In the original post, I laid out clearly the problem as I saw it clearly, suggested possible remedies, and gave an honest opinion on the B17 skin. That, by any standards is a constructively critical post. If it was a whine, or simply criticism, I would merely have said "it sucks". Which would not have been true in any case.
I suggest to you that had you "respected" my original post in the way it was intended, and written, you would not be feeling all "unrespected" now.
If you show no respect for your customers, you cannot expect to be shown respect by them, or indeed retain them, especially if you compound the foul-up by failing to at least listen to them when they tell you there are retrieavable problems.
If you still think this is an attempt to get the the B17 skinned "the way I wish it" you have really not understood the issue frankly. I am not arguing the point with you for my benefit one jot.
I know just how much artwork will get turned out by the community, which I rather think you are very much under-rating, both in quality and quantity. It is precisely because I understand built in inflexibilites are going to limit
all of the after-market skinners that it is very important to audit the skins, and remove these few inflexibilites where possible; and the time to do is now, before doing so invalidates a library of new skins.
Now why don't you show you "have cattle to go with that hat" as it were by admitting that whilst we may disagree about the priority for an audit of AH2 skins by the players to design out inflexibilities, that it is a real issue, and that you could, frankly, have handled it a lot better.
We might well be only talking about 3 or 4 bitmaps total!
Originally posted by hitech
The point fidd it is not a flaw or inperfection. It just not the way YOU wish it.
But to view your lastes post as "CONSTRUCTIVE" is one of the fartherest streatches of the meaning I can fathom. Simply put to be constructive you have to show a little bit of respect in your post. You have shown none and do nothing but tair stuff down.
This is not constructive and simply becomes a "whine" the whine factor is why im jump on this stuff.
Your comming out with both barrles just to try get somthing in that you wish. Now your trying a new tatic of flaming me for the way I deal with out of line customers. I take critisim of my product day in day out. But when some turns critisims into insults, I simply don't always put up with it. This is one of those times.