Author Topic: New Guy  (Read 1956 times)

Offline SoftOpt

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« on: July 29, 2004, 12:09:45 PM »
Just came over from the "other sim"--if you realy want to know. Look at the signature. :D

Was wondering if you can tell me the main differences between AH gameplay and the "other sim".

I read/know all about the perk plane system (not a fan, but I am sure I will adjust) I also familiar with the non-RPS system. I was more concerned with the strategy portion, field closure,  and stuff like that.

AH2 seems to be a MUCH better graphical improvement over AH1. Damage model, plane skins, all look to be top drawer.

One thing I should make known is that I do have the ingame voice coms totally disabled (muted and turned off everything I could). AH2 looks really good, but the in-game voice coms IMO are still WAY inferior to a voice program like Ventrillo or Teamspeak that will ALWAYS handle voice better. The problem is not the game, the problem is the CELP 5.1 codec they use. The quality is SO poor I personally would not rather hear it. Plus I do run a dedciated Teamspeak server here so I have no need whatsoever for the ingame voice.

Thanks for any help you might be able to point me in. :D

Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2004, 12:31:26 PM »
Well ... I can't comment on the "other sim" ... never flew it.

I have used RogerWilco and TeamSpeak and it is my opinion that the ingame vox is as good if not better ... but as I said that is just my opinion.

Because in-game vox is so prevelantly used, you might not get as many check-6s as you would like. Not that you aren't getting them, you just won't hear them. Since VOX was introduced, most don't use the check-6 key nor do they type much anymore. Just a heads up.

Oh ... welcome to AH ... if ya see me and ya need anything ... just ask.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Ohio330

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« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2004, 12:56:05 PM »
Ive experienced that the in-game vox can either be extremely
good, or extremely bad at times.  When it's bad, it sounds
like ppl have their mic's you may want to
listen a bit more before you pass final judgement.

Offline Jasta

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« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2004, 12:57:33 PM »
I flew the other sim.

the biggest adjustment is the amount of people. there are always so many people flying that its never hard to find a fight. Also, another adjustment is the planeset. I personally liked the RPS, but this is good.

Tactics are pretty much the same, except the horde is prevalent here. Just 20+ people fighting back and forth for each side between 2 airfields. Capping is pretty simple. Knock down the town and drop the troops in the middle. take down the Fighter Hangers (FH) Vehicle Hangers (VH) and flak to make the job easier.

I also strongly suggest you enable the vox. Trust me you will need it and it does do wonders for immersion and such. You will find yourself lost if you do not have it turned on. you dont need to talk so much, but listening is important, and give Check 6 calls when you can.


Offline dedalos

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« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2004, 01:02:22 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Well ... I can't comment on the "other sim" ... never flew it.

I have used RogerWilco and TeamSpeak and it is my opinion that the ingame vox is as good if not better ... but as I said that is just my opinion.

Because in-game vox is so prevelantly used, you might not get as many check-6s as you would like. Not that you aren't getting them, you just won't hear them. Since VOX was introduced, most don't use the check-6 key nor do they type much anymore. Just a heads up.

Oh ... welcome to AH ... if ya see me and ya need anything ... just ask.

Yeah, if you see him, you will probably need a new plane :rofl
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline SoftOpt

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« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2004, 01:28:43 PM »
Thanks all for the welcome! S!

Where to begin....
Because in-game vox is so prevelantly used, you might not get as many check-6s as you would like. Not that you aren't getting them, you just won't hear them. Since VOX was introduced, most don't use the check-6 key nor do they type much anymore. Just a heads up.

Well if I get wacked, then I deserve it uh? :D You know what though, I am fine with that. Master of my own ship, captain of my own destiny type of deal. LOL!

I have used RogerWilco and TeamSpeak and it is my opinion that the ingame vox is as good if not better ... but as I said that is just my opinion.

Well what I can say FOR SURE is that it is not the program that makes the difference although some software is more better engineered than others. It is the codec that is used within the program that makes the difference. Case in point...

I can make my TS server sound the SAME exact quality of the in-game voice com in AH by using the CELP 5.1 kbit  codec on the Teamspeak server. (If I was worried about using my bandwidth which I am not)  I happen to know FOR SURE that the in-game with AH uses this VERY bottom rung codec, (Some variation of the CELP codec perhaps, but could VERY possibly use the 5.1 CELP codec) By comparision standard, I use the Speex 16.3 kbit codec currently on my TS server which routinely hosts about 20 players with NO slow down in my gaming from this machine. That is 3 times the data rate exchange that the 5.1 kbit codec uses, therefore having MUCH superior sound and quality. It actually is quite close to the telephony standard. I suppose I am spoiled :D Being in the sound/music biz, this is VERY important to me personally and I refuse to use the inferior stuff unless I ABSOLUTELY have to, which I don't, thusly the in-game voice stuff is and continues to remain OFF. I will live with the consequences I am SURE! :D

I can prove this to anyone who would want to log onto my TS server and see for themselves. PM me or email me and I will be glad to give you the log in info for the server...

Thanks again for all of your help and suggestions. Much appreciated. Is there any documentation for the supply/strategy stuff for AH? I continue to look for that...
« Last Edit: July 29, 2004, 01:36:43 PM by SoftOpt »

Online nopoop

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2004, 01:45:11 PM »
Originally posted by SoftOpt
One thing I should make known is that I do have the ingame voice coms totally disabled (muted and turned off everything I could).

PLEASE !! please please...

You are making a HUGE mistake. One thing that seperates this game from ALL the others is ingame voice.

Without it you are essentially playing a different game...all by yourself.  In my case I find ingame voice on a par with roger wilco and much better than teamspeak.

