Author Topic: AH fun has dissapeared  (Read 6303 times)

Offline 214thCavalier

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AH fun has dissapeared
« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2000, 03:53:00 PM »
Ok i suspect after Ram really squeaked at me last night for being a HO dweeb that a lot of this is aimed at me  

A few points Ram did not and still does not know what my position was.
Just to clear it up i was south of 26 in a tiffie at approx 10k ? with my only friendly base a long way to the north, NO friendly aircraft around me, spotting a 109 on my six at about 8k i did not have many options but to turn North and try to blast through to a friendly base, by the time i had turned i was down to just over 25% fuel at about 200 knots with a very slight alt advantage nose on with RAM, SA check detected an enemy tiffie closing fast from my right about 1k below me, as we closed RAM just came straight on in dead on the nose. He did nothing to spoil a HO shot, he did nothing to work a lead turn, as we got closer he put his nose down slightly to pass under me which i usually interpret as an attempt to put lead into my belly as i pass over, i thought what the hell lets give him something to think about instead and fired, even so i dont believe i hit him with anything more than 1 shot if that. Being naturally combative and confident of my ability i did a SA check to find the Tiffie only 3k away and coming in fast, RAM was going vertical behind me in his 109.
So if we run this from here, 25% fuel, 109 on my High 6, Tiffie closing fast from my right, long way to friendly base and no friendlies to help.
Yea i guess i did aim for the nearest base and try to make it back with the 2 kills i already had, acquired with the age old Hit and Run technique, none of them were HO kills, they were kills because my targets did not have enuf SA to see me coming, yes they were already fighting my team mates and yes i picked them off without my team mates needing to call for a clear 6, but thats what team plays all about.
As for Ack hugging ? well i guess you would interpret a landing as Ack hugging, you constantly seem to try to put the worst interpretation upon everything anybody else does.
I notice you have complained about lack of teamplay, well i constantly sacrifice myself and my score trying to take off and defend capped bases because I DO IT FOR THE TEAM.
How often do you help your team like this ?
Then you have the cheek to constantly call me a Dweeb for using my SA and seeing a bad situation in time to avoid it.
Personally i think your the Dweeb for expecting a Tiffie to try and turn and fight with your High 190 especially with another enemy closing fast.
So do you want realistic play RAM or do you just want people to fly like idiots so you can get easy kills ?
After you spent many minutes calling me a HO Dweeb who has no idea how to fight, somebody suggested we swap planes and fly a duel,  well no surprise when you ignored that  
I even asked if you would like to duel which you seemed to think funny at first, you even told how you duelled with Torque and because he is very good pilot he beat you, well unlike you i know what happens when i duel Torque in the training or free player arenas and i am confident enough to fly a duel with you IF you wish.
That is not a challenge or a hot headed attempt to kill you to show who has the biggest balls. I am too old for that sorta crap, but it would be nice to show that i know something about fighting  

Ok long post i guess and cant be asked to proof read it, so hope its coherent.

PS. Lifes too short so what happened yesterday is easily forgotten.

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #46 on: August 29, 2000, 03:57:00 PM »
Ram you DID yell at the guy.

When you were told that someone DID give you a 6 call you saw who did it and called him by name and told him next time do it faster.

You then went off on people for not giving you 6 calls fast enough.

If I remember right you then had 4 or 5 guys(me included) telling you how ungrateful you were.

The New Baby Harp Seals
"Come try to club THIS Seal"
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline RAM

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« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2000, 04:04:00 PM »
Mox...<S!>. Yes,that was the thing I am referring at. I cleared 2 rook sixes in a damaged Fw190A8 (I had a previous fight with a well flown 109 that damaged my right elevator, <S!> ede) only to find myself wingless with no 6 call at all. THere were not 8 but 9 (NINE) Rooks nearby, and, to put it worse, when I was wingless and smoking someone said "RAM 6".

IS more than disheartening. It is indignating.

