Author Topic: Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?  (Read 4662 times)

Offline Nash

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Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
« Reply #120 on: June 10, 2004, 10:18:44 PM »
Yeah, I read it. And I laughed.

This is your big link to terrorism? This paper? These guys are loony tunes. You prolly don't know it and just found the pdf particularly, erm, "tantalizing". In any event, (just between you and me), you shouldn't be the guy mentioning tinfoil hats.

"Despite the White House’s inexplicable insistence to the contrary, tantalizing clues suggest that Saddam Hussein’s jaw might not have dropped to the floor when fireballs erupted from the Twin Towers two years ago."

Hussein's jaw might not have dropped?!! OMG do you know what this means?!?!!!

Neither do I.

"One Bush administration communications specialist told me
that the government is bashful about all of this because
these links are difficult to prove."

But you beg to differ onnacount of this paper? If Bush had a link, he'd be whoring it. He aint, you and these nutjobs are, and well, it's funny dude.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2004, 10:28:54 PM by Nash »

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #121 on: June 10, 2004, 10:29:00 PM »
Originally posted by capt. apathy
finally, now you're catching up with the rest of the country.

you see some people where a little faster on the uptake, which accounts for a formerly extremely popular president, not being quite so extremely popular anymore.

I didn't vote for the man the fist time around, and I don't think he's good for our country.  but after 9/11, we traced the alquada terrorists to Afghanistan and had to invade.  I supported that(as most of the country did), and supported Bush, he seemed to be making good decisions.

then they got on to the idea of invading Iraq.  or more accurately they decided to start talking publicly about their plans to invade Iraq.

they saw money to be made and thought they could just toss it in with the whole 'war on terror' package.  I guess they figured we where to stupid to tell one rag-head from another, and would cheer them on without wondering why we where fighting them.

it worked on a lot of people, but some Americans had been paying enough attention to ask why we where going after Iraq.

we got a bunch of different answers, not many made sense and when they fell apart this administration just pulled a new reason out of their ass.
  for the billionth time, let go through some of them again-

1.  it's because they won't cooperate with the UN and follow UN resolutions.

A: thats the UN's job to enforce UN resolutions. and the UN doesn't want us to go in.  you can't go against someones wishes and say your actions are in support of them.  so reason #1 is BS

2. they have WMD that are an immediate threat to our countries security.

A: they haven't been found.  much of the 'proof' that they where there at the time of invasion was found to be unreliable or just plain fabricated.  had they actually had them and were ready to use them, why didn't they use them on us when we invaded?  SH faces a good chance of execution as it is, he had nothing to lose by using these weapons to try and keep his country.

 if you use the argument that he didn't because he was afraid of our reaction, then that would cancel out the whole argument of them being a threat to our security, since he was afraid to use them on us.

to sum up reason #2 is BS

3.  SH is a evil man and should be taken out of office.

A:  simply put it's not our job.  our politicians are elected to look after the best interest of America, not Iraq.  policing other peoples gov'ts is that countries business, not ours.  worst case scenario the UN can deal with it.

sum up reason #3- it is not our war to fight.

4.  this administration ran this war for private reasons, mostly relating to profit.  the war sold to America was just a scam to pull it off.  they used it as a way to drain our Treasury and the only Americans to see any benefit are those who make money off of war.  good men died, wifes are widows, children are fatherless, families separated and members of this administration and their buddy's are richer.

A: and your well thought out reason why this isn't possible is  ":rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl "

well at least you thought it through :rolleyes:

I never said it was not possible. I said the idea was absurd and ludicrous.

You however, propose that it is not only possible, but that you believe it to be the truth.

However, for all your baseless accusations and assumptions, you provide no FACTS. You provide no hard evidence that Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq for the express purpose of of ripping off the United States citizens and enriching Cheney Haliburton.

Now, since CLINTON  went into the nasty mess in Europe (yeah, you know the one) WITHOUT UN AUTHORIZATION and then awarded Cheney Haliburton several lucrative no bid contracts, then it would be just as easy to accuse CLINTON and GORE of doing what you accuse Bush and Cheney of, by merely inferring that Cheney Haliburton, being as crooked and greedy as you claim they are, greased the right palms in the Clinton-Gore administration.

See, it is just as easy to make accusations that are unfounded and baseless so long as you don't have to back them up with FACTS.

So, why don't you provide some FACTS to PROVE that Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq to award lucrative no bid contracts to Haliburton? That is, if you have some.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #122 on: June 10, 2004, 10:38:05 PM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
Capt Apothy with all his libralism would still rather see US GIs killed in action because of poor equipment than a possible conflict of interest w/ the VP.  Nope you havnt said it but you havnt denied it either.  You let your cold hatred of the pres. get in the way of morals and better judgment.  

really did you read this thread.


Originally posted by Gunslinger
So does the VP still own a good share of haliburton?

If so you'd rather our troops have substandard service/equipment wich may endanger them than have a "potential" conflict of interest?

he does.

no I'd rather this administration hadn't sent our troops overseas to generate business for companies owned by members of that administration.

you asked 2 questions
the first I answered "he does"

for the second I relied 'no' ( that's a denial, for for anyone who may be lagging behind in reading comprehension)

and explained how I'd have preferred he avoid a conflict of interest.  or if the war was really necessary he could have sold his shares before taking this route.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #123 on: June 10, 2004, 10:42:26 PM »
Some of these guys should limit themselves to one question at a time.

When they ask more, they tend to jumble up alla answers into some kind of personal affront of jihad anti-amreekan blasphemist librahl zombieist proportions.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2004, 10:45:15 PM by Nash »

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #124 on: June 10, 2004, 10:43:53 PM »
Originally posted by Nash
Yeah, I read it. And I laughed.

