<S> guys. Your fearless leader Ripsnort has been whin...erm, I mean
requesting new historical terrains for the weekly events for some time now. I think I remember him boasting that there were 80+ members of MAG-33 that would be there as soon as the next terrain was released.
Time to pay the piper.

The Aces High Scenario Corps will be hosting this week's snapshot event, "Torpedo 8", on the new Phillipines terrain recently released by the CM terrain team.
See you all Friday night at 10:00 eastern, and Saturday at 3:00 eastern.
The ETO terrain will be out next week, and a Staligrad terrain will be coming shortly after that. We've already begun work on another six historical terrains as well.
"Cobra" Johnson will be hosting tonight's snapshot, and I'll be hosting the one on Saturday.