Author Topic: Utter Crap  (Read 4954 times)

Offline hogenbor

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Utter Crap
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2004, 10:05:08 PM »
I don't respect people that don't use punctuation and make more spelling or typing errors than me after a very, VERY long day. Bah. Damn spoiled big children. 'I pay taxes!' 'I DEMAND being allowed to carry automatic weapons and shooting illegal people at our fine country's border!' 'WAAAAAHHH!'

I won't change sides, not because of some misplaced loyality for a chess piece but because I can't bother. When I started Bish were always a majority, not so for the last few weeks. I couldn't care less. Besides, I would even be in favour of a rolling plane set, just to frustrate the morons who can't do without their La-7, P-51, Spit IX, N1K2, whatever.

Constructive criticism? No. But again I'm so fed up by people's attitude on the forum that I'd like to up a Spit I with my raving headache and shoot a few whiners down. 'Ooooh, cheater!' 'I swear that was a Spit XIV with a normal icon!'
« Last Edit: August 13, 2004, 10:13:40 PM by hogenbor »

Offline dragoon

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chew on the tards
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2004, 10:21:05 PM »
I go and post my griefs and get nothing but flak by people who are BBS pilots. so here is what i think of all yall who are simply *******s in the world i live in :) recieving flak from such members who are known for cheating and you know who ya are;)

Chew on this postards

Leute wie Sie bilden das Spiel sehr hart zu schlucken.  Nicht haben Sie Launen nichts besser als Ratenwhines und Flammesomeonesleid zu tun?  Erhalten Sie einem ****inleben Sie psycho sluts von der Hölle.  Und wenn ya es nicht mögen, erhalten Sie dem Bumsen rüber es bereits.  Mehr Leutepfosten und -spiel dann gerade Sie.  So gibt was Ihnen das Recht, Gesamtjerkoffs zu sein?  Stille im, die versucht, sie aus mich darzustellen.  Sowieso bin ich Kranker des Hörens Ihrer Scheiße beim Versuchen, eine formale Beanstandung bekanntzugeben.  Alle Sie haben Ihre Wahrscheinlichkeit an whining gehabt und Sie erhielten wirklich Ihre Weise... WTG!!!

Il y a des 3 un peu de personnes en ce monde.  1. droit decient et pas affraid pour se tenir prêt leurs actions.  2. les gens qui prospèrent de créer le chaos pour les personnes decient.  3. les gens qui pourraient s'inquiéter moins de leur homme de camarade.  Vous chute d'incendiaires dans les 2 et 3 catagories.  Un peloton fireing vous ferait toute la justice.

¿Usted todo no tiene cualquier cosa mejor hacer que los *******s completos?  Los monos tienen más cooth y el tacto entonces usted hacer y ellos incluso lanza su mierda en sí mismos.  Usted todo me recuerda cerdos.  También, KJ714 usted es de una escuadrilla de actuadores sabidos.  ¿tan qué le da la derecha de funcionar su lechón del martillo?  cuando el mundo termina y estamos todos en infierno que biselo espera para ser el primer para saludarle:)  Vete a la mierda para no ofrecer una opinión y llameante usted buch de la mierda que golpea de la cuadrilla que arroja a putas.:rofl

dont like it get over it.

Offline dragoon

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Re: Re: Utter Crap
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2004, 10:22:19 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ

nice ya cant even spell a picture right *******. try again

Offline dragoon

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oh yea
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2004, 10:25:09 PM »
the strike mentioned was not a picket toting computer jockey. they are talking about throwing a cog in the system and i bet yall be laughing when that happens i bet yall be whining.

thanks for ruining it for the rest of us you potato peelin number whining crybabies and if theres a problem catch me online :)

Offline Sikboy

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Re: oh yea
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2004, 10:29:42 PM »
Originally posted by dragoon
the strike mentioned was not a picket toting computer jockey. they are talking about throwing a cog in the system and i bet yall be laughing when that happens i bet yall be whining.

thanks for ruining it for the rest of us you potato peelin number whining crybabies and if theres a problem catch me online :)

Throwing a cog in the system? and we're the crybabies?

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Chortle

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Re: oh yea
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2004, 10:57:56 PM »
Dunno about anyone else but I'm laughing now, if that counts.

As for catching you online, that shoudn't be a problem in your 1940 8 horsepower clunker.  

While we're all here, could you sharpen this babel fish translation up a bit? I get kind of lost at 'pigs of the hammer'

You everything do not have any complete better thing to do than ******* s? The monkeys have more cooth and the then tact you to do and they even sends its excrement in themselves. You all remember pigs to me. Also, KJ714 you are of a squadron of known actuators. so what gives the right him to work their pig of the hammer? when the world finishes and we are all in hell that I bevel delay to be the first one to salute to him Veto to the excrement not to offer a flaming opinion and you buch of the excrement that strikes of the group who throws to putas

Offline Murdr

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"Udder" Crap
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2004, 11:11:52 PM »
Originally posted by Chortle
You everything do not have any complete better thing to do than ******* s? The monkeys have more cooth and the then tact you to do and they even sends its excrement in themselves. You all remember pigs to me. Also, KJ714 you are of a squadron of known actuators. so what gives the right him to work their pig of the hammer? when the world finishes and we are all in hell that I bevel delay to be the first one to salute to him Veto to the excrement not to offer a flaming opinion and you buch of the excrement that strikes of the group who throws to putas
I stand corrected.  It appears my first impression of this thread (see page 1) was indeed correct :)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2004, 11:14:10 PM by Murdr »

Offline kj714

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Re: Re: oh yea
« Reply #52 on: August 13, 2004, 11:19:25 PM »
Originally posted by Chortle
Dunno about anyone else but I'm laughing now, if that counts.

