Author Topic: Guns Or Roses  (Read 1604 times)

Offline FUNKED1

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« Reply #75 on: July 30, 2004, 03:36:55 PM »
Originally posted by Curval
No guns here.  

I would have bought a few hooks for my fishing rod so that I could feed my family.

That's great, because you will be nice and fat when my gun toting band kills and eats your unarmed family.  :rofl

Offline FUNKED1

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« Reply #76 on: July 30, 2004, 03:38:56 PM »
Springfield M1A
Remington 870

Offline GtoRA2

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« Reply #77 on: July 30, 2004, 03:39:17 PM »
Good plan Funky! Canabalism in the post apocoliptic world is the way to go!


Offline FUNKED1

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« Reply #78 on: July 30, 2004, 03:40:24 PM »
Nothing like a little longpig bbq.  :D

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« Reply #79 on: July 30, 2004, 03:46:55 PM »
Yeap, I bet it is tasty after hours and hours of smoking and falls right off the bone!


Much easier to catch then fish as well, and you do not have all those little bones, and plus is don't taste like fish! :)

Offline superpug1

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« Reply #80 on: July 30, 2004, 03:54:20 PM »
U want The new SOCOM14 M1a rifle with a 16.5 inch barrel. U will use standard .308 170 grain, but u drill a hole in the nose and put a small amount of mercury in it then fill the hole up the rest of the way with lead. this will create an intry wound the size of a basketball and will down any one or anything that messes with u. remember to keep about 50 rounds stock so u can hunt. then ur set. :aok

Offline GtoRA2

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« Reply #81 on: July 30, 2004, 03:56:15 PM »
 Does the term MrBlack mean anything to you?:D

Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #82 on: July 30, 2004, 04:16:47 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
Not sure of your definition of wiping us out but that`s not what I am talking about.
  There is always a few smaller radical groups out there that I think the major threat comes from. We have seen a small scale demonstration.
  A relatively small group, supplied with the tools that are floating around in the world today, with attacks on key points and coordination could bring things in any country to a point of total chaos.
  Coordinated attacks on power and communication would filll the bill.
  Without these two elements in key large cities all supply would come to a halt. Without supply these cities would be in total chaos within 48 hours or less. From that point on it would be pretty self consuming . Riots and looting would be the first step. Without communication there would be no way to control or stop the situation from escalating.  We have allready seen sections of large cities in this state over such things as racial rioting , etc.  
  Hell, we have seen rioting , looting and self destruction in the larger cities, on a fairly large scale, over such trivial things as sports events wins/losses.
  Most major military powers are prepared for large scale attacks from the outside, but turmoil from within, without power and communication is another story. In that case a country becomes it`s own worst enemy.  
  Scared, frightened and without direction the human reverts to animal instincts of self preservation. The old "team spirit" is set aside to be replaced with survival of the fittest.

Sure, we're vulnerable in many ways. Hell, individuals could go to all the major airports with shoulder launched Sams and hit airliners taking off, which would result in the planes probably crashing into a densly populated area causing tremendous casualties. Only takes one person at each airport to do that.

The trememdous costs of having the police and military running patrols 10-15 miles radius from all the airports would hurt us financially. All the air carriers would go bankrupt as no one would choose to fly anymore.

Why haven't they released any bio agents in our major cities? Think of the total chaos in that scenario.

How about taking out all our major bridges?
See where I'm going with this?

We can go on and on about the possibilities but Al Quiada is just not as big, strong, and coordinated as we might think they are. They attacked out of hate and revenge, not jealousy and envy.
They put all their resources into 9/11. So how many people did they have for their 9/11 attacks? 19? 24? 30? What if they had 10,000 suicide members instead. Think of the damage that would have resulted. Fact is they used up all their suicide volunteers in that attack.

This goes back to why I'm basically against our war. We invade countries where a vast majority have absolutely nothing to do with the attacks against us. In our actions, we end up killing innocent civillians per collateral damage. Well guess what? Remember the hate and revenge motive stated above? You think we just didn't create some new members willing to hit us back?

