Author Topic: Your now tuned to the Armed Forces Radio...  (Read 283 times)

Offline OntosMk1

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Your now tuned to the Armed Forces Radio...
« on: June 23, 2004, 06:59:45 PM »
Have you ever decided to fly Bombers one time to either bomb an enemy HQ or just help out with an enemy air field/town?
Now im not talking about simply flying at 8-10k and dive bombing. Hvy Bombers just werent ment for that. I'm talk about taking off from a fairly high base grabbing up to say 15-22k flying to your target, calibrating your the bombsight and dropping eggs.

 Well, if you have you'll know that it takes a fairly good amount of time to do all this. Probably why most people dont like to fly Buffs unless its in a mission and even then they're reluctant. One night I decided to watch "Memphis Belle" and there is a scene where while inbound to target they all tune in to the AFR, or Armed Forces Radio. It was then I started to wonder what sort of impact an MP3 or medi player would have on the game. So I loaded up "Winamp" then went out and found some ventage music from the likes of "Glen Miller", "The Andrew Sisters", "Frank Sanatra", "Bing Crosby" and even some German songs from the time like "Lil Marlene" and a march called "Panzer Leid".
Well Im here to tell you that it changed the experience of the game GREATLY. It made the long trip go faster and left some really cool moments with very little impact on the game performance. The only time I saw any sort of performace drop was when trying to fly fighters and dogfight w/music playing. This caused some stuttering at times. So i usually dont listen to music while in Fighters unless we're escorting Long range Buffs or something.

It's something that you all might want to try. It made long bombing runs a lot more enjoyable for me and seemed to make the time go quicker. If any of you decide to try this out and need some period music I have over 80+ Mp3 that I could either send you or tell you where i got them.

BTW, hee are my Puter specs;
AMD Atholon XP 2.1ghrz
512 DDR memory
Nvidia GForce FX 5600 Ultra w/256 DDR memory
Soundblaster live
and two 20gig HD.

Anyways, the music made me enjoy flying Buffs again and made the the gaming experience even more enjoyable. So I thought I'd share it with everyone.
TIGER, tiger, burning bright  
In the forests of the night,  
What immortal hand or eye  
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

Offline Rafe35

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Your now tuned to the Armed Forces Radio...
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 08:00:27 PM »
Former member of VF-17 "Jolly Rogers"

Offline RTR

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Your now tuned to the Armed Forces Radio...
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2004, 09:05:14 PM »
I use a site called iceberg radio.

It has a section solely devoted to music from the War Years. (in the Nostalgia section)

When I fly a buff on a long mission (which is actually pretty rare, I suck in bombers), I tune to it and get immersed in the mission.

I agree, it's pretty cool :)

Not sure if the link works but here ya go:


The Damned

Offline guttboy

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Your now tuned to the Armed Forces Radio...
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2004, 01:14:47 PM »
ONTOS!  I  would love the list!

Also? for do you run winamp and AH2 at the same time?  Does it conflict?