As for catching you online, that shoudn't be a problem in your 1940 8 horsepower clunker.  

While we're all here, could you sharpen this babel fish translation up a bit? I get kind of lost at 'pigs of the hammer'

You everything do not have any complete better thing to do than ******* s? The monkeys have more cooth and the then tact you to do and they even sends its excrement in themselves. You all remember pigs to me. Also, KJ714 you are of a squadron of known actuators. so what gives the right him to work their pig of the hammer? when the world finishes and we are all in hell that I bevel delay to be the first one to salute to him Veto to the excrement not to offer a flaming opinion and you buch of the excrement that strikes of the group who throws to putas

Hey Gweedo/Zo/Dragoon

Don't start pm'ing me with a bunch of lame *** threats. Get a life.

Offline LYNX

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Utter Crap
« Reply #53 on: August 13, 2004, 11:24:24 PM »
All sides will out number the other throught the day.  They to will suffer the lack of Lgay7's

Offline Mugzeee

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Utter Crap
« Reply #54 on: August 13, 2004, 11:51:51 PM »
Originally posted by thrila
In the space of an hour the rooks went from a 30 player adv to-

Bish 89
Knits 87
Rooks 91

Looks like it's working.:D

Dragoon if rook have been having low numbers lately then you have nothing to worry about.

They logged off in mass to make Bish suffer the ol La7 loss ;)

Seriously...i dont mind seeing this thing play out. But i think a different idea could acheived the desired result with WAY less infringment on the subscribers.

Offline FBRaptor

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Re: Utter Crap
« Reply #55 on: August 13, 2004, 11:55:42 PM »
Originally posted by dragoon

if you have to do something about the cry babies and whiners crying about the numbers...then figure out something else. dont hold us responsible cause we have a few more numbers then other countries.

i also want to point out lately we havent had the numbers yall cryin about.

PLEASE change it back or figure out something else. :mad:

If you don't have the numbers lately then I would think that you have nothing to complain about since it only affects the country with the numbers :aok

You call people "cry babies and whiners about the numbers"? Well your post is a little......hmmm.......well you get the point :D

Offline grunch

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all you dont under stand
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2004, 12:15:13 AM »
this make no sence when i hear other say" live with it"
THIS IS A direct post from Hitech's front webpage

" Aces High takes the art and science of vintage WWII air combat
and sets it in an online high intensity environment where
hundreds of players can battle it out with and against
each other.  High fidelity air combat is the heart of
Aces High, but it doesn't end there.  In addition to
flying a multitude of aircraft types, players can
also man vehicles, boats, amphibs, gun batteries,
and ships.  It's the most diverse virtual arsenal
available to players in this genre and it's constantly
growing through frequent updates.  In the air, on
land, and at sea, the battle rages 24 hours a day
with participants from around the world."

 lets pick apart this  
In addition to
flying a multitude of aircraft types( NOT WHEN ONE SIDE IS OUT NUMBERED) , players can
also man vehicles, boats, amphibs, gun batteries,
and ships.  It's the most diverse virtual arsenal
available to players :lol  in this genre and it's constantly
growing through frequent updates"

DOESNT LOOK LIKE ITS TO AVAILABLE  24 HRS AS THE WEBPAGE SUGGESTS.. and if this is the case why not perk more than the one german bomber....lets perk the b17's and lanc's i say 200pts each....NOW LETS REALLY HEAR YOU GUYS WHO SAY "JOIN ANOTHER COUNTRY IF YOU DONT LIKE IT"

come on im whining about 6 formations of  lanc's 14 1000's each dropping on a field...
oh thats right we cant do that because that would make things uneven or not historically right....just like when Germany was getting its tail kicked by the Russians...The Germans Cried Foul...Russians Stop flying the la7's and went up to fight jerry's in
there r-5sh ww1 biplanes  to even things out for germany in ww2

:lol :lol :lol :mad:

Offline Sikboy

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Re: all you dont under stand
« Reply #57 on: August 14, 2004, 12:19:21 AM »
Originally posted by grunch


There are still a multitude of planes available.

Then again, maybe you're right.

You should sue.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline airbumba

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Utter Crap
« Reply #58 on: August 14, 2004, 12:24:28 AM »
Dragoon, get another translater,,,,lol.

Ton francais est pire que la mien. Prendre ce pour la vrais francais de Quebec, vas donc chier mon hosti de tapette!! Ci t'es au rien miuex de faire que brouille (sp? lol) vas leche la cul de ton chien.   Arrete de fair la baboon, sort ton tete de ton cul puis vol une autre l'avion, mon hosti de christ!!


Man my french written sucks...
I used to be a fatalist,
but that part of me died.

Offline Hyrax81st

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Utter Crap
« Reply #59 on: August 14, 2004, 12:25:40 AM »
Je suis malade et fatigue... tu jour la mem chose...