Author Topic: why the gang bangin ?  (Read 417 times)

Offline weazel

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2000, 05:35:00 PM »
 GEEZ-put a sock in it! Yes gangbanging occurs,but it depends on the time of the day who`s recieving it. Last night the Rooks numbers equaled the total of both Knights and Bishop and were rolling up our fields pretty quickly until a 3 B-17 strike took out your radar,and I followed up with a strike on your fuel and ack factories. The Knights have been banged more than any other country-but somehow we manage to survive.I think there is probably some "payback" factor involved here,suck it up and fight back using good tactics. FWIW, I normally attack Bishops though-seems the pilot quality is higher than the Rooks making for better fights.  

 JG2 "Richthofen"

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Offline Torque

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2000, 05:54:00 PM »

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Offline Torque

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2000, 05:55:00 PM »
Originally posted by Torque:
Heh Dog of Nate.

War is Hell.  

Offline AKDejaVu

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2000, 06:11:00 PM »
I've been playing when 20 bish and 20 rooks were all flying out of former Knight bases with only 4 knights on.  Normally, after it happens, I see 1 or 2 people get on and complain about the 3 country setup.  What I don't normally see is the level of complaining that I'm seeing here.

Nothing that is happening to the Rooks right now is something that the other two countries haven't experienced twice as much.  Sure, its a little new to the rooks because they usually outnumber Knights and Bishops combined.

Crying about gangbanging is pure a and simple whining.

Now, the 3 country setup, OTH, is another story.  It lends itself to 1 country having to fight a 2 front war while the other two are simply playing the advantage.  Natedog, if you believe what you said about everyone fighting the 2 front war, you haven't been playing when I have.  It usually boils down to 2 countries hitting one with at most a minor scirmish on the second front for the two countries with numbers.  I see this more often than not.  To say it doesn't happen is being obtuse.

But.. what I also see happening is when 30 rooks are on.. they are all flying out of that 1 elevated field they captured in enemy territory... while the other country is sweeping through their bases.  Almost every total domination scenario is preceded by a total lack of coordination on the victim's behalf.

Have you ever been in a group of 8 fighters that went to attack an enemy base?  When you got there... most of you got tore up by ack because you didn't think to bring a bomber along with you?  Have you ever had a bomber cry "ack down" at a base... hop in it and vulch it till the ack came back with 5 countrymates whilst nobody even attempts to bring a 47 in?  I've seen both of these things happen when a country only had 10 players on-line.  Nobody is planning.. nobody is using strategy... everybody is looking for an easy kill.

Most of the people that posted in this thread would prefer the easy kill.  That's why you come in with as much of an alt/speed advantage as you can.  You would prefer to have a wingman when you attack another plane or have numbers when engaging.  I've seen 15 rooks attack a knight base when only 9 knights were on line.  I've been there when knights have attacked a rook base with similar numbers when rooks were down on headcount.

If you want things to change, change the way you do things.  I was vulching a field the other day when I asked repeatedly if a 47 was inbound.  Silence.  After the third request for a 47 I left the base.  3 of my countrymates showed up becuase they heard the word "vulch".  They took over and were all killed when 2 cons came in with alt from the adjacent nearby field.  I had told them "vulching is pointless if no 47 is coming in... you are draining our resources for the sake of score".  They didn't care.

Play to win the war not the score race.  You'll find that these things change.  Use real strategy.. not just do what you think is cool.  Taking 30 minutes to set up a "radar raid" on an enemy field that sucks half of your countries resources to take out a target that will be back up in 30 minutes is plain silly... yet the first question many ask when they get on line is "who wants to hit their radar?".

The main point I'm trying to get to is that the 3 country setup definately has an effect on the 2vs1 philosophy.  It is minor, however, compared to the total lack of coordination/forethought/strategy displayed by the country that is usally getting its bellybutton kicked.


Offline CavemanJ

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2000, 07:26:00 PM »
DJV you've got some pretty good points there, but it dinnae change the fact that night after night after night the nits and bish ignore each other and both attack the rooks.
Yesterday morning and early afternoon it was a blast because all 3 countries were fighting 2 front wars, and you could clearly see it on the map.  But later in the evening and into the night it became the customary nit-bish gangbang on the rooks.
I've logged on and found the rooks embroiled in a major fight with the bishcuits, and watched the nits start jumping the bishcuits too.  TWC has then proceeded jump into the nits high and hard.  I'm sure you can remember several times where we rooks have grabbed 2 fields in quick succession, one of them being 3, 11, or 19, or just grabbing one of those 3 by itself.  It happens when either bish or nits actually try to jump into the exposed flank of which ever country is in the biggest fight with the rooks.  We turn it into a 2 front war for that country.

After reflection, I may start agreeing with Mino about why it happens.  We Rooks are the only country to push the other two down to only 2 fields each and hold them there for most of a day.  The only time the Rooks have been held to 2 fields it took both bish and nits working together to do it.

Offline Camel

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2000, 07:52:00 PM »

Offline Swager

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2000, 08:16:00 PM »

You call someone a coward,  dosen't sound like you!!    

JG2 "Richthofen"

[This message has been edited by Swager (edited 03-02-2000).]
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline Minotaur

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2000, 08:22:00 PM »

I read your whole post.  I understand what you tried to say, I believe.  I am not attempting to inform you that you are wrong.  I am just letting you know I have a opinion that differs.

