Author Topic: Utter Crap  (Read 4958 times)

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #90 on: August 14, 2004, 03:02:39 PM »
Originally posted by Hyrax81st
Again, when I am overwhelmed by numbers of planes - I climb into a Tank - or a field gun - or a CV gun. I find something I can play in and have never logged because it was impossible to do so.

What you do has nothing to do with whether or not the imbalance was costing HTC subscribers.

Many people will have nothing to do with GVs at all.

How this will work out as far as subscriber impact goes, well...
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Offline tactic

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« Reply #91 on: August 14, 2004, 03:14:02 PM »
naww doubt that, HTC  does'nt wake up in the morning and say, lets see what we can do to piss off the players today and lose a few.  Reading the whines does not make there day or mine for that matter (ok some whines are pretty funny). Who  knows what will work til its tried ?  eh?    ,  its a % thing.  Try to make 70% happy , 25% little less satisfied but can live with it , the other 5% nothing in the world makes them happy Period!.. So!! slow the frick down and give it a week or two, it aint gunna damage you for life..  or you'd ,for sure, not be here now, with all the transitions we've ALL  gone through .  imbalance,, bah!   big deal.  funny to see some guy (1) out numbered (who cares what country he flies for) have 3 or 4 or more guys on him and watch him kill every dang one of them and fly home.  never biotching once about being out numbered..   see it happen all the time,  before any biotching about this imbalance BS started.  Matter of fact!!!!  the only people that do or did biotch were the 3 or 4 guys now sitting in the tower saying, how he do dat? we had him out numbered!!  lmao!!!!!  (ive been one in the tower saying that exact statement)  numbers  bah!!!!! If things were not tried out we would not even have  AH to play on now my brothers.    what really needs to be biotched about is TV  all the freaking reruns they play, and we all im sure spend more then 15.00 on tv sat or cable,,, call them up and biotch to them, see where that gets you. the same ol shows as yesterday!!!  HTC is doing ok.. it aint easy stuff or all you guys would have it fixed for HT.   Anybody that thinks they could do better,  start code'n ... Let us all know when you have the game perfect,  and we'll all quit AH2 and join your online flying game, I'm sure the HTC staff would love to go to work for you, sence you wrote a game thats so much better ya put them outa business.  I'll wait right here , should only take , what? a few hours to get it going on line.   we'll all be waiting with bells on.. so hurry!!!!  write that code w/ no bugs.. just do it were all tired of this BS.  you go boyeeeeeeeeeee!!

Offline tactic

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« Reply #92 on: August 14, 2004, 03:20:40 PM »
Got it done yet? dang!  hurry!  cant wait,  but i am!  done yet?

Offline dragoon

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« Reply #93 on: August 14, 2004, 03:22:12 PM »
throw me an email would ya? would like to speak with ya. dont worry not gonna flip out lol. until your posts i never realised just how much i miss your rambling :) if ya dont have me email nemore look me up in the game please. again sorry about before. peace

Offline Warp

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« Reply #94 on: August 14, 2004, 10:35:06 PM »
The new system is lookin pretty good.  Not exactly how I would have tried to even numbers/advantages, but at least it is a step.

AH is progressing, changing, etc...I like that.  Seems to me HT cares deeply about his game, otherwise we would never have progressed much beyond AH1 and the first patch or so.

I say hats off to HT and crew.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Utter Crap
« Reply #95 on: August 14, 2004, 11:07:06 PM »
Originally posted by Rino
I don't get all the angst, wasn't Zazen just telling us the other
day how leet the Rooks were.  You much better their
k/d and how the other countries just couldn't measure up?

     Surely flying different aircraft couldn't effect the uberness of
rookdom..that would be very strange indeed:rolleyes:

As they used to say in the old days...A kill has been recorded.