Can we say self fulfilling prophecy? The more innocent civillians we hit in our actions, the more we build up our enemy's numbers.
Do you think that somehow other people react differently to us when we see our families, friends, and fellow countrymen getting killed? We can say accident all we want (it is), but try convincing those that lost their families. Cause and effect.

Remember, it's not what we think we're doing but what the innocent victims in all of this think. Do you think our intel is sufficient to indicate who the real enemies are? All those buildings we didn't get innocent civillians? We didn't HAVE to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, we Chose to. Big difference.

I'll save my best reason for last. We're losing our own in these invasions. Our fellow countrymen and women are being killed in our actions where we don't have a clear target and enemy. Reminds me very much of Vietnam in this regard. Oh yeah, we'll win the battles all right, but will we win this war? I don't like the direction we're taking.

That was my liberal self talking, now for my conservative self.

Folks, this is a big waste of our military and monetary resources. My tax dollars that could otherwise be going back to our country's problems, is being wasted having feed our oversees operations.

Interesting that when it suits us, we beat our chests and brag about our being the only Super Power. How come we scare so easily?

Serious, Al Quaida just isn't that big and powerful.

BTW Jackal, this post wasn't directed at you personally, not at anyone personally. Just my thoughts on the many posts I've seen on the subject.
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

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« Reply #83 on: July 30, 2004, 05:20:17 PM »
Originally posted by SaburoS
Sounds great, but I won't be able to make up to your neck of the woods for a while.

As long as it isn't on a boat I'll be okay. LOL, found out the hard way about getting seasick. Several years ago, went with a coworker on his boat. He asked if I get seasick. I said I didn't think so as I'd never got seasick before on a small boat (only one other time and that was like 20 years previous, lol). He warned me that if I did get seasick we weren't turning back. I agreed he shouldn't if I did.

So we go out early to Half Moon Bay, one hour out there I get sick. Found out the hard way the different colors my bile was....yuck. About two hours into the seasickness, he offers if I wanted to go back to land. I knew he wanted to stay out there so I just said that I'm okay. LOL worst 6 hours of my boating life! Wasn't going to be a killjoy, though.

The second trip I take some Extra strength Dramamine, full dose. Totally knocked me out. That wasn't fun.
Third trip took half the dose, but was still groggy. Felt queezy too. Found out fishing on a small boat isn't for me.

Fishing is fun though.

More of a metaphorical question/statement than an invite Saburo. The way i understood your post is that if the dung hit the fan you would be out there making friends instead of pillaging your fellow human beings.

Everyone would have a better chance of survival if they didn't have guns pointed at them.;)

But I had to laugh at your story. I was out fishing a few weeks ago in a 14 foot boat bucking waves about 8  feet high (swells more than waves really.)

The g/f gets sea sick really easy too. I told her to sit in the middle of the boat so she wouldnt feel the ups and downs so much but countered that by periodically making puking sounds.

I was hanging my arse off the stern of the boat (So i wouldn't wrap the prop; you do that and you hafta jump in the 8-10 Deg. C water and unwrap it) the whole time and rollling with the swells so it wasnt so funny when we got back to the dock and i almost fell off the pier because i didn't have my sea legs about me. (Hadn't been fishing in over two years.)

In closing to substantiate my and curval's post. I ended up catching over 35 pounds of fish in 3 days.

And yes, the boat runs on pertrol, but my mom hauled a 12 pound pike in her stupid sea kayak last year.

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« Reply #84 on: July 30, 2004, 05:27:32 PM »
Originally posted by loser
More of a metaphorical question/statement than an invite Saburo. The way i understood your post is that if the dung hit the fan you would be out there making friends instead of pillaging your fellow human beings.