Originally posted by Sparks:
to RAM and all the other whining "experts"

from Sparks - dweeb cannon fodder

Point 1:-
AH has decent flight models that are hard to learn and some people will find it more difficult than others. This leads to people finding their own ways to survive as there is no structured training. If you are new and not very good and HO's get you some kills what would you do??

I once was new, and I've never been too good. I HOed first 3 fights then I realized how stupid it was to be killed that way. I never huged ack because I felt it was cheating, and I never ran away from a good fight unless forced to (low fuel,out or ammo, or big damage). All that from the start.

Point 2:-
If you want to stay alive and don't feel you're in a good position you run - thats natural. What may be different is peoples perception of a good position - especially for people who aren't good.

I have nothing agaisnt wise running, to disengage at time is an art and I dont know when to run away (I always find myself against abysmal odds because that).

What I hate is people who having a big advantage (position and/or Energy), refuse to engage. And there are a lot of those in AH right now.

Point 3:-
If you want more people to fly against and more people to stay in AH then do you think calling people HO dweeb and chicken is an effective way of doing it??? If you think peoples tactics are wrong then try acting like adults and approaching them on private channel and maybe offer to show them what you mean in the TA.

Did it once. I wont put here what I got in answer but wanst very kind. Anyway I am currently putting a project up about all this.

Point :-
I have missed my share of 6 calls - why? .... when I'm in a dogfight I have enough trouble finding the zoom keys without typing as well - need more hands and a bigger brain - 'fraid it may have to wait for evolution or my skills to improve so to all you Bishes out there who see me join a dogfight - I'll call a six as soon as I get the brain power free  

When we are 2 mates against some enemies and I get no 6 call there is no problem.

When we are 9 on two and I've cleared 2 mates' six to save their butt risking mine, I DO HAVE A DAMNED BIG PROBLEM.

I have a definition I like to use at times like this: - EXPERT[/i] - noun - "EX" as in "has-been" and "SPERT" as in "drip under pressure".......

If you want people to fly to your standard then teach them and support them while they learn - don't trash them on the BBS.

The funny thing is that I call them dweebs. Some of the people I call DWEEBS are newbies and so,they are dweebs. but some of them are experienced AH fliers that keep on gaming the game. And I have no problem in trashing them as they deserve.

BTW All and every time I've been asked for a bit of help in TA, I have left all and answered. I have helped a lot of people, I have no problem in it.

And I repeat I am working in an idea to get this thing right  

Offline 214thCavalier

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« Reply #48 on: August 29, 2000, 04:18:00 PM »
Ram it may be worth remembering next time you start calling somebody a Dweeb that YOU are not in his plane, so YOU do not know what his fuel or damage state is.
So how can you decide if they are flying like a dweeb or using skill, and tactical awareness to disengage at the correct time for them ?

Offline RAM

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« Reply #49 on: August 29, 2000, 04:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by 214thCavalier:
Ok i suspect after Ram really squeaked at me last night for being a HO dweeb that a lot of this is aimed at me    


A few points Ram did not and still does not know what my position was.
Just to clear it up i was south of 26 in a tiffie at approx 10k ? with my only friendly base a long way to the north, NO friendly aircraft around me

False, you were two on two. Gruenhertz and me versus you and B52 maybe? in a La5 I was at the start on the La5 but gruenherz (much to my disgust, I must admit), killed it when I had drained his E up. You werent alone. so you start with a lie.Bad start. Lets follow.

spotting a 109 on my six at about 8k i did not have many options but to turn North and try to blast through to a friendly base, by the time i had turned i was down to just over 25% fuel at about 200 knots with a very slight alt advantage nose on with RAM, SA check detected an enemy tiffie closing fast from my right about 1k below me

Jigster, I guess. Yeah he was also a bit pissed off by your "smart" flying and so he got a tiffie to give you some of your own medicine  . He was just airborne,tho, so that statement about a tiffie closing fast cant be true, anyway.

as we closed RAM just came straight on in dead on the nose. He did nothing to spoil a HO shot

False. I did a 0 G dive under your nose. the proof I evaded is that you only got one ping (right flap gone). I had a 30mm on board and could have shot you out from the sky at the cost of my own skin. But I like to fly smart, not to be a (COUGH) HO dweeb.

he did nothing to work a lead turn, as we got closer he put his nose down slightly to pass under me which i usually interpret as an attempt to put lead into my belly as i pass over, i thought what the hell lets give him something to think about instead and fired, even so i dont believe i hit him with anything more than 1 shot if that.

