhein-Main. The conversation went something like this:

Cont: "AF1733, You are on an eight mile final for 27R. You have a UH-1 three miles ahead of you on final;reduce speed to 130 knots."

Pilot: "Rogo', Frankfurt. We're bringing this big bird back to one-hundred and thirty knots fur ya."

Cont (a few moments later): "AF33,helicopter traffic at 90 knots now 1 1/2miles ahead of you; reduce speed further to 110 knots."

Pilot: "AF thirty-three reining this here bird back further to 110 knots"

Cont: "AF33, you are three miles to touchdown, helicopter traffic now 1 mile ahead of you; reduce speed to 90 knots"

Pilot (a little miffed): "Sir, do you know what the stall speed of this here C-130 is?"

Cont: "No, but if you ask your co-pilot, he can probably tell you."
A friend of mine in my unit in Germany used to tell this story on himself and I thought it was hilarious. Seems  he was flying an Army UH-1H, Huey, one day somewhere up around Chicago. As has happened to all of us, probably, atone time or another, he just couldn't seem to get his tongue coordinated atall and was fumble-tonguing everything he said.

Center asked him some simple question and his reply went something likethis. "Uh, this is Army helichop...uh, helicopter 15789...uh 15987. We'd like to climb to... uh we'd like to descend to 5000 and then practice a shoot approach....uh shoot a practice ILS black course, uh, backcourse at Grandview Navy...uh, Glenview Navy..." He said that after finally getting the transmission completed, and feeling like a dang fool there was a short period of silence over the radio before someone (who he said you could tell was some Captain on a commercial airliner in the vicinity) came back with a very short comment of "Hire the handicapped". He said that he never felt so stupid in his life as he did about then.
One of my instructors in FE school told me about this. Apparently the loadmaster on a USAF C-130 was invited to take the engineer's seat for a while. He started jabbering away, not realizing that he was trans-mitting on Uniform instead of over the ICS:

LM: "Hey, this is great! I see why you engineers like this seat so much -- you can see everything from here! This is just like the starship Enterprise! All ahead, Mr. Sulu, warp factor ten!

Followed shortly afterward by:

ATC: "You wanna get back on intercom, Captain Kirk? You're transmitting on my frequency!"
I asked an ex-military friend who used to work in the Key West area, about the weakness of our Southern air-defense, and here is what he told me:

When the military got dragged into the War-On-Drugs, it came under much pressure from Washington to find a reliable method to determine which aircraft are carrying drugs. As a result, all of the human radar operators have been replaced by specially-trained, drug-sniffing dogs. Whenever the dog sees a new blip on the radar screen, he sniffs at it, and if he detects drugs, he barks, which alerts the supervisor (a human),who sounds the alarm.
Tower: "Aircraft on final, go around, aircraft on runway."

Solo Student Pilot: "Roger" (Continues descent.)

Tower: "Aircraft, GO AROUND"

Student: "Roger" (Continues descent.)

Tower: (Screaming) "AIRCRAFT, GO AROUND!!"

Student: "Roger" (Continues descent.)

So, the student pilot plunks his airplane down on the numbers, taxies up tow here the twin is sitting in the middle of the runway, GOES AROUND it, and continues on to the taxiway.
Here's another one from the wacky minds of our Military controllers at Namao. A bit of Background is in order:
CFB Edmonton (Namao) is a military field just outside of Edmonton. All aircraft touching down at Namao require a PPR(Prior Permission Request) number, and have to recite it to the controller at first contact. Our flying club is civilian/military, and all our aircraft have permanent PPR's.

One day, we were sitting around listening to the scanner, when a Tomahawk from a local flight school announced inbound for circuits. The controllers asked for the PPR #, and the pilot said they didn't know about one. We expected the aircraft to turn away, but the controller cleared them right-base for 29. We now pick up the audio from this momentous day:

Tomahawk: "F-XAA is final 29, touch and go."

Tower: "XAA is cleared touch and go, 29".

