Author Topic: the thrill is gone  (Read 1324 times)

Offline Morpheus

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the thrill is gone
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2004, 01:46:31 PM »
Flyboy :)  

The game is just a game it will never be more than just a game.
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Offline Maniac

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« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2004, 01:51:45 PM »
There have been many nights where I would log off and I said to myself, "self, wtf are you playing this game for?!" Then i answer my self i say... "self, its a game! Have fun and stfu!"

Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline koda76

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« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2004, 01:51:56 PM »
Build you one of those flight sims you sit in.......

Offline GA

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« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2004, 02:24:54 PM »
I have flow online sim about 4 years now, and AH was my first;).
The diffrent online flight sim have there own + & -, but why many off stick around is moustly the squad you are in or the communety.

For me the highlight is speciel events, not the MA. I hardly fly MA anymore. But maybee moust off us who have been along for some years comes to a stop some times and need a break;).

HTC have done a great work with the game the last 4 years I have been around here, but the last 1 1/2 year other sims have come up with huge grapich and damage/structur detail improvment who give a sim more realisme and fun. But ofcourse you cant have great grapich etc. and 700 in the same room playing without getting lagg.

I think there is room for both this type off sim, like AH and IL2/FB etc. Who have there diffrent aspect of fronting the game.

+ Closer communety
+ Multi players up to 700 in the same room
+ Plane types
+ Boats, tanks etc.
+ Outstanding vocie communicaten.

- Grapich
- Damage models

+ Outstanding grapich
+ Outstanding sound
+ Outstanding detailed damage models.

- Multi playes, max at 32 players.
- No Speciel events
- No inbuilt voice communication, it have one but it sucks...;)
- You loose some off the communety of the pilots since you dont fly with so many at the same time.

Ok probely more + & - on both to add, but this was what came up;)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2004, 08:08:25 AM »
If you think there is anything that is more important than a good furball you will burn out.  there is nothing better than the fight.  The rest is simplistic and a waste of time.   The only changing challenge is the fur.. The rest is simple to attract players but... it is also the failing of strat.. once you realize that it is all for nothing and that the only real strat is "the side with the most numbers wins"   you are left with no game... and, since you never learned to fight... no options.

Furballs are ever changing.  Furballs are their own reward.  They are not for those who are insecure and have to have recognition but.. If you are good... it is simply known..  if you are not very good you can't game your way into looking better.

If you want to burn out then worry about the so called strat.


Offline AKIron

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« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2004, 08:12:41 AM »
You should start a series lazs, "the zen of fur". ;)
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2004, 08:50:57 AM »
yep... think about it...

Who is gonna burn out first?  The guy who lives for the furball or..

 the guy who types all in caps "JOIN THE MISSUN NOW!!!!!!!!!"   "we are flying heavy ftyphies at 25 k to hit the fuel at an undefended base 4 sectors away!!! help your country!! we are losing the war!!!!""  "come on guys, should be a good missun and not takle over an hour."


Offline Grits

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« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2004, 09:13:16 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
If you think there is anything that is more important than a good furball you will burn out.  there is nothing better than the fight.  The rest is simplistic and a waste of time.   The only changing challenge is the fur.. The rest is simple to attract players but... it is also the failing of strat.. once you realize that it is all for nothing and that the only real strat is "the side with the most numbers wins"   you are left with no game... and, since you never learned to fight... no options.

Furballs are ever changing.  Furballs are their own reward.  They are not for those who are insecure and have to have recognition but.. If you are good... it is simply known..  if you are not very good you can't game your way into looking better.

If you want to burn out then worry about the so called strat.


That is the most clear and concise description of how I view AH, I could not have worded it better. If you notice, the guys around here that were in AW, and I mean the old DOS AW, that have been flying forever follow that path also.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2004, 10:08:44 AM by Grits »

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2004, 09:35:49 AM »
In dos AW... you knew that if you fought enough hard fights or simply died enough times you would eventually get good enough to hold your own...

Nothing has changed except the attitude.  

Strat is a good place to hide and pretend that you aren't interested in doing well in a good fight.  When the lie finally hits you... you are burnt out.. you have no joy in toolshed killing and you haven't learned how to put up a decent fight... you can follow the horde and you probly won't get slaughtered but... While you are trying to figure out what to do about those three cons below who are outnumbered 6 to 1,... the guys with some skill have killed the only 3 cons and have left.  


Offline Grits

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« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2004, 10:12:30 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
In dos AW... you knew that if you fought enough hard fights or simply died enough times you would eventually get good enough to hold your own...

Nothing has changed except the attitude.