This is utterly and pure crap. AT this point I had done a 0G dive to go under your belly and force you overshoot me (0g dives spoils well the aim of the incoming HO dweeb). I then did a low G loop. Its called a merge in this world. Maybe you dont know it?.

About the "what the hell lets fire this guy", you are a lier. You had done at least 2 HO passes before on other planes (I think Jigster died this way and that was the reason because he was pissed). So you only did the same thing as before. I Call that a intentional HO, one against a 30mm gunned 109G10. But as I say I like the smart flying not Nintendo games...lets follow.

Being naturally combative and confident of my ability i did a SA check to find the Tiffie only 3k away and coming in fast, RAM was going vertical behind me in his 109.

LOL I am very doubtful that Jig was closing in fast, he was just airborne   but this only can be confirmed by him

So if we run this from here, 25% fuel, 109 on my High 6, Tiffie closing fast from my right, long way to friendly base and no friendlies to help.

109 on your 6. not high 6. Dont lie I was dead at your 6, and slow after an immelmann. And again I doubt that jig was closing up with your 375mph IAS typhoon.

Yea i guess i did aim for the nearest base and try to make it back with the 2 kills i already had, acquired with the age old Hit and Run technique, none of them were HO kills, they were kills because my targets did not have enuf SA to see me coming, yes they were already fighting my team mates and yes i picked them off without my team mates needing to call for a clear 6, but thats what team plays all about.

I saw your "hit and running" on other planes before engaging you LOL!. you "hit" them in headons. Well at least you tried to kill them  .  

As for Ack hugging ? well i guess you would interpret a landing as Ack hugging, you constantly seem to try to put the worst interpretation upon everything anybody else does.

The ack huggin thing has nothing to do with you. Its a completely different thing. And yes for a moment I thought you were going to hug ack, until I saw you landing. That was where I turned away.
I notice you have complained about lack of teamplay, well i constantly sacrifice myself and my score trying to take off and defend capped bases because I DO IT FOR THE TEAM.

That was a general statement, referred at the lack of response on the missions I planned. Again, nothing to do with you.

How often do you help your team like this ?

Spawn from capped fields? I ahve tons of films doing it. I dont fly for a score, that is why I fly lonewolf,that is why I dont ack hug and thats why I use to fight instead of running.

Then you have the cheek to constantly call me a Dweeb for using my SA and seeing a bad situation in time to avoid it.

Bah...that is a simple excuse. I have been in your pants (yes,with a tiffie against a 6 con, a SpitfireIX), and I've extended, zoomed and turned back. I had fun and so he had...and I won.

Personally i think your the Dweeb for expecting a Tiffie to try and turn and fight with your High 190 especially with another enemy closing fast.

I was in a 109G10. not a 190. I was at your six ,a bit higher,not much, but MUCH SLOWER. You had an E-advantage to work with. You ran home instead of fighting with your E-advantage. Dont tell me you disengaged to fight the odds. Typhoon can disengage at will from all planes only by diving to the deck and keep the run.

and BTW,G10 is not exactly the best turnfighter in the MA, still I dont refuse a close fight even with multiple targets, I extend and come back, you could have done it after your HO pass, to zoom away and dive on me. You ran home, instead of trying to fight. You had a 10K cushion to work with, altitude to exchange for speed if there was a need to run home. I have never called running deeb a plane that after trying to fight, used his superior speed to run away.

So do you want realistic play RAM or do you just want people to fly like idiots so you can get easy kills ?

You were higher in E. you were faster. you could have BnZ me for at least 2 more passes. You ran home. That is not expect you to fly like an idiot, it is to expect you to fly SMART. you were in a typhoon ,the fastest plane on the deck, so you could've disengaged at will if forced to do. You gave up the battlefield before time. In real life thats cowardice. Here,too, it is.

