Author Topic: CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers  (Read 2129 times)

Offline gear

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2004, 10:17:37 PM »
 When you are "bombing" you cannot shoot and bomb at the same time. External view is of no use during this time. If you have a gunner refer to item #1.

Well I like low level bombing where you cannot use the bomb site so I use the external view for this.:D

Offline TrueKillJG54

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2004, 10:47:24 PM »
If u want the CT more realistic then u should start with the ack mainly the fleet ack it is almost impassable to fly a plane though fllet ack and live iv seen many clips of planes fly though fleet ack and got hit with many ack and fly away with no real dammage. and i think they should put more dammage meter like part of ur rudder can be shot off not the hole thing. like parts of parts can come off. thats what they should do b4 u mess with exturnal views.

Offline TrueKillJG54

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2004, 10:54:51 PM »
If u want the CT more realistic then u should start with the ack mainly the fleet ack it is almost impassable to fly a plane though fllet ack and live iv seen many clips of planes fly though fleet ack and got hit with many ack and fly away with no real dammage. and i think they should put more dammage meter like part of ur rudder can be shot off not the hole thing. like parts of parts can come off. thats what they should do b4 u mess with exturnal views.

Offline Oldman731

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2004, 11:10:26 PM »
Shows how ignorant I am.  I didn't even know you could do this with fluffers.

Shame on you bomber people.  

FWIW...who cares?  If the groundpounders want to have some sort of advantage, let them have it.

- oldman

Offline PropNut

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2004, 11:46:33 PM »
Bad Idea in my opinion..... It will be suicide to try to calibrate and set-up  a bomb run without someone watching for you (as it was in real life)  I can just imagine the bombardier trying to set-up (and being the only guy in the plane) having to run all over the aircraft hoping to see something.   Its also going to be very hard to turn any formations without losing your drones.   I think alot of people want the buffs out of the why not just leave em out of the list?  I think if everyone wants a furball arena  then no buffs would be perfect, and thats what will basically happen.  now that would be realistic


Offline Jester

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2004, 03:56:21 AM »
Originally posted by PropNut
Bad Idea in my opinion..... It will be suicide to try to calibrate and set-up  a bomb run without someone watching for you (as it was in real life)  I can just imagine the bombardier trying to set-up (and being the only guy in the plane) having to run all over the aircraft hoping to see something.   Its also going to be very hard to turn any formations without losing your drones.   I think alot of people want the buffs out of the why not just leave em out of the list?  I think if everyone wants a furball arena  then no buffs would be perfect, and thats what will basically happen.  now that would be realistic


Don't see how you can say that Prop.

I flew a B-26 with the 322nd BG (M) and the only time I ever used external views was to line up on the target. Could do the same thing from the nose but got a little better view with the outside view. Never lost any drones manuvering and that was with leading 6 other pilot's and their formations. I had no problem cycleing through the gun positions to watch for cons.

It's a crutch and very "arcadeish" IMHO no matter what excuse you make for it. Still it is up to the players to decide this.

Bombers should be in EVERY set up for those that want them and a natural part of operations. They were there in almost every theater. We have kind got into a rut of not putting out the "Heavies" (B-17, Lanc & even B-26) very often.


Offline Batz

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2004, 05:33:07 AM »
Bombers arent under "constant attack". Usually its 1 fighter vrs 1 group of Bombers.

With no ext view you can still line up on target from the nose gun pos. Just page up, move forward and zoom... You can see for miles.

Bomber guys can just go to the gun positions to check for bad guys. 1 2 3 4 ... I mean how hard is that? You are in the gun position any way to return fire.

External view gives far better vision then from any gun positon and far better then even a 10 manned crewed bomber.

Folks made the same dire predictions when HT got rid of external views for gvs in the main. The reality is it wont make a bit of difference.


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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2004, 05:48:40 AM »
The external view is a phenomenal advantage.  the three ship's defensive armament coupled to one gunner gives the buff an extremely unbalancing advantage over fighters.

