Author Topic: F4U-1 "Pappy" Boyington Skin Created...  (Read 972 times)

Offline Rockport

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F4U-1 "Pappy" Boyington Skin Created...
« on: June 22, 2004, 02:17:56 PM »
I did my first skin and submitted it and I hope people find it to be okay...

Since so many P-51 skins were being done I went with a different plane and chose the F4U-1

Specifically: VMF-214 - 86 Major Gregory "Papy" Boyington of the famous Blacksheep Squadron

Everyone has to start some place...

Offline 2Hawks

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Not quite historically accurate...
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2004, 03:39:40 PM »
That skin is Not quite historically accurate.

There were three incarnations of the black sheep squadron.
Marines and Naval aviators shared a pool of aircraft resources as there are ususally more pilots that planes. No craft belonged to any particular pilot in those days. The photo of Pappy in the Corsair was a publicity trip, and his name was hastily stenciled and kill flags added strictly for the photo-shoot.

Plane designations went by squad, and individual craft numbers. There may have been planes that pilots favored, but unless there were equal amounts of planes / pilots, no Navy or Marine Aviator has a custom plane.


Black Sheep Squadrons:

Offline Rockport

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F4U-1 "Pappy" Boyington Skin Created...
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2004, 04:04:31 PM »
I realize what you are saying, but I just felt that even though it was painted more for publicity it still had some historical value... I mean the man did fly the plane even though it was for photos rather than combat...

I mean even though "Pappy" liked his wine & women he was still one of the greatest american aces during the war, plus he actually lived up here in Seattle before he joined the Marines so I had to give him his props...

If they choose not to use it fine, but it represents one of the great pilots of the day and I will have it in my skins folder regardless...

Offline 2Hawks

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I agree,
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2004, 08:04:05 PM »
I agree in the respect that he was a great pilot. I was born in Bremerton, and I feel for the same reason as you about where he lived for a time.

As far as having flown said plane... he never  even started the engine to my knowledge. If they allowed a skin to be approved simply on the basis a great pilot sat in the plane then I would think that would apply to a lot more experimental aircraft / skins being approved on that basis.

IMHO skins should be approved / disapoved on the same basis that HT seems to determine plane eligability for AH. Historic, and in use at the appropriate period of time.