Sure you want to use NASA? Cost overruns abound, inefficiencies, botched missions and disasters.
I'm not making your argument. There IS no argument at all. The local board was a government running a school. There was no accountability, no profit/loss or performance reveiws. They failed so totally that the Feds stepped in and took over the school system. Guess what with a bigger "big government" running the show, things got WORSE. It's a graphic demonstration of where your method leads.
What would have happened if the "big dig" had been let as a contract to build and construct a privately funded "toll road"? This is how highways got built in the early part of our nation's history. Allow them a certain number of years to run the toll road to make back their investment plus a reasonable profit. I think it would have gottne done a lot cheaper with far less drain on the US taxpayer..... how about you?
If it involves your tax dollar, it will be bloated, private or not.
Disagree. It's all in how you structure the contract to the private contractors.
Paying teachers more money is a good thing. Even you realize that. What's the best, quickest way to get them more money AND get accountability on their performance? Private schools. Plain and simple. Paying them more in a public system such as we have provides no accountability. Note the hand wringing and crying about having to meet the minimal Federal standards we have right now.
I'd support privatizing police and fire if they were as dysfunctional as our public schools. Say, what do you think of all the privatized prisons being run for the states all over the country right now? Isn't that privatized police, in essence?
I simply want what works. Public schools don't work anymore, for a whole lot of reasons. Mainly, I think it's because there is no parental control of the schools. The edicts come down from on high and must be followed. And, like always, the guys farthest from the trenches seldom have a clue of what's going on or what is needed.
It's not that, it's that there are smarter people with a lot more money and power that are not going to let it happen.
Oh, yeah.. that's right! Like the 200 mpg Fish carburetor. Look, "big oil" can't buy off all the folks that would crop up going for the $250 billion prize. Even they can't afford that. Beyond that, the market for that technology would be so great that gazillions would be made. I'm betting that with that kind of incentive, the big oil companies would put their own scientists to work on the project.
Biodiesel has one big problem you conveniently overlook. It's probably the lowest cost
alternative fuel but it's still not as cheap as petrodiesel. That may change as oil prices rise. But you can't get around the basic fact that it costs more to use and that's why it's not the predominant diesel fuel.