Originally posted by Eagler
seems the problem started about the time they took "swats" out of the school lineup
Or when corporate America starting putting the bottom line first. And when both parents are forced to work more than 40 hours to make ends meet. Who is there now when the kids get out of school? Both parents work so much they barely have time for their kids. The only thing trickling down from corporate America is a lack of morality and family values, but no one wants to point the finger that way, it's because we can't beat our kids, yeah, that's it. Discipline has it's place, but what good is it if the parents are not around to do it? Maybe we should make sure there is a parent at home after noon every school day?
Proof that kids need parents, and that your careers should never stand between you and nurturing/raising your children to be the best they can beBack in grade school we were told that in the future people would work less and have more time for family and community. Fast forward 25 years, wow. I can see why we put up with the deception of politicians, we learn it at an early age.