Author Topic: F4U-4 vs La7  (Read 3910 times)

Offline Zazen13

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F4U-4 vs La7
« Reply #45 on: February 17, 2004, 03:57:55 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying

On the contrary... I engage both in such a situation with the hope and full expectation of living.

I play for fun.  You play for... ?

-- Todd/Leviathn [/B]

This notion that flying to live isn't fun is total hogwash. For some, the thrill of living thru 100 victories over 25 seperate engagements is simply THRILLING. Obviously, different strokes for different folks, but just because you don't find flying to survive fun doesn't mean others don't. Killing, in and of itself,  is very easy after you've mastered ACM and Gunnery, killing and consistantly getting away with it is not easy at all in a MA packed with 600+ people. That's where the thrill of flying to live comes in.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2004, 04:50:51 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline Urchin

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F4U-4 vs La7
« Reply #46 on: February 17, 2004, 04:33:29 PM »
DoctorYo, you play Planetside?  Which server/side?

Offline Dead Man Flying

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F4U-4 vs La7
« Reply #47 on: February 17, 2004, 04:49:33 PM »
Originally posted by DoctorYO
PS - Im still waiting for my wager to be accepted..  get that beer money ready...  (im going to be enjoying  Belgian Duval soon on your wooden nickles)

Zip your pants back up, hotshot.  I wasn't deriding your amazing abilities.

lot of yap, lot of crap, beware the clap..

Let's see.  I said that I prefer to stick around and try to kill the enemies, and that I expect to survive such an engagement (even if, in the end, I don't).  Then I jokingly said that running was for wussies.  And from that comes... this.

Save the money for a shrink.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Dead Man Flying

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F4U-4 vs La7
« Reply #48 on: February 17, 2004, 04:55:49 PM »
Originally posted by Zazen13
This notion that flying to live isn't fun is total hogwash. For some, the thrill of living thru 100 victories over 25 seperate engagements is simply THRILLING. Obviously, different strokes for different folks, but just because you don't find flying to survive fun doesn't mean others don't.

That sound you just heard was the point of that question whizzing right by your head.

Fun is a very personal thing.  No matter what someone does, I hope that they find enjoyment from it in the game.  If not, then why even bother playing?  So while head cases like DoctorYo pontificate about the distinctions between "Quakers" and "Simulators," I'm just going to do what I do and have fun.  Here's a hint:  There is no such distinction; it's artificial and silly.  The only distinction that really, truly matters is fun vs. not fun.  And that differs for every person.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Hornet

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F4U-4 vs La7
« Reply #49 on: February 17, 2004, 05:32:10 PM »
this situation is all about choosing the right tool for the job. If it had to be NOE and if you're gonna spend the perks go with a Tempest. Doesn't help you that much more once you're in this bad situation except the 20mms allow you to capitalize on any mistakes much better...and a mistake is the only way you exit successfully from this fight.

Offline DoctorYO

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« Reply #50 on: February 18, 2004, 10:31:59 AM »

Mostly Emerald... (was konried before the merge)  as Vanu (primary, got to love the magrider) and secondary as terran...

do a lookup as DoctorYo... under the characters screen at

My favorite tactic of late is putting boomers behind snipers and detonating them ... (then the tells start comming.. wtf cheater lammer etc..)

game is pretty fun if you like FPS's..

Sorry to get you worked up Dead Man truth/satire always works best..  

you talk of shrinks, see I guess i must have won..  you attempted foolishness; i gave you foolishness to the 10th power..  

now your talking shrinks ...   see my wisdom...

see you always know when youve bested them when the drugs, shrinks, momma jokes, and lets not forget simian attack (RA) shows its smurfy head...

Be happy and have a "fun" day DMF...

2 Cents


Offline Dead Man Flying

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F4U-4 vs La7
« Reply #51 on: February 18, 2004, 10:38:54 AM »
Originally posted by DoctorYO
see you always know when youve bested them when the drugs, shrinks, momma jokes, and lets not forget simian attack (RA) shows its smurfy head...

"Bested" me?  I wasn't even aware this was a fight.

Interesting, however, that you keep selectively concentrating on things I've said that have nothing to do with the point I'm making and have everything to do with protecting your ego.

So, I ask again... you fly for... what?

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline DoctorYO

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« Reply #52 on: February 18, 2004, 11:28:26 AM »
By the tone of your last post it seems you also been left wanting..

Trying emphasize what or how i fly when its already been answered is moot..  for the non reading impaired -

Ill repost :

You play quake birds I play a simulation..

In terms of why i fly, I like to Sim.. I enjoy it  especially against non ai human enemies. (nothing more really needs to be discussed here, i enjoy it thats why i fly... I could give you a 3 page article on each individual reason so the time consumption factor is the issue here)

talk of not being bested, you called me a wuss then i gave you a wager and now we see who the wuss is..

Thats bested...  bested doesn't have to be full blown fight just a few stinging words to chap someone for their insolence..

I gave some info to help suntrackers plight and was attacked for it..All the post readers need to do is rewind, read and make their own judgement.. Not everyone is a sheep you know..  your disinformation only goes so far..

This will be my final post on this topic, so be shure to insert your snide and foolish remarks of your halfwit rebuttal with no threat of retaliation.  

Only text ill consider from you is accepting my wager..  as of yet no response has been given yet im the wuss..  

stinging isn't it.. bested and left wanting...

Have a nice day..

« Last Edit: February 18, 2004, 11:33:31 AM by DoctorYO »

Offline Dead Man Flying

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F4U-4 vs La7
« Reply #53 on: February 18, 2004, 11:41:32 AM »
Originally posted by DoctorYO
In terms of why i fly, I like to Sim.. I enjoy it  especially against non ai human enemies.

So you fly for fun.  See?  We're not so different, you and I.  The rest is just a waste of bandwidth justifying why one idea of fun is better than another when, of course, the concept of fun differs from individual to individual.

That wasn't so hard, was it?

talk of not being bested, you called me a wuss then i gave you a wager and now we see who the wuss is..

Again, I'm not exactly sure why you felt personally insulted by my comments, smiley and all.  In the future, you might wish to avoid taking general statements personally and spare yourself the embarrassment of trying to "best" me in a fight in which I'm not even participating.  

I also fail to see how accepting your wager would somehow make either of us less of a "wuss," and it certainly wouldn't prove anything beyond demonstrating that, in fact, I would engage against multiple enemies with the expectation and hope of surviving.  The rest beyond that was meant to alleviate some perceived blow to your ego.  I'm sure you'll get over it in time.

I gave some info to help suntrackers plight and was attacked for it..All the post readers need to do is rewind, read and make their own judgement.. Not everyone is a sheep you know..  your disinformation only goes so far..

My... disinformation.  Alrighty then.  Enlighten me as to what ignominious end I am spreading propoganda to the unwashed masses?

Only text ill consider from you is accepting my wager..  as of yet no response has been given yet im the wuss..

LOL!  What a tard.  You seemed so lucid when giving advice earlier in this thread, but as things have progressed I can practically see you frothing at the mouth and typing furiously at your keyboard while shouting the words out loud at the screen.  Well done!  

-- Todd/Leviathn