If you want to fly buffs you should need an additional crew member minimum and you should need fighter escort.

the losses experienced by buff crews in WWII were horrendous when the buffs were unescorted.  this will cause the 490th type guys to rely on the 312th and plan missions.  as opposed to *yawn* I'm bored says Lokee, grab three B26's pork a base where people are taking off to furball from, score 6 kills and land.

As it is now 1 man in a formation can take off and singlehandedly pork a field, fend off all comers and gleefully rtb.  this should not be.

Disabling the external view will go a long way to providing a much more immersive experience for the rest of us.

All that plus I hate the %^$@!#* buffs. so take it with a grain of salt.

Offline TrueKillJG54

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2004, 06:48:34 AM »
Batz how ur talkin i dont think u fly bombers and its really hard to try to line ur plane up on the target, shoot cons (or even locate the con and not to mention if theres more then 1 con attacking u its hard to keep up with them), or bomb with no exturnal views. i can see what ur talkin bout if u turn them off if lets say an A-20, JU-88, or Lancaster,cuz they have 1 and 3 guns, but the KI-67, B17, B26s, and this is a must needed extural view bomber the AR234 cuz ur ganna be gunnin blind so if u can turn some off and some on (witch u cant unless u change the flight programs) that whould even things out. but if u turn them off u might as well take out the AR234 cuz whats the use of a bomber with a gun that u cant see to shoot with.

It doesnt take long to check for cons from each station. Most of the time radar already gives away cons position in relation to yours.

yea it does take long cuz u have to go to each gun and look in every direction that, that 1 gun can view and that will take a while in the B17 B26 and KI67."MOST OF THE TIME" dar gives cons loc. away but half the time ppl kill the dar at a base and u cant see any cons by u. and if a con attacks u, u have to go though each gun to see where he went and thats far from realistic cuz gunners in bombers informed other gunners where a enemy plane was. and like i said earlyer its ganna be diffacult tracking 1 con but most the time he brings his buddys and dealing with 3 or more cons at once with no exturnal views WILL be impossable i know from playing in the H2H arena in a B17 tryin to fight off 3 109s with exturnal views off yea i killed 1 but by the time i found the second one my wing was off and i was fallin out of the sky.

So with that said Please dont turn exturnal views off theres not that many buff squads out there but i bet there will be less if u turn them off and the number r finally going up in the CT if u do this its more then likely they will go down cuz there will be nothing but endless furballs and yeah it'll be fun in the first 2 or 3 days but what happeneds when ppl get tyred of furballin "they leave" and i know i'll be 1 of them that goes back to the MA cuz furballs is fun but its not an everyday thing and i love bombing but in my opnion its a load of watermelon if u turn them off. and most the ppl that say it would be better to turn them off dont fly buff and sience they dont have the advatage they whine and 1 thing i learned about playin this game is that yall aways give the whiners their way. but what do i know iv just played this game for 2 and 1/2 years and i like it how it is "why fix the dam thing if its not broken" and i know some1s ganna have some smartarse thing to say about what i just wrote well all i have to say to u is if u dont have nothin nice to say dont say anthing at all :p  

and thats all i got to say about that :)  sry this post so long i got carryed away

Offline Löwe

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2004, 07:40:24 AM »
Originally posted by storch
The external view is a phenomenal advantage.  the three ship's defensive armament coupled to one gunner gives the buff an extremely unbalancing advantage over fighters.

If you want to fly buffs you should need an additional crew member minimum and you should need fighter escort.

the losses experienced by buff crews in WWII were horrendous when the buffs were unescorted.  this will cause the 490th type guys to rely on the 312th and plan missions.  as opposed to *yawn* I'm bored says Lokee, grab three B26's pork a base where people are taking off to furball from, score 6 kills and land.

As it is now 1 man in a formation can take off and singlehandedly pork a field, fend off all comers and gleefully rtb.  this should not be.

Disabling the external view will go a long way to providing a much more immersive experience for the rest of us.

All that plus I hate the %^$@!#* buffs. so take it with a grain of salt.

What Storch said.

