I'm going to be doing some work in the area of roll rates soon. Since many people like to complain about how their favorite plane rolls too slow and every plane they don't like rolls too fast, I figured I'd give everyone a chance to put up now. Detailed roll rate data is not widely available, and most of the stuff that is out there is pretty generic and not well documented. Even so, something is better than nothing.
So what I'm looking for is some roll rate data that I can pop into excel and graph out. It should be in the following format:
Speed MPH, Roll Rate degrees per second
200, 45
210, 47
220, 49
230, 51
Please include the following with your data. What the source data is, the specific plane model, and any specific test conditions mentioned in the source data. If you're posting data that represents a composite of multiple differing sources, please include those sources as well and give an indication as to what you're thinking.
Please don't submit fake data as a joke, i.e. B-17 rolling 720 dps. Please try to put aside any bias you may have and don't try to push inapplicable data to either bolster or diminish a particular plane. I.E., don't try to push clipped wing Spit data because you want the Spit to roll faster and conversely, don't try to push early fabric aileron spit data for a later model with metal ailerons because you want it to roll slower. Don't be afraid to post something if you're not sure if it's applicable, just don't try to be misleading about it. Thanks for the input.