Author Topic: AH Classic, AH II, and AH Premium?  (Read 4773 times)

Offline 68DevilM

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i think he used the last of his rounds on my wingman just before my wingman died, i was just trying to kill him before he landed his kills:aok

i know i play dirty;)

Offline mars01

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« Reply #76 on: April 01, 2004, 07:13:55 PM »
Thank god, but thats why I stipulated
I only hope he was out of gas or bullets

Offline Toad

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« Reply #77 on: April 01, 2004, 07:23:41 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
I was shocked by your "wanking" remark!

Well, somebody had to point it out to you for the upteenth time.

Originally posted by beet1e
Hehe, it's funny how the TAS squad should be the very people to champion the freedom of choice....

 "Fly what you like, like what you fly" mantra.

And we are. You haven't seen anyone here saying you shouldn't be able to pursue cherrypicking to your heart's desire. Cherrypick as you always have. TAS realizes it's your right to fly in a boring manner.

What you've seen is TAS people saying it makes for poor gameplay from our point of view. See, that's an opinion. I know how you hate it when other folks get to voice opinions that don't agree with yours but there you go. It just happened again.

Interestingly enough, HT made that very same observation in a discussion with me a few years back. I have this feeling that before too awful long there will be some adjustments to the game to try to generate something different in gameplay/goals.

As to my sig line, puzzle on this:

Fly what you like, like what you fly, don't worrry about what the other guy flies. It's a game.

Now, ponder how the word "what" relates to the word "how".
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #78 on: April 02, 2004, 01:02:55 AM »
Originally posted by mars01
So you didn't dive in at 20k you dove in at 8k while I was vulnerable in climb out from takeoff.  
Oh well, you were almost right - give or take 12K! :lol I can't remember how near to or far from the airfield we were. But I came in at .... 8K :eek: Upon seeing your icon, what should I have done? Please do enlighten me. Perhaps I should have paused to consider whether it was morally correct to dive on your plane and then passed you by? Did Corsairs ever dive in the real WW2? If the roles had been reversed, and you had been at 8K and spotted me below, would you have flown on to maintain the moral high ground, looking to be bounced by someone else so that you could deploy your elite turnfighting skills? Bollocks. :p

But there is a glimmer of hope for you, Mars01. I see you are making less use of your Spitix/LA7 crutch, and have ventured into the USN planes. Would you do me a favour and film one of your sorties, and email it to me? I just want to see how YOU fly an F4U. I won't comment on it on the BBS. Anything sent to me privately remains private. But I think we would understand each other better if we looked at a few films.

Ah, Mr. Toad. :D Nice to hear from you again. :aok I'm done yanking your chain for the moment. :) I've just reviewed the whole thread, and it's quite a good one. I agree with some of the points made. I was on last night for 30 minutes, and the only action I saw was at A27 on NDISLES - what the hell is that children's map doing up anyway? Was Trinity reset? All I saw was furball, furball, furball. The BISH were getting closer to A27 and its fate was about to be decided by one thing. (Clue: 4th book of the Old Testament) Had I stayed it would have gone As I've said before, even if I'm on the winning side and getting lots of kills, it gets boring when things are one-sided.

Now as to Zipp's original point about why we have the steamroller, and whether things could be improved by charging more to play, I recall Brand-W in the $2/hour days. There was nowhere near the amount of steamrollering/suiciding back then. Anyone paying $2/hour took the game more seriously. I always remember what Funked said he missed about those days: "$2/hour keeping the tards out" - :lol But he was spot on. Some folks here have no interest in WW2, no interest in learning anything new. So the same ~4 planes get used the whole time.

I think steamrollering is directly related to the number of people online and/or player density on the maps. I certainly agree with what Redd said -
our prime time ( aussie time) usually has 100-200 ; good mix of euros asian aust nz and usa guys ;when i log on in US prime time the difference is amazing - and not so good.
Indeed. Furball noticed it too:

Offline Toad

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« Reply #79 on: April 02, 2004, 06:14:59 AM »
I guess you figure your stat-obsessed posts about yourself or others some how make you look kewl. You may figure it as yanking but to me and certainly to a few others you look like your doing something that rhymes with yanking.

Anyway, congratulations. You've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you spend more time looking at my stats than anyone else in AH, including me.

As a bonus, you always fail to make a point as well.