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Re: lets see
« Reply #96 on: August 15, 2004, 12:03:27 AM »
Originally posted by dragoon
oh yea, dont gimme no schitt no bullschitt: and bustr if ya dont like it sir refer to my signature for your solution. far as im concerned your just another BBS flamer like the rest in which i hold little regard for. :aok refer to the part that says ESAD please......oops looks like your able to tolerate schitt due to the fact that its what flows from your lips. get over it flamer

Bustr was just pointing out the contradiction of your signature and whine.  Your signature is full of testosterone which is in direct contrast to the estrogen filled whine of your post.

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Offline 4510

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« Reply #97 on: August 15, 2004, 02:37:15 AM »
Originally posted by B17Skull12
lets see.  how is that a problem.  i guess the young skull needs to educate you.

150 rooks on 2 fronts.

100 bish on 2 fronts

100 knights on 2 fronts

now lets see.


While the rooks on the other hand heave 25 more pilots on each front.  spread out over a 2 sector front.  that = overwhelming odds.

get the idea or do i have to educate you some more?

Well B17... I understand what you are saying....

Your very statement explains why the 3 country model that should be able to control this problem doesn't work.  Someone can't do simple math.
Maybe you could spend your time educating the Bish and Knits how to do math?  If they can't see how they can both allocate enough people to counter the Rooks and still have some fights between themselves.... pity the fools.

But rather than do that... they go off and fight each other and then wonder why Rooks can overpower them.   :rolleyes:

And suddenly it is a game design issue and a woe is me arena problem. :eek:

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #98 on: August 15, 2004, 02:40:59 AM »
Skull your reply is rather close minded.  It would be rather stupid for the two lower countries not to place extra resources on the major front.  If that is infact how folks play then there will always be an imbalance of some sort.  Frankly it's a rather stupid decision to even think of splitting 50/50 when you know someone has more numbers.  If that is what those countries choose to do then who's fault is it because common sense flew right over their head?

I'm going to assume the 3 country concept had in mind that another country may outnumber the other two at some point and time and that those two would have to shift accordingly.  Why have a combat simulation if all fronts have to be perfectly even?  Show me one war where this was the case. Fun Game play is another big hitter here.  If the numbers are extremely lopsided then yes fun game play will take a hit.  That is an issue and has to be fixed.

The extreme numbers is what folks are complaining about.  Yes when it comes down to one side having an advantage even if the two lower countries applied all resources then there is an issue.  Which at the current rate only happens on one night of the week.
But folks seem to make it as if it's every night of the week which is total bs.

HTC has the ability to track each countries players and indicate their relative position on dar.  HTC also has the ability to track and know who owns what bases.  They can also account for the overall number of folks per each country.  Right now as far as I can tell the system is only dynamically changed based on the overall number and nothing else.  My question is how do you know exactly who is outnumbered and where the imbalance is actually occuring?  The overall number may indicate initially that a particular country has more members online.  What it doesn't account for as far as I can see is where each country is concentrating on and how many numbers they are using on a Bish, Knight or Rook front.  

So lets say rooks do have 150, Knights 100,and Bish 100.  Who's to say that during this time frame Knights and Bish are actually thinking logically and placing added resources to the Rook front?  This isn't just a Rooks thing it goes for all countries.  Bish and Knights could also be in the "top" numbers slot and having the other two countries even the front lines by adding some extra resources.  Yet they would still get penalized for their overall number even though the playing field is balanced on atleast 2 out of the three fronts.  Expecting all three fronts to be balanced isn't going to happen and in the meanwhile some unfortunate country that has higher overall numbers may actually be the one getting overwhelmed by the other two.  If one side actually does have an overall strategic advantage then we can pass judgement on them and restrict them in whatever way we feel fit.  Just because you have numbers doesn't necessarily mean your winning the war.  I'm sure there is many examples in our history to prove that.

I have no idea if it's even possible but here's my thoughts on a possible solution.  

Include the following variables:
Number of bases owned.
Number of each countries players on a particular front.
Number of players per each country.    