After you spent many minutes calling me a HO Dweeb who has no idea how to fight, somebody suggested we swap planes and fly a duel,  well no surprise when you ignored that    
I even asked if you would like to duel which you seemed to think funny at first, you even told how you duelled with Torque and because he is very good pilot he beat you, well unlike you i know what happens when i duel Torque in the training or free player arenas and i am confident enough to fly a duel with you IF you wish.
That is not a challenge or a hot headed attempt to kill you to show who has the biggest balls. I am too old for that sorta crap, but it would be nice to show that i know something about fighting    

You asked for a duel. I answered that people that I disrespect have no place for me in a duel. I have duelled zigrat and Torque before, after hot head happenings (one my fault other NOT my fault   ). They are both great pilots that know how to fight. You have no idea of it and so I told you that the duel was rejected.

Earn my respect as you did once on the TA (yes I remember you bouncing my 75% loaded G10 with your G6, I was VERY near reversing tables most of the time...and I was always much lower in E.), and then I may think in a duel with you. I know you aren't better than me, saw the proof yesterday.

PS. Lifes too short so what happened yesterday is easily forgotten.

heh...nice olive branch. Sad ,I wont bite. Think whatever you want of me. I have my own ideas about you,as I have already stated.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 08-29-2000).]

Offline BigJim

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« Reply #50 on: August 29, 2000, 04:56:00 PM »
LOL the plane set disparagy makes for all the "problems" or most of the "problems" that RAM is yelling about.  With the present flight model the F4U (both C and D) must either run or HO if it loses the the initial "advantage".  Since most guys don't fly to die, they will of course seek the "cover" of ack if disadvantaged, and of course if you are in a plane that doesnot handle well in a T & B you will "run" for position as that is the strength of your plane (thinking of P-51) and so it goes the endless "whining" about this and that in the MA and even in the SEA if the "event" is improperly setup.  Right now if I see a G10 above me I go defensive because I cannot out run him or out turn him and my ONLY hope is to best him in a "head on" situation since most of my "options" are gone (since he CANNOT compress and can use trim to defeat that feature in the game I cannot use better dive to evade etc etc) NOTE: this is NOT a whine on the G10 but rather just the facts as I see them.  I try to fly for the fun and to fly the ride I like best even if it is NOT the best ride in the game, therefore my score SUCKS but I am still having FUN  

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #51 on: August 29, 2000, 05:19:00 PM »
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can,  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can,  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can,  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can,  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can,

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Torque

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« Reply #52 on: August 29, 2000, 05:45:00 PM »
I'm a f*cking Ho dweeb and proud of it!!!!!!

Ya don't like it too f*ck'n bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Trell

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« Reply #53 on: August 29, 2000, 06:29:00 PM »

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #54 on: August 29, 2000, 06:52:00 PM »
Hang's been gone fer almost a month..

Hang checks boards, reads this thread..

Hang can't wait to get back to flying...

Hang know's that he'll have lots of fun when he's gets back..

Hang smiles.

Good 'ol AH.


Hang, out.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Ozark

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« Reply #55 on: August 29, 2000, 07:06:00 PM »

The things we must remember:

#1.. YOU may be the first and lasting impression to a new pilot in AH!

#2.. Please take the time to salute and help the new pilots.

#3.. You have the power of an instructor every time you type in the buffer.

[This message has been edited by Ozark (edited 08-30-2000).]

Offline pzvg

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« Reply #56 on: August 29, 2000, 07:20:00 PM »
Having stayed away from this unfriendly board,and the even uglier ch. 1 for a while,
I must say, (before going back to silent running) If the damned game bothers ya that much, why don't ya take a hike? oh, and take stupid and idiot and all the other freaking morons who can't enjoy themselves with ya, go out and run over some dogs or something, 'cause for me, it ain't the planes, the skills, or the limitations of the whoopee game that piss me off, it's the constant flow of verbal crap from folks that can't ever be happy, and who not allow anyone else to be happy. Build a gawddam time machine and go back to 1943, hopefully some real-life HO "dweeb" will pop ya a new one in ur forehead!
JeeZ! It's a gawddam game ya freaks! open the door walk outside ya house, I think some folks need a little air!
(To all I may have offended, I'm sorry for the outburst, but I, and IMHO, the silent majority, have had enough, if HTC wants to put up with this crap, so be it, but I don't find this fun, and that's that)

