Too bad none of these pictures shows rough airfields. Read the Spitty 9 manual, Spittys are forbidden to use that 1000lbs loadout from anywhere else than well prepeared hard surface fields. Moreover, they were forbidden to land with that weight, max. extra load to land with was one 500lbs bomb, or equivalnt.
FYI, 109s did reguarly carried out missions with 1100lbs external load from Norway down to South Africa.
Ie. 1x300lit DT + 2x20mm gunpods was very common thing to be seen on 109s. The DT should weigt ~250 kg, the gunpods weighted 235kg, loaded.
Or, in case of (armed) recce G-4s, 2x300lit DT was carried under the wings, again 500kg, no restrictions of from where to take off or how to land.
The G-2/R1 config, 1x500kg, plus two DTs. That`s 2000lbs, even though it was experimental only.
And it tells a lot about the strenght of the wing on 109, that the diving limitations were exactly the same with the 517lbs weighting gunpods under the wings as clean (527mph IAS).
Can we see a reference to that 10 G max. load factor of the Spit?