{Several more circuits later...}

Tomahawk: "F-XAA is final 29, touch and go"

Tower: "F-XAA is cleared touch and go, 29. How many more circuits were you planning on making?"

Tomahawk: "We though we'd make one or two more."

Tower: "Roger. I just wondered because we were calculating your landing fees, and you're up to $13,000 now."

{LONG delay...}

Tomahawk: "THAT WAS OUR LAST ONE!!!!!"

Tower: "Just kidding. Next time, read your flight supplement."
The tower was having some difficulty working a student pilot in the pattern and it finally came down to this;

TOWER: 95 Delta, do you read the tower?

95D: 675, sir

TOWER: 95 Delta, Say Again

95D: I think it is 675.

TOWER: 95 Delta, What do you mean by675?

95D: I mean I think I read "Elevation675 feet" on the tower as I taxied by for takeoff, but I am too far away to read it now.

TOWER: 95 Delta, you are cleared to land. Please give the tower a call ON THE TELEPHONE after you have tied down.
People unclear on the concept dept.

Just turned off the 10 O'Clock channel 9 news here in LA, a single engine plane (identified as Aero Commander) went down short of Burbank airport, both people on board survived. The Pilot was lucid as he was being cut out of the wreckage & said he ran out of fuel over Eagle Rock & was trying to make Burbank airport.

Remarking about the lack of fire, the Fire Marshall in charge of the rescue said, "They are just lucky there was no fuel on board".
My favorite ATC story involves an old-timer who would get rather excited when it got busy. It seemed as if he would think upzingers at home and use 'em at some convenient moment. Anyway,he's working USA553 westbound and is about to turn him over toCleveland...

Controller: USA353 (sic) contact Cleveland Center 135.6.

Controller: USA353 contact Cleveland Center 135.6.

Controller: USA353 you're just like my wife -- you never listen!

Pilot: Center, this is USA553, maybe if you called her by the right name you'd get a better response!
ATC: "N123YZ, say altitude."


ATC: "N123YZ, say airspeed."


ATC: "N123YZ, say cancel IFR."

N123YZ: "Eight thousand feet, one hundred fifty knots indicated."
What's the difference between American pilots and Iraqi pilots?

American pilots break ground and fly into the wind.

A couple of TAC pilots were flying F-4s in escort with a B-52 bomber and were chinning with the pilot of the bomber to pass the time. Talk fell to the subject of the relative merits of their respective aircraft with the fighter pilots holding that their planes made for more interesting flying because of their maneuverability, acceleration and the like. The B-52 pilot replied "Yeh? Well this old girl can do a few tricks you guys can't even touch."
Naturally, he was challenged to demonstrate. "Watch," he tells them.

After several minutes the bomber pilot returns to the air and says, "There! How was that?" Not having seen anything, the fighter pilots say, "What are you talking about?" Reply, "Well, I went for a little stroll, got a cup of coffee and went downstairs for a chat with the navigator."
Conducting fuel-consumption tests on a new twin-engine plane, we were en route from Pennsylvania to Florida. Just north of Richmond, Va., I called the air-traffic controller to make a position report on our plane,  whose designation was 5000Y. The controller, in a Southern drawl, replied, "Oh, no, not again!" I was puzzled by the response until I realized what I had said: "We are 5000 Yankee, 25 miles north of Richmond." -- Joe Diblin
My primary instructor always told me that I fly like that famous Chinese pilot, Wan Wing Lo.
I heard this from my brother, who is a Search and Rescue pilot at Canadian Forces Base Bagotville, Quebec. It's an apocryphal story that allegedly happened late one night during bad weather, as heard over the tower radio:

Helicopter Pilot: "Roger, I'm holding at 3000 over beacon".

Second voice: "NO! You can't be doing that! _I'm_ holding at 3000 over that beacon!"

(brief pause, then first voice again): "You idiot, you're my co-pilot."
A tower controller at a nameless airport in the southeast had a reputation for screwing up the most routine things...

Me: xxxxx ground, Tiger 45210, South ramp, taxi, VFR to Charlotte 5500'.