LOL, yeah wasn't sure. Being that early on I posted that I would be shooting others just to increase my gun and ammo collection. Figured you'd want to push me off your boat so you could have my nice rifle and case of ammo. :D I had to throw in my real life fishing story though. If it's a boat, I aint goin'!
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline demaw1

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« Reply #85 on: July 30, 2004, 06:59:55 PM »
Darn you saburos,make no mistake about it you big dumb you make some sense. [done with the names he he]

 Saburos I want to answer because this is what it is suppose to be about reasoning to gether,ya sometime a human gets hot fine you know debate.I know you are against this war ,I think you are wrong, but because to date I have not heard you say...I am against this war, and bush is more evil than hitler, and we are murdering babies etc...but dont get me wrong I support the troops oh yes I do.It is bush and rumsfield and and........well they are fools it is the troops pulling the trigger,cant have it both ways.The president believes in this war the troops believe in this war and I believe in this war.This is going to be long but got to do it.

  I believe they havent hit us yet for 1 major reason and 2 minor ones.
  I believe bush looked at all the evidence he had at hand,the information from russian,british,israel,france ,germany,and the u.n. intellagence reports saying to 1 degree or another saddam has wmds.He listen to the likes of Kerry,bird,daschle,edwards,gram,clinton,mis.clinton,gore,everyone on senate and congress intell committies, our cia say something to this effect.This is paraphased from kerry also if u need the refferances I will give them to you from even left leaning papers around the world and here.

   We know that saddam has w.m.d.s We know that he is working hard to obtain nuclear weapons even at this time, and may have succeeded in developing one.We know he has used them on his own people and that makes him even more dangerous to us. This cannot and will not stand. blah blah blah.A very few said they believed he didnt have any. Dispite the dooms day secnerios from media types and the elite we have done well in afganastan.
  On issues like this I try to put myself in other persons shoes.I think bush looked around and felt that he too  believed  he has wmds.Look at what they have done to israel for so long ,look at what they did in new york,then some fool living a decent life in America with wife and kids shoots up la airport.If they are that fanatic, they have all the money they need,and we are looking at a decent size uprising,German intell put it at a possible 100,000 million involved in some way or another[ you dont belive it maybe we talk about it later] Ithink he knew it was his decision and his alone, I think he felt he couldnt take the chance on maybe a hundred thousand american deaths couldnt live with it.Why I feel that ,because I would have had to make the same decison.What about you?

   Cia says there are 15 known suitcase bombs missing and putin doesnt know where they are[nuclear bombs].I dont think so but can I take the chance.he might have thought. Look how saddams acting he says he has them,I am not God I have to go with the evidence.If I give the go ahead we will be fighting there and not here,maybe we can buy some time to prepare.Whats with france and germany man they are fighting me at every turn,youd think they would at least remember what the u.s. has done for them.[ [We latter find out they with the u.n. were stealing billions of dollars from food for oil program,duh].They havent hit us because we are over there and they are planing something big and they are waiting to see who is going to win election,yes they prefer kerry.My opinion
  Yes a thousand years of  hate and rage and I take it you think that if kerry gets in they will forget it all?
 Saburos they did not use up all they had on 9/11 they are and have been like china, patience. Look how it has escalated since first wtc attack.
  Their civillians are no more innocent than germanys or japans were and they are more fanitic and everyone of them are taught from birth that we are evil and their mortal enemy.The huge majority have everything to do with the position we are in,please dont fool your self.I have a great article from a guy that looks middle eastern and went into a simainar at a mosque in LA yes LA. I am telling you it is scary. If you want to know about it ill tell ya.

  Yes I am sure we have created more that will join 1. they are primed from birth 2. during ww2 a lot of people that hated hitler joined  because it was their country.Do we tie our hands because of this,quit?Beg,What? Yes the muslims do act different from us when they see there loved ones die,It is almost beyond understanding,you tell me how a people that breed their children to strap on bombs to kill other children act, I have no idea.I ask that you think about comparing them to us in any way we are not like them.

  Suburos...we had to, as in no choice, invade afganistan,the reason they did what they did was they thought we were weak.Isnt that how all wars start?... Iraq was a choice I believe a good one but a choice.And the people in the middle east are not innocent all this blood and future blood is on their hands.Emm getting close to calling our soilders murders cant have it both ways.Killing is justified,killing the innocent is murder period.