My opinion:
  • If one team is losing dramatically, most every time it is because they are outnumbered.  
  • Plain and simple!
If you throw a "Gangbang" into the equation, the numbers only get worse.  

Of course you must toss out the instance of the occasional strategic sneak attack.  IE: One team stealing the base next to a HQ with one BUFF and one Goony.  Etc...

Honestly, I really believe the player skill balance at this time is fairly equal between each team and not really a large factor.



Sure seems to be alot of JG2 who have been ganging our northern front.  I don't see too many of your teamates fighting on your western (The Knitwit) front.  

Be honest with me bro, tell me that we are the best.    


The Wrecking Crew

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Offline Vermillion

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2000, 06:50:00 AM »
Swager, it was intended as a taunt to try and get the Knights to seriously fight the Bishop for a change.

When your down almost 40 to 9 you'll try anything  

**MOL**, Men of Leisure

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Offline AKDejaVu

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2000, 07:00:00 AM »
If one team is losing dramatically, most every time it is because they are outnumbered.

This it true sometimes... but it isn't necessarily the rule.  Often times it ends up being this way because most just quit when the going gets rough.  20:20 and one country starts capturing bases... 5 "screw this"'s later and its 20:15... now more bases are cap'd and 5 more quit.  The numbers aren't always the cause of the situation... they are just as often a result of it.

Offline Mighty1

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2000, 07:59:00 AM »
Cave I don't know what your talking about. I was on almost all of last night(flying Knight) and we had 2 strong fronts going the whole time.

We had guys attacking 13,14 while we took 19,21,22,23 back then went to 7,8. So where was this gangbanging?

You guys need to give it a rest...Yeesh!

You guys sound like the school bully who gets picked on by an older bully.Sniff sniff it's not fair..he's picking on me sniff sniff.

"After reflection, I may start agreeing with Mino about why it happens. We Rooks are the only country to push the other two down to only 2 fields each and hold them there for most of a day."

This is not hard to do when you outnumber the other sides 2:1.(I've come in to see it 30:11:6 rooks bish Knights before and bish/Knights down to 2 bases each and cave bragging about how good he is)

You guys don't do well when the # are close to even..then it's "sniff sniff this isn't fair"

"The only time the Rooks have been held to 2 fields it took both bish and nits working together to do it."

I don't EVER remember trying to hold ANY side down to 2 bases...EVER!

IMO that shows no class or honor at all.
We(most Knights) go for a reset or nothing at all.

The New Baby Harp Seals

"Come try to club THIS Seal"

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I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Pongo

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2000, 09:05:00 AM »
I have to agree with most of what you said.
We rooks seem to have ended up with a large chunk of new players in the 4-10 pacific time frame...People are not reading the country radio, people are not coordinating.
Ask repeatedly if a goon is going to a field or a bomber and when you get there there are 2 goons or 3 fighters left.

Honestly when people feel overwhelmed and they look at the dar for an hour and the 3rd front is empty, they are going to complain about it. I think that Nate was out of line. Its like squeaking about someone who complains that someone shot his chute, his chute was shot so that he would complain, it doesnt break anybodys heart that he does so.
(within reason)
When we finaly got the last bish out of field 2 and started the offensive last night against the bish I could tell from the chatter that it was the first time crossing the mountains for a more than a few of the guys. It was nice to be able to get some worthwhile instruction going on country channel.

But I have to agree with AKDJ about yesterday. We made ourselves good targets.
As we get some of the new rooks in the fold and more roundly experianced we will start having more success.

The Wrecking Crew

Offline CavemanJ

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2000, 09:24:00 AM »
Originally posted by Mighty1:

This is not hard to do when you outnumber the other sides 2:1.(I've come in to see it 30:11:6 rooks bish Knights before and bish/Knights down to 2 bases each and cave bragging about how good he is)

Actually, the night I'm remembering the numbers were pretty even around the board, and we did start pushing for the reset.  The nits got really tenacious about the reset and delayed for an hour or so while the bish grabbed back a field.  But we got it.

Offline Shamus

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2000, 11:55:00 AM »
Well last night was the Bishops turn in the barrel, it was brutal!!!.

Nits to the north and a zillion rooks streaming in from the south.

But being a vulchee can be fun for a while too, don't want the K/D ratio to get too good, makes you think your better than you really are  

I want to thank Nicoli for his attempt to help me out, but please forgive me Nicoli for not believing that you were being 100% forthcoming


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one of the cats

FSO Jagdgeschwader 11

Offline BaneX

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why the gang bangin ?
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2000, 01:35:00 PM »
Just thought I'd add my 2cents in here.

I tend to believe that most of the players here want to be where the action is. Now I would say about 60 - 70 % of the time the rooks have the largest number of flyers on which would lead people to head towards the rook fields cause that's where the majority of the action can be found most of the time. I don't think it is a conscious effort to gang bang one side or the other. Maybe for some yes it is. Possibly because it is much easier to stay alive in a large group than by yourself. With the caliber of pilots in here I tend to fly with more than one person as I am only an average to middling pilot myself. This can be seen as gang banging when it's smart survival tactics.

Just my thoughts on the matter.  


JG2 "Richthofen"