More of less I find the same thing in AH, its just harder to wade through all the building battlers to find those other guys that think want to fight. When you do find them it makes it all worth it. One good sortie in a furball can make my night.

Offline TequilaChaser

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the thrill is gone
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2004, 01:01:54 PM »
You still can burn out from the massive dog fights, furballs, etc.... especially if you fly alot more than the average player.

If you flew Dos and early days of what was it? SVGA AW4W you also got burnt on the cost :D    and some old un's have ended up like me and got an expensive divorce out of it :lol

edited: But I still live long for the sweaty palms type fights, to me thats the reward!
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline Grits

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« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2004, 01:44:42 PM »
Yup it was SVGA Air Warrior for DOS circa '93. When I started playing AW I didnt have a local node with GEnie so combined with the long distance and the hourly rate I paid $14 an HOUR[/b]!! Needless to say, I am not  overly sympathetic when I hear folks squeal "I PAY MY $15 A MONTH, AND I DEMAND THAT YOU HOLD MY HAND FOR ME!!"

Offline mechanic

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« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2004, 02:50:48 PM »
compared to most of you guys, im like a two week free trial guy. i have been playing AH since just before christmas 2003.
But i think already i can relate to the furball lovers. personaly i cant stand using a whole tank of gas and only finding one person that doesnt run or ho. rtb fuel sucks. rtb ammo is cool
when i see 20-30 planes twisting and turning in a 1/2 mile area i know for sure i will get the chance to shoot at 5 planes a minute and be shot at by twice as many. for what it is worth,IMHO, AH would have a more elite and select comunity if you got rid of the Golly-geen base captures all together:aok
for me, its simple. i live for the messages:
SYSTEM: You shot down pilot-X #X
SYSTEM: pilot-X shot you down
SYSTEM: Mechanic landed 4 kills in  plane-X of squad-X
SYSTEM: pilot-X that shot you down landed 4 kills in plane-x of squad-X
and finaly:
Mechanic: WTG pilot-X   good fight
Pilot-X: ty mech good fight sir

so next time you fight someone, dont say, 'your in a plane-x dweb ride loser freak', 'get a mans plane', 'fight me equally next time alt monkey', 'you ho'ing SOB', 'nice ram a-hole' ,etc etc etc, blah blah blah boring boring boring...drone drone donre...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaargh
just say 'nice kill' or ' pilot-X' or at the very least 'lol, that was fuct up man'
hahahahha   a two week newbie setting guidlines
what ever next:rofl
noble foe and friends
all whiners and beatches
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2004, 03:17:30 PM »

Mechanic bro you crack me up!

I love it!

A very daring post here in the world of how stongly so many feel the game should be played. Dam lol... I still got a smile on my face from reading your post. You are thinking exactly as I was and for the most part still am. The only difference is it took me a year or so to get to the state of mind that you are at.

Although I do disagree with you on some of what you said.

I used to run missions, huge missions for the bish. I loved bish. I still do like them for the most part. Somewhere along the lines, and I dont know where or how, either I grew apart from the bishops ways or the bish seemed to change as a country. I think it was the first now that I look back on it.

It can become very stressful, trying to take bases and win a reset. Its at that point when you let the game get the better of you and it no longer is a game anymore. It turns into something more. Which sadly it should not be. As a whole, the fun is gone when things start going sour. Bases that are planed to be captured are not, missions that you set up and plane fall apart. There are just too many variables to have to deal with that most peole dont want to nor care about dealing with.

Some like to win the war, and sure its fun. But logging into the game everysingle day and devoting your every moment on line to winning this reset, the fun of the game is lost. I think it will be very difficult for most to disagree with me on that.

Point being, mix it up! Do a fighter run, do a jabo run, hop into a GV, take a bomber up and set up your own little mission... Make the most of your 15 bucks. Do all that stuff ever day or every time you log on and the game may not become more of a "thrill" for you.

Personaly, I know what its like to get worn out flying fighters and doing nothing else. If you fly fighters and nothing but, before long it will be all that the game is to you and shortly there after you WILL get burnt out.
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2004, 04:48:27 PM »
morph.. no way can I bring myself to fly a jabo run or drive a GV... at my most bored... when there is no one on but toolshed battlers and fuel can killers... I might grab a field gun and kill a few... I can't do that for more than 10 minutes or so tho and the best time I ever had doing it was about a tenth as fun as the worst furball I have been in...

mechanic describes it well... the 20-30 plane furball stretching from the deck to say 6 k or so never fails to excite.  I need lots of targets and the challenge of keeping track of a lot of action and flight models.   If I am doing anything else I will sometimes auger if someone I know tells me where there is a good fur.