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Offline beet1e

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Re: AH Classic, AH II, and AH Premium?
« Reply #80 on: April 02, 2004, 06:50:49 AM »
No, I don't think I did any posting or commentary on stats in my last post. Zipp feels that a $30/month arena might be a way to inject quality back into the game. My belief is that charging more might work but only if everyone were subject to the same tariff. Eg. everyone having to pay $2/hour. But now with rival games/sims out there, that might not be workable.

We've had plenty of whines in the past. Map whines, mainly. But what's this! A gameplay whine :eek: -->

Originally posted by Zippatuh
I’m up increasingly less and the quality of fights has really seemed to drop off.  I would love the days where there was a max of 200 on any given night.  Seemed like everyone was more willing to engage and the fights were better; these days it might as well be a first person shooter with aimbot.

Grow some nads people.  Learn some ACM, engage!  Do something.  Fester MA is great but the steamroller lives on.  With nearly 600 online last night it was difficult at best to find a quality area to fly in.

I was on for about 1 hour 15 minutes.  About 30 minutes of it was worth a damn.
... and this from a squad whose mantra is "Fly what/how you like, like what/how you fly, don't worry about what the other guy flies - it's a game!" And to top it all there are no fewer than four TAS squaddies participating in this whine about how others spend their $14.95. :lol

This is a moment in history I will never forget. And surely the biggest paradox this BBS has ever seen. :rofl

:cool:  <-- the last one is Mr. Curval - he's cool and an OK dude.  :aok

Offline Toad

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« Reply #81 on: April 02, 2004, 08:15:28 AM »
Allow me to correct you yet again. I should charge for this.

It isn't the squad mantra. It's been my sig line since long before you showed up here.

Further, there is no "how" in the line. Never has been. That's yet another magnificent red herring born between your own ears.

It's good though that you are beginning to realize the difference between "what" and "how".

No, you didn't post YOUR stats in here. However, if ever anyone showed himself to be obsessed posting with his own stats, you'd surely rank in the top 10 on this BBS.

Instead, you went digging for some obscure stats on me.As usual, they prove totally non-germane to the present discussion. Also, as I said, this surely wins you the trophy for the AH player most obsessed with my stats. I surely don't look at them as often as you do.

Feel free to continue to "stroke" away in public as you paint your self-portrait.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #82 on: April 02, 2004, 08:32:14 AM »
Originally posted by Mr. Toad
It isn't the squad mantra. It's been my sig line since long before you showed up here.

Further, there is no "how" in the line. Never has been. That's yet another magnificent red herring born between your own ears.
Oh sure, I know it's in *your* sig. But it's the squad mantra in the sense that other TASsers echo those sentiments when they post. Your sig merely encapsulates the principles of your squad.
Allow me to correct you yet again. I should charge for this.
Yes you should charge for your advice. I'm sure you'd get exactly what it's worth! :p;)

Offline mars01

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« Reply #83 on: April 02, 2004, 08:47:59 AM »
But there is a glimmer of hope for you, Mars01. I see you are making less use of your Spitix/LA7 crutch, and have ventured into the USN planes. Would you do me a favour and film one of your sorties, and email it to me? I just want to see how YOU fly an F4U. I won't comment on it on the BBS. Anything sent to me privately remains private. But I think we would understand each other better if we looked at a few films.

You know Beet you are too funny.  You read stats and look for what you want to see, not what is there.  If you checked my stats for real you would see that I fly all kinds of planes.

Like I have stated many times before it is just the sort of hordes that dictate what I fly.  I would love to fly the hog all the time, it's my favorite plane
Go ahead...  Knock it off :lol circa 80s Robert Contrad
, but it is useless against the horde unless you do a lot of hit and run, which gets very boring.

I usually engage 3 or more cons at a time, because I fly strait for the horde.  I pick the biggest red dar bar and head for it.  Thus I need a plane that has half a chance in such an environment.  

I do this for two reasons, 1) I am a knight and we are predominantly out numbered most of the time.  2) Because I got very bored of the climb to a safe alt in a late war plane and pick my fights.