The main thing is being able to hear and talk to ANYONE in visual range improves the "immersion" increases the fun, as you tend to run into the same people depending on your type of "fun" in the arena.

If you disable it, you are removing one of the most important features that makes this game shine above the rest.

So being this is a new game to you. Give it a shot. Yes it's dependent on the quality of setup each player goes through. You get some that have lousey mikes but most of the time it's a lousey setup. I'm using a 25 dollar labtec setup.

To insure that yours is good, go online and pick a field away from the action and go on the runway. Tune your voice channel to yourself and test it.

In windoze under advanced properties in the mic setup I set it to a 20dB boost.

Ingame mic and play volume at 100%. Effect volume ( ingame sound ) at 75%. Tweak it until you sound good to yourself.

I'd say that 80% of the people ingame have their's setup pretty well.

So please, give it shot. You really don't know what your missing if you don't.

You might get to listen to a "little general". They're always a hoot.

...puts ingame voice soap box back in the closet.

Grim hook up with Dracon and his squad. He cruises the boards. Post one up to him. They enjoy base capture and meet up on Sunday nights. He can show you the ropes.

And with that ingame voice thingy, you'll be able to interact with all of his crew :D

Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay !!

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2004, 01:49:56 PM »
Here is a link to the help file.  It contains the rules the game works under among other things:
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline Edbert

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« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2004, 02:06:31 PM »
Heya Grim, welcome, and what took you so long to leave brand-X? I'm guessing it is those "+"es next to your handle :D

Any ways, making the transition from your old sim to this one is pretty easy compared to other sims you could be transitioning from. At least that was the case when I made the same leap from 2.7x (or whatever it was after that years convention) to AH-beta.

Online nopoop

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« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2004, 02:11:03 PM »
And here are a couple of pages tucked away that may be of some assistance. Hidden away in a little known small corner of AH.

Quick start

Unwritten rules

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline SoftOpt

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« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2004, 02:15:42 PM »
Hiya Nopoop! S! No suprise I would find you here!

I apprecite your time in posting that. I really do...

I however do not agree with a good portion of your defense. No offense meant at ALL, but still nonetheless I do disagree. Kind of a different strokes for different folks type of deal. :)

Without it you are essentially playing a different game...all by yourself. In my case I find ingame voice on a par with roger wilco and much better than teamspeak.

Well all I can say is that you must have used a Teamspeak server that was using that 5.1 CELP codec (same codec as in-game vox in AH) because the 16.3 SPEEX codec is so far superior to ANYTHING other than Ventrillo which is also capable of using the SPEEX codec base. I urge you to log onto my Teamspeak server and HONESTLY say that it is worse than the in-game voice in AH. Either you will be in a DEEP state of denial. (it ain't just a river in Egypt you know.) or you are going REAL deaf in your older age. :)

I understand about immersiveness, but as long as some of the 4th FG comes over (some of them are allready here) the voice of my squaddies will be all the immersiveness I could ever want or need. I do NOT want or need to hear the "little generals" (LOL! that cracks me up, are they any relation to your "whittle guys?" **INSIDE WB JOKE**) either. If I wanted to hear them I would pay a visit to my neices and nephews homes. hehehe!

My mic is this beauty that I also use for work, so my clarity is to quote my squadmates on TS, "CRYSTAL CLEAR"

Once again it is NOT the program, it is the codec that is used and that varies from Teamspeak server or Ventrillo server to server. AH2 in game voice coms is NOT flexible or controllable. You are given what they have and you have NO choice about the codec used. With Teamspeak and Ventrillo you have TOTAL control of what codec is used. A luxury that AH simply does not have, period.

Sorry, but it remains off, and will continue to be so. Just not worth it.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2004, 02:30:37 PM by SoftOpt »

Offline X2Lee

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« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2004, 02:41:24 PM »
Originally posted by nopoop
And here are a couple of pages tucked away that may be of some assistance. Hidden away in a little known small corner of AH.

Quick start

Unwritten rules

LOLOLO POOP! the unwritten rules ! I nevah saw that one!

say yer on pee break around me ill shoot u down
say wife ack to me ill shoot you down
say beer break to me ill shoot you down
say bingo to me ill shoot you down
say dibs on a vulch ill steal it if I can

the only rule that I abide is dont steal the other guys kill
Unless he is still flying or if its a squaddies kill

Offline X2Lee

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« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2004, 02:44:39 PM »
Originally posted by SoftOpt

Sorry, but it remains off, and will continue to be so. Just not worth it.


LOL teamspeak or the other program, you might as well leave those off too....

There wont be anyone there to talk too.

 if you want to do a lot of base capturing I suggest go bishops, besides I want the extra target   ;)

Welcome to the unfriendly skies.

Offline SirLoin

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« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2004, 02:46:38 PM »
Lol..i used to use an SM 57 but my cheap headset mic sounds better.

Offline SoftOpt

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« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2004, 02:49:58 PM »
Lol..i used to use an SM 57 but my cheap headset mic sounds better.


You will pardon me, I am due back in reality. That is a good one! LOL! I can't stop laughing at that!!!! is that BEFORE OR AFTER you removed your HEARING AID??? LOL! LOL!! LOL!!!!

too funny.........Oh I can't stop!!

LOL teamspeak or the other program, you might as well leave those off too....There wont be anyone there to talk too

That is hardly my problem. I am guessing that you missed this part of my post....

By comparision standard, I use the Speex 16.3 kbit codec currently on my TS server which routinely hosts about 20 players

Might I suggest a RIF book. :o    (Reading is Fundamental)
How embarrassing for you...
« Last Edit: July 29, 2004, 02:55:24 PM by SoftOpt »