 Suburos...Yes we are losing our own,we always have and will,thank God this president gave our military everything short of nuclear weapons to use ,Be cause of that we had many fewer deaths than we would have. We know as much about  this enemy as we did the germans,will we be allowed to fight ,maybe not, I think bush has bowed to the real pressure from the dems that stabded us in the back[normal] and 45 percent of Americans that are left wing or pacifist. But we will see ,the majority of iraqi are trying ,well see.  Because our men and women are there and see the truth of what is happening and they like the direction we are going for the most part.sources....sources cant help you ,as it is most of time in other post I cant. I have the best network of news going it is called, short wave radio.

  Suburos, I know for a fact you are not scared,I am not scared my parents are not scared .I will tell you what many off us are scared about,45 percent of Americans have lost their moral compass and have accepted the values of europe.Many know it but quite a few dont.The democratic party has and it will destory us.Did you know, last week I think it was ,when f 9/11 made it to iraq those of our military that seen it[ more the younger ones ]were very demorlized.Like I said they know the truth there as they are there and know the miracles that have happened and believe in the cause to give the iraqi the chance,will it work ,who knows but most of our troops believe it is there honor to give them the chance but not there job to make it work.

  Al quaida is not the problem, the problem is good people like you dont realize we are in a regilious war that,  what ever , we do will get bigger until we defeat it.
  with respect demaw.

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« Reply #86 on: July 30, 2004, 08:35:25 PM »
Wow, thanks for putting your thoughts down on how you see it. I can't tell you that you are wrong as you can't tell me that I'm wrong as to how we see it. It is our interpretation of how we see the events of the world. W believe what we believe. I don't begrudge you because you see it different than I. For the record because you alluded to it:
1) I am for the troops. If you think other wise, just look at my avatar. My Dad, Uncle, and one of my friends served proudly. I've got another friend that is still serving proudly.
2) I've never said Bush = Hitler.
3) Collateral casualties does not equal murder. Unfortunetly the victim's surviving family and friends might think otherwise.
4) I've never called our soldiers murderers.

For us to change the other's way of thinking would take just way too much typing and time. We are going to the core of who we are and what we stand for. I respect you guys too much to try to 'change' you, nor would I want to.
Again, thanks for keeping this civil. !
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

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« Reply #87 on: July 31, 2004, 12:18:25 AM »

    I am sorry for how it turned out ,I had little time and was typing fast,could have been better and more understandable.

   In my first paragraph I said I think you are wrong, but  because   I    have  [  not  ]   heard  you say etc.   important I didnt say you said bush= hitler.I know you have heard that before tho.

   Collateral damage does not equal murder, you are right, and I was not talking about you, but people like nancy poloski or maxine waters.....who have said It does equal murder because bush wanted a war to help out enron. Then they say I support the troops....Its a lie they dont support the troops. It is the troops that are doing the killing.If they think it is murder than they are supporting the people doing the murder.I dont think so.

  Of course you never called our troops murders, If you did I would have nothing to do with you..Again I didnt say you I said them like the two above.

  So you miss understood everything from 4. in your reply.i hope you would read the 1 st para slower 1 more time.


Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #88 on: July 31, 2004, 01:46:47 AM »
I kind of thought you didn't mean it but wanted to clarify my position just in case. It's all good :)
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #89 on: July 31, 2004, 08:11:47 AM »
Originally posted by demaw1

    I am sorry for how it turned out ,I had little time and was typing fast,could have been better and more understandable.

   In my first paragraph I said I think you are wrong, but  because   I    have  [  not  ]   heard  you say etc.   important I didnt say you said bush= hitler.I know you have heard that before tho.

   Collateral damage does not equal murder, you are right, and I was not talking about you, but people like nancy poloski or maxine waters.....who have said It does equal murder because bush wanted a war to help out enron. Then they say I support the troops....Its a lie they dont support the troops. It is the troops that are doing the killing.If they think it is murder than they are supporting the people doing the murder.I dont think so.

  Of course you never called our troops murders, If you did I would have nothing to do with you..Again I didnt say you I said them like the two above.

  So you miss understood everything from 4. in your reply.i hope you would read the 1 st para slower 1 more time.


  So demaw, your pretty well settled in on your firearm choice huh? :D
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.