Gnd: Tiger 210 taxi.. wind... upon departure... standby for squawk.

[we taxi about 20 feet]

Gnd: 210, say altitude.

Me: 210 is at 1048', climbing to 5500'

Gnd: 210! [starting to sound annoyed] ...uh... [sounding less annoyed] ...roger.
A little story that was told to me by somebody, but I forget who.(I hope I didn't get it from the net, but I am reasonably sure I didn't).In the middle of the night, over the radio during a quiet period

A/C I'm diddlying bored!

F/S Last A/C transmitting please identify yourself

A/C I said I was diddlying bored, not diddlying stupid!
Student Naval Aviator (SNA) flying in back on an instrument hop, very lost, very flustered, inadvertently keys XMIT instead of ICS to tell Inst ructor Pilot (IP) he is less-than-optimally situationally aware:

SNA: (broadcasts to world) "Sir, I'm all diddlyed up."

Whiting TWR: "Aircraft using obscenity, identify yourself."

(short pause)

IP: "My student said he was diddlyed up; he didn't say he was stupid."
*Many* commercial aircraft are stacked up waiting for approach toO'Hare Int'l, ATC has inflicted numerous delays, and some planes are already 1-2 hours late. The WX is good, it's just that there is a traffic bottleneck somewhere. Pilots, passengers, crew are all getting quite frustrated and angry.

ATC: "All aircraft holding, expect 20 minutes additional delay."

Unknown A/C: "Ahhh . . . roadkill!"

ATC: "Aircraft making last transmission, identify yourself."


ATC: "Aircraft making last transmission, identify yourself immediately!"


ATC: "Aircraft using 'roadkill' in last transmission, identify yourself. American 411, was that you?"

American 411: "Approach, American 411: negative on the 'roadkill,' sir."

NW 202: "Approach, NW 202: negative on the 'roadkill.'"

Delta 55: "Approach, Delta 55: negative on the 'roadkill.'"

NW 33: "Approach, NW 33: we have a negative on that 'roadkill.'"

. . . and so on, right through the entire pattern.
I am afraid that I have to blame Alice Dunsmuir for this one. She was the occasional secretary and booking agent for Fat Moose. One passenger was very worried about getting on an airplane that had a bomb on board.  The argument that this was less than a one in a million chance really was not working. So Alice suggested that the passenger carry a bomb on board, for the chance of getting on an airplane with two bombs on board was so small as to be almost never.
A friend of a friend, who is an airline copilot, told the following stories about a captain with whom he often flew. This guy was an excellent pilot, but not real good at making passengers feel at ease.

For example, one time the airplane in front of him blew a tire on landing, scattering chun ks of rubber all over the runway. He was asked to hold while the trucks came out and cleaned up. His announcement:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid there will be a short delay before our arrival. They've closed the airport while they clean up what's left of the last airplane that landed there. "

Then there was the time they were flying through turbulence. Some of the passengers became alarmed at how much the wings were bending in the rough air and one of the flight attendants relayed that message to the captain. His announcement:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I've been informed that some of you have noticed our wings bending in the turbulence. In fact, the flight attendant told me that the wing tips are bending as much as ten feet in the bumps. Well, that's perfectly normal; there's nothing to worry about. Our wings are designed to bend as much as thirteen feet at the tips and, as you can see, we're nowhere near that yet. "
Controller: "Cessna 266, descend and maintain 1, 500, c leared for the approach, contact tower at the outer marker."

Without realizing that his mike is still open he says, "Watch me kill this S.O.B."


-From Frank Ledgerwood in Talefeathers, the newsletter of EAA Chapter 268inMarietta, GA.
There's a story about a C-124 and an F-4 on intersecting taxiways atRhein-Main long ago. The F-4 driver asked Ground what the Globe-master's intentions were.

It is said that the C-124 pilot opened the clamshell doors in the nose and announced, "I'm going to eat you."