Once I won my first 3 v1, killing all of them, there was no turning back, that far and away blows away the dive down and kill, climb back up and look for another disadvantaged nme kind of fight.
Oh well, you were almost right - give or take 12K!  I can't remember how near to or far from the airfield we were. But I came in at .... 8K  Upon seeing your icon, what should I have done? Please do enlighten me. Perhaps I should have paused to consider whether it was morally correct to dive on your plane and then passed you by? Did Corsairs ever dive in the real WW2? If the roles had been reversed, and you had been at 8K and spotted me below, would you have flown on to maintain the moral high ground, looking to be bounced by someone else so that you could deploy your elite turnfighting skills? Bollocks.

Well at least your good for a laugh, not much substance but a good laugh.  Yes beet I would have dove in and killed your prettythang, but in no way would I be bragging about it in here or even mentioning it, because I realize how little skill it takes to do such a thing.  

To be honest I would have been more embarrassed than proud of the fact, because it was such a skilless cherry pick kill.  But I guess you got to take what you can get:lol

Now if I dove on you, and you reversed me, we tiwsted and turned a few times and you showed some skills, then my hat would be off to you, but somehow I don't see that happening.:lol

Anything sent to me privately remains private. But I think we would understand each other better if we looked at a few films.
Yeah right :rolleyes:, I can believe that after you took a sincere apology in a completely different matter and context, and tried to turn it into some advantage to yourself.
Originally posted in poor taste by Beetle

You've already had to eat crow with a fork and spoon once this week.  

Mars01 enjoying his crow lunch

insert pic in vain Beetle attempt to inflate his tiny testicals lolh:rofl :lol

Some how I think anything you can get your hands on, you will twist and mangle to fit your view.  

But we'll see, maybe it would do some good.

Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #84 on: April 02, 2004, 09:17:26 AM »
"Anything sent to me privately remains private."

Yeah ... I am sure Steve can vouch for that.

"But it's the squad mantra in the sense that other TASsers echo those sentiments when they post."

Ah ... I see ... once corrected, you get to add the "sense" conotation to make your embelishment of our so-called "sqaud mantra" correct.

Nice try, but our mantra is "No Mercy Asked....None Given!", but that apparently was too hard for you to figure out.

If I were to take the same liberties, I would presume that your lone wolf squad mantra would be "Always fly with an advantage, and when reversed, run like hell".
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #85 on: April 02, 2004, 09:18:45 AM »
ROFL Mars01! Great post - made me laugh. :lol

Yeah, I know what you mean about the F4U. Half the time I pick the wrong plane for the job - or the wrong job for the plane. Would you agree that the F4U is by no stretch of the imagination a turnfighter? I do have some F4U films I'd like you to look at, and would welcome your comments/advice about what I could have done differently. No tricks!

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #86 on: April 02, 2004, 09:25:17 AM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
If I were to take the same liberties, I would presume that your lone wolf squad mantra would be "Always fly with an advantage, and when reversed, run like hell".
Well, my #1 plane in T49 was the F4U1D - slower than the P51 and LA7, which is pretty much what I'm bound to run into, so I think that mantra needs work! Nice to see yet another TASser entering the fray in this gameplay whine thread.

<- slapshot! didn't want you to feel left out. :aok

Offline mars01

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« Reply #87 on: April 02, 2004, 09:40:38 AM »
Yeah I guess,

I'll start recording when I'm in it.

No it's not a turn fighter in a spit sense, but with it's roll rate and ability to retain e and blow e it has some intereseting advantages.

In a 1 v 2 it is vulnerable 3 or more alone it is useless, but it is deadly in a 1 v 1.  

It is unique, that you can get in a situation where the tail seems to come around as if it were moving faster than the nose, and if you catch it right you can stand it still then nose down and reverse direction on a dime but now your slow and the work starts :D .  IceMAW has seen me do this a while ago when we were messing around in the TA.  Now theres a great Hog pilot - crap just a great pilot :aok .

Offline slimm50

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« Reply #88 on: April 02, 2004, 09:45:36 AM »
Originally posted by WldThing
No i wouldnt do it.  Im not rich enough to afford $30 bucks for a game,  ill settle with the steamrollers,  i find those fights a little more challenging than the occasional 1 vs 1,  if i wanted 1 vs 1 i would hit the DA.

Them's my sentimentals, too.

Offline slimm50

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« Reply #89 on: April 02, 2004, 09:53:09 AM »
Actually, I've already had to cancel my slim03 account, until we get our finances at home on an even keel, so, no, a $30 subscription would definitely not be an option for me. Heck, I'm just hoping I can once again open another account at the current price, someday in the not-to-distant-future.