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"

Offline 214thCavalier

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« Reply #57 on: August 29, 2000, 07:45:00 PM »
Ok RAM or should i call you GOD ?  
Apparently you know everything about all the other planes position and E.
But by your own admission earlier your own SA is so bad that your all the time getting pounced by superior numbers, so i hardly think that makes you an authority on how i see the tactical situation from my plane.
Bottom line is i got out of what was gonna be a very bad situation, the Tiffie was there and closing fast 90 deg on my right wing about 1 k below me, as it was by blowing straight thro he still got as close as 3k, now with you about 3 k on my 6 that would have been suicide for me to try any  sort of turn move to engage you, i could see it but i guess your SA is definitely lacking. Another point as i extended south of 26 for another attack run, oops sorry i forgot when others do it its not extending its "running away" i could see the last of my team mates going down smoking. When i came back north i was alone.
As for killing Jigster in a HO well yea i guess it was kinda if its the plane i think it was, i believe he was a P51 fighting one of my team mates and as i came in i was lucky enuf to catch him climbing and filling my sights with a lovely plan view, so yea i filled his cockpit full of lead i guess some of it passed through his virtual skull and exited from his arse so i would call that a HO shot  
Ram as for saying i should have tried to zoom away and come back and fight, you have already stated in your earlier post that you consider it ok to disengage when low on fuel, so whats the problem here i have said i had 25% and that tiffie sucks fuel bigtime on full throttle as it was i ran outa fuel trying to get onto the refuel pad.
For me i made the correct call to exit when i did.
Even if i did have the fuel to fight should a tiffie enter into a Zoom fight with a 109G10 ?
Lets see Tiffie loses E BIG time in turns and climbs, and 109G10 climbs like a lovesick angel.
Guess i still made the correct call for me, sorry RAM but thats one easy kill that you missed and no matter how much you whine you cant change that.
I suggest you play the game to your rules RAM hoping for easy kills, and dont attack others for daring to fly differently to your plan.
Oh yes i just noticed a 10k cushion to work with ??  HAHAHA
Think back RAM when we flew  HO it was just that, you slightly below me i would say less than 500ft thats no cushion at all against the best climbing plane in AH.
Lastly i fly other ladders than AH and i am known for avoiding HO shots because if your staying to fight its usually the worst way to open, but if your blowing on through it may put enemy off enuf to gain vital seconds, in your case it sure did rattle your cage  
Anyway i wonder who would be more at fault the guy who takes the offered HO shot or the target who did not take steps to avoid it ?
But then that would assume taking a HO shot is wrong, aaaah wait we want realism i hear you cry! Well for some in WW2 and still today a correctly executed HO attack is perfectly viable. Its a lottery sure but still they did it.
I guess i should add the ritual insult now but theres no point really, i will just say many people told me what a tosser you were and altho i try to keep an open mind it seems you are determined to prove them right.

Damn this is nearly as much fun as flying  
I guess RAM thinks so too as he seems to get involved in quite a few of these  

Offline Toad

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« Reply #58 on: August 29, 2000, 07:46:00 PM »
"AH fun has disappeared"

But the WHINING never will, unless all you other players shape up and play MY WAY!


Well said, PZVG!
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #59 on: August 29, 2000, 09:57:00 PM »
Here's an idea..

7 step semi-realisim takeoff checklist.

1. Click on runway
2. Verify fuel and ammo loadouts
3. Deploy 25% flap
4. Open text box, type .squelch 100
5. Open text box, type .squelch 2
6. Open canopy, toss out mic headset
7. hit 'e', slap throttle to firewall
8. engage wep
9. apply rudder
10. affix smile on face

Nirvana awaits.  

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.