--David Fisher,
There once was a captain who enjoyed pranks. As the legend goes, one day he found an unmarked white cane in the terminal. Digging through his bag of goodies, he donned a set of extra-thick gag glasses, and fumbled his way across the ramp to his parked aircraft. The passengers watched as he groped his way up the airstairs and into the
main entry.
"Hi, Marsha," he sang as he felt for the cockpit doorknob. Pausing, he looks back and forth over the heads of th e startled passengers. Through the huge lens, his eyes are three times their normal size.
"Say, Marsha, are we hauling people or passengers today?"
The matronly attendant smiles graciously and replies softly, "umm... passengers, Sir."

Our hero raises his watch to within an inch to his glasses, and announces for all to hear, "Well then, we'd better start getting them aboard! It's nearly time to leave!"
NY Ctr: "Federal Express 235,descend, maintain three one zero, expect lower in ten miles."
FedEx 235: "Okay, outta three five for three one oh, FedEx two thirty-five."
NY Ctr: "Delta fahv twuntee, climb one ninah zeruh, dat'll be finah..."
Delta 520: "Uhh... up to one niner zero, Delta five twenty."
NY Ctr: "Al-italia wonna sixxa,you slowa to two-a-fifty, please."
Alitalia 16: "HEY! You make-afunna Alitalia?!"
NY Ctr: "Oh, no! Imake-a funna Delta anna FedEx!"

The photographer for a national magazine was assigned to get photos of a great forest fire. Smoke at the scene was too thick to get any good shots, so he frantically called his home office to hire a plane.

"It will be waiting for you at the airport!" he was assured by his editor.

As soon as he got to the small, rural airport, sure enough, a plane was warming up near the runway. He jumped in with his equipment and yelled, "Let's go! Let's go!" The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air.

"Fly over the north side of the fire," said the photographer, "and make three or four low level passes."

"Why?" asked the pilot.

"Because I'm going to take pictures! I'm a photographer, and photographers take pictures!" said the photographer with great exasperation.

After a long pause the pilot said, "You mean you're not the instructor?"

-- Tom Albertz, Hewlett-Packard Fort Collins Site

Offline daddog

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Favorite Aviation Quotes...
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2000, 02:06:00 PM »
Ouch, I said "favorite" quote, not "favorites".  

Don't know if I will read em all, but thanks!  

332nd Flying Mongrels
Noses in the wind since 1997
332nd Flying Mongrels
Knowing for Sure

Offline Gunthr

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« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2000, 02:16:00 PM »
   "Will it float?"

 - My flight instructor George Cowles answering my question on the advisability flying over Lake Michigan to get to Oshkosh in my old 1946 Aeronca Champ.


332nd Flying Mongrels

[This message has been edited by Gunthr (edited 05-05-2000).]
"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century

Hat Trick

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« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2000, 02:18:00 PM »
"Airplane Spoken Here"  Sign at Williams Airforce Base.

Ann Darr Poetry
From "Flying the Zuni Mountains"

This we know:
we are the wind.
We will come back gently over the lake
we will lash the waves and bend the trees;
we will lie side by side on the high mountains
drinking martinis and telling old jokes over.
Never our wings will melt our crumple with heat or hardness.
This we know.
For the man who draws the blueprints, shapes the wings, threads the bolts, pulls the props is not our faith.
Ours is the wind and the wins is us
and no one shall bury us ever.

And somebody has a tag line on the bottom of there name on a BBS that says

"There I was...inverted at 50 feet, and the only thing running was the radio"

Offline Westy

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« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2000, 03:39:00 PM »

"..I'll slam the brakes on and they'll fly right on by!!"

 -Maverick circa 1985

Offline Sharky

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« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2000, 04:21:00 PM »
Never run out of altitude, airspeed and ideas all at the same time.


Offline flatiron1

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Re: Favorite Aviation Quotes...
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2011, 12:54:02 PM »
He who craps in road meets flies on his return.

Offline 4Prop

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Re: Favorite Aviation Quotes...
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2011, 01:00:09 PM »
Cessena 172:  Squawking 7500

Tower: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot