That Bf 109K dive chart is for "Fahtmesser höhenkompensiert" ie the speed meter had compensation for altitude. In practice this means that these values are not comparable with normal IAS values (except at sea level).
Regarding g limits, people are mixing things here quite badly. Most WWII fighters were originally designed for breaking load factors well over 10g and safe load factors were normally around 6-8g (depending on standard) at given weight. As an example the Mustang was originally designed for safe load factor 8g at weight 8000lbs with safety coefficien 1,5 ie the breaking load factor was 12g. At higher weight load factors are naturally lower; the weight of the Mustang (just like weight of the Spitfire and Bf 109) raised during production for various reasons, therefore safe load factor decraesed and but It should be noted that the planes rarely reached their safe limits in practice. In the case of the Bf 109 the airframe was strenghtened several times after last major redesign (Bf 109F) and same is certainly true for the Spitfire.
The dive limits had nothing directly to do with max loading factors. The main limit was critical mach number ie the mach number were the compressibility effects started (buffeting, porpoising, dutch roll or what ever). In the test conditions many planes certainly reached higher mach numbers, as an example that Bf 109 which reached mach 0,8 was not a standard plane but a Bf 109F/G hybrid with revised aileron throw and ejection seat. The test pilot, Lukas Schmid (see "Test Pilots" by Wolfgang Späte ), noted that without revised aileron throw he would have probaly died; the Bf 109 developed strong dutch roll motion above it's critical mach number which is about mach 0,76 according to German documentation and that fits also quite nicely to it's dive limits.
Regarding aileron reversal speeds, according to DVL tests the Bf 109F had aileron reversal speed about 1000km/h at 3km (about 620mph at 10k). As for comparison RAE tests give:
Fw 190 750mph
Mustang I 850mph
Mustang III 880mph
Spitfire V 580mph (standard wing)
Spitfire V 660mph (clipped wing)
Typhoon 740mph