Offline Shane

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2004, 07:47:13 AM »
Originally posted by Jester
They were there in almost every theater. We have kind got into a rut of not putting out the "Heavies" (B-17, Lanc & even B-26) very often.

their impact for the #'s of players in CT is excessive. disable formations *and* toughen up targets greatly, like 10x, fine, but then jabos are out of luck.

the heavies were used for strategic targets, not tactical bombing.

and the avg CT weenie already "abuses" bombers.
enable them at only the furthermost rear bases, w/o formations, then it might just work out.

but this has nothing to do with external views.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2004, 08:24:58 AM by Shane »
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Offline TrueKillJG54

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2004, 08:07:38 AM »
there we go shane that will work:D

Offline PropNut

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2004, 05:08:31 PM »
Whats this Batz?   "Usually its 1 fighter vrs 1 group of Bombers"   I see you dont fly buffs much....its not unsual for 3 or 4 fighters to be on you at one time.  Hitech put external viewa on the buffs for one reason  "visability"  because you cant have a crew of 10 watching like AW had  and because he chose not to enable "Otto" gunning (thank God) .   Its a very good balance ..  Im sure the lines will be drawn between the Buff pilots and the fighter pilots that would like some easy kills or are tired of getting killed chasing a buff.  (thats the only reason for the change)   Maybe we should just change the name to FBT  "Furrball Theater"

Offline Shane

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2004, 05:10:21 PM »
screw furball...  call it shane theatre!!

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline Batz

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2004, 05:45:11 PM »
Originally posted by TrueKillJG54
Batz how ur talkin i dont think u fly bombers and its really hard to try to line ur plane up on the target, shoot cons (or even locate the con and not to mention if theres more then 1 con attacking u its hard to keep up with them), or bomb with no exturnal views. i can see what ur talkin bout if u turn them off if lets say an A-20, JU-88, or Lancaster,cuz they have 1 and 3 guns, but the KI-67, B17, B26s, and this is a must needed extural view bomber the AR234 cuz ur ganna be gunnin blind so if u can turn some off and some on (witch u cant unless u change the flight programs) that whould even things out. but if u turn them off u might as well take out the AR234 cuz whats the use of a bomber with a gun that u cant see to shoot with.


yea it does take long cuz u have to go to each gun and look in every direction that, that 1 gun can view and that will take a while in the B17 B26 and KI67."MOST OF THE TIME" dar gives cons loc. away but half the time ppl kill the dar at a base and u cant see any cons by u. and if a con attacks u, u have to go though each gun to see where he went and thats far from realistic cuz gunners in bombers informed other gunners where a enemy plane was. and like i said earlyer its ganna be diffacult tracking 1 con but most the time he brings his buddys and dealing with 3 or more cons at once with no exturnal views WILL be impossable i know from playing in the H2H arena in a B17 tryin to fight off 3 109s with exturnal views off yea i killed 1 but by the time i found the second one my wing was off and i was fallin out of the sky.

So with that said Please dont turn exturnal views off theres not that many buff squads out there but i bet there will be less if u turn them off and the number r finally going up in the CT if u do this its more then likely they will go down cuz there will be nothing but endless furballs and yeah it'll be fun in the first 2 or 3 days but what happeneds when ppl get tyred of furballin "they leave" and i know i'll be 1 of them that goes back to the MA cuz furballs is fun but its not an everyday thing and i love bombing but in my opnion its a load of watermelon if u turn them off. and most the ppl that say it would be better to turn them off dont fly buff and sience they dont have the advatage they whine and 1 thing i learned about playin this game is that yall aways give the whiners their way. but what do i know iv just played this game for 2 and 1/2 years and i like it how it is "why fix the dam thing if its not broken" and i know some1s ganna have some smartarse thing to say about what i just wrote well all i have to say to u is if u dont have nothin nice to say dont say anthing at all :p  

and thats all i got to say about that :)  sry this post so long i got carryed away

Try typing it over in English.

 I know exactly what I am talking about. From the nose gun position on most bombers simply page up and move forward. In fact set keypad 8 to the desired preset view and you can see for miles. You may need to add some forward down angle.

You simply don’t know what you are talking about, and from the style of your last post neither did I. At least 90% of it any how.