This is your big link to terrorism? This paper? These guys are loony tunes. You prolly don't know it and just found the pdf particularly, erm, "tantalizing". In any event, (just between you and me), you shouldn't be the guy mentioning tinfoil hats.

That is your opinion. You may or may not be right. PROVE it wrong. Calling them names PROVES NOTHING. Like I said, you and captain apathy are trumpeting this paranoid theory that Iraq was invaded for the express purpose of awarding lucrative contracts to Haliburton, but you offer NO PROOF, and NO FACTS to support the theory.

You call the article false, and say it was written by 'loony tunes". But you offer ZERO proof to refute what was written. Got any proof of what you say? The article quotes reliable sources from multiple sides of the arguement, including Clinton Secretary of State Albright.


"Despite the White House’s inexplicable insistence to the contrary, tantalizing clues suggest that Saddam Hussein’s jaw might not have dropped to the floor when fireballs erupted from the Twin Towers two years ago."

Hussein's jaw might not have dropped?!! OMG do you know what this means?!?!!!

Neither do I.

Pretty simple, even you should be able to figure out the guy is saying Saddam Hussien was not surprised when it happened.


"One Bush administration communications specialist told me
that the government is bashful about all of this because
these links are difficult to prove."

But you beg to differ onnacount of this paper? If Bush had a link, he'd be whoring it. He aint, you and these nutjobs are, and well, it's funny dude. [/B]

Like I said, PROVE the article false. Prove the guys who wrote it are "nut jobs". Offer published articles with compelling evidence to refute what is in the article. At the very least. And while you're at it, offer published articles showing facts that prove your position that Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq for the express purpose of awarding Haliburton lucrative no bid contracts, in order to rip off the citizens of the United States, at the expense of the lives of U.S. servicemen. Go ahead, I'd like to read them.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline ravells

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« Reply #125 on: June 10, 2004, 10:44:49 PM »
wow. Thanks for carrying the torch, Nash.

I am not worthy!


Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #126 on: June 10, 2004, 10:53:12 PM »
Originally posted by capt. apathy
really did you read this thread.

you asked 2 questions
the first I answered "he does"

for the second I relied 'no' ( that's a denial, for for anyone who may be lagging behind in reading comprehension)

and explained how I'd have preferred he avoid a conflict of interest.  or if the war was really necessary he could have sold his shares before taking this route.

so your answer is you'd rather them not be there in the first place.....BUT THEY ARE THERE and haliburton is the best company around to provide them service AND THEY'VE BEEN DOING IT SINCE CLINTON and before.

So NOW you say you want cheney to sell his shares....So this fuss isnt about the big bad evil corporation at all its about Cheney.  I see clearly now thank you

and you still havnt stated you'd rather the troops have the best equipment and services possible even if there is a "possible conflict of intrest"
« Last Edit: June 10, 2004, 10:56:08 PM by Gunslinger »

Offline ravells

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« Reply #127 on: June 10, 2004, 10:56:15 PM »
No Gunslinger.

People who have a personal financial interest in corporations should not be in that conflicting position.

It's really easy. Sell your shares and get out so you can be seen to be working for the intersts of your country and not your own.

It's not that difficult a concept, surely?


Offline Nash

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« Reply #128 on: June 10, 2004, 10:56:27 PM »
Well I would LIKE to prove all that to you, CVH, but wouldn't ya know it the batteries died on my wire taps.


I ain't "trumpeting this paranoid theory that Iraq was invaded for the express purpose of awarding lucrative contracts to Haliburton."

But that doesn't seem to stop you from refuting it. There's a word for that style of argument.

Fact: The reasons given for the Iraq invasion turned out to be BS.

Fact: Cheney is making a boatload of money off this war.

Are we okay with these facts so far?

Good. Now, I aint drawing any conclusions. What I'm saying is:

Anyone who stands to profit from war should not be allowed a position to create one.

If this were the case, you wouldn't now be in the unenviable position of citing ridiculous articles to prop up a position that not even your popular leaders will touch, for the express purpose of knocking down a position that nobody is taking in the first place.

Offline ravells

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« Reply #129 on: June 10, 2004, 10:58:27 PM »

Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #130 on: June 10, 2004, 10:58:37 PM »
Originally posted by ravells
No Gunslinger.

People who have a personal financial interest in corporations should not be in that conflicting position.

It's really easy. Sell your shares and get out so you can be seen to be working for the intersts of your country and not your own.

It's not that difficult a concept, surely?


so because he has shares in the company the troops should not have the best possible service and equipment?

Offline ravells

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« Reply #131 on: June 10, 2004, 10:59:49 PM »

For GODS SAKE! HE should get the hell out of the company!


Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #132 on: June 10, 2004, 11:05:03 PM »
Originally posted by ravells

For GODS SAKE! HE should get the hell out of the company!



Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #133 on: June 10, 2004, 11:05:18 PM »
You'd LIKE to prove it but you CAN'T.

You cannot even bring anything that refutes an article you claim was written by "nut jobs", and that I should be ashamed of citing.

If you cannot offer any proof to refute anything, why should I feel my position is "unenviable"?

I'll grant you that it would be difficult to prove your charges against Bush and Cheney along with Haliburton.

So, that part of it aside, you still have shown nothing to refute the article's statements regarding Saddam Hussien's backing of terrorism. Why? You repeatedly state that it was written by "nut jobs" but you provide no facts to prove it wrong. Again, PROVE IT. If it is a load of crap written by "nut jobs", surely a person of your supposedly intimidating intellect should be able to destroy it with "the truth" with little or no effort. Come on, share your amazing intellect and all those facts you have to prove the article is nothing more than the mindless ravings of "nut jobs".
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline ravells

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« Reply #134 on: June 10, 2004, 11:07:28 PM »
um...what was the question?