This game is about fun and about team work so folks can accomplish the overall mission which is reset one side and win the war.  The current state punishes one side for overall numbers but doesn't account for how the strategic battle is actually playing out.  I just don't understand how we can look at the books cover but not look at the words written inside.  We are judging the book prior to ever knowing what it's really about because we have yet to look inside.

Offline 4510

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Utter Crap
« Reply #99 on: August 15, 2004, 02:41:07 AM »
Originally posted by Simaril
4510, you are assuming that the 2 lower countries will join up to hit the larger 3rd country. That is an assumption, not a fact.

People behave in ways that are not always predictable. In AH, people dont all play for the strat. Lots of fliers could care less about bases, they just want a good fight -- and if they can get a capture of an unwatched base, they will. So, strat minded people  have to defend agianst the weaker guys too.

Watch what actually happens in the MA -- truces are realtively rare except for sunday nights, when the previously huge rook numbers made it mandatory. Dont ASSUME others will behave in ways that make sense to you -- test your theory with reality, and you'l see better why changes were made.

Simaril... I am not assuming they will.... I am saying the 3 country model was setup in the expectation they will.  Let's be reasonable... the Bish and Knits both say the Rooks are the overbearing power in the MA.  I would think the Bish and Knits would log on with visions of killing Rooks almost exclusively.  If they aren't then whose fault is it they get overrun?  

I mean that would be like complaining you have no dar when you don't bother to defend your HQs.  The ability to negate this Rook advantage exists.... but Bish and Knits don't use it... and then as for a rule change or this "fix".  :rolleyes:

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« Reply #100 on: August 15, 2004, 02:44:15 AM »
Originally posted by Karnak
At a guess I'd say he was losing many subscriptions due to the rampant imbalance.

Well I suppose you could be correct.  I certainly don't have visibility of who is leaving the game and why.  But I still firmly believe if the Knits and Bish allocated their strength a little better (read don't fight between themselves when Rooks have large numbers up) there wouldn't be this problem.  But my believing it doesn't mean it will work.

Offline 4510

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« Reply #101 on: August 15, 2004, 02:55:35 AM »
Originally posted by Warp
The new system is lookin pretty good.  Not exactly how I would have tried to even numbers/advantages, but at least it is a step.

AH is progressing, changing, etc...I like that.  Seems to me HT cares deeply about his game, otherwise we would never have progressed much beyond AH1 and the first patch or so.

I say hats off to HT and crew.

Well I have trouble with saying HATS OFF.  There certainly were a lot of other options.  First I think HT and crew could contact the player base much more efficiently than they do.  They do have all our email addresses.  I don't believe the BBS accurately reflects the opinion of the player base... just the opinions of those who come to the BBS.

Personally I think the 3 country model and confronting the major power etc. should have been pushed more.  

However, that being said.... I don't like the current plane at all.  First... the formula they are using to start shutting off planes is a numbers advantage of X over the next nearest country.  It should be X over the combined strength of the other two countries.  Until then those countries could allocate their resources to counter the strongest country.  They choose not to.

Secondly... rather than pull planes.... make them available only at the ME163 field near HQ.  If the strongest country is backed up to fields right around what if they have numbers and the ENY planes to fly.  They don't have the land so they aren't going to reset anyone.  So leave the plane set alone.  As the front moves further away... then perhaps at a certain % of fields owned or something... the ENY planes become available only at the HQ field.  Means they wouldn't have to change countries to fly them... but they would have to fly them a distance to join the fight.  Would have the same effect of slowing the strongest country but without shutting off the planes.

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Re: chew on the tards
« Reply #102 on: August 15, 2004, 02:58:47 AM »
Originally posted by dragoon
I go and post my griefs and get nothing but flak by people who are BBS pilots. so here is what i think of all yall who are simply *******s in the world i live in :) recieving flak from such members who are known for cheating and you know who ya are;)

He brought up the C word!

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: oh yea
« Reply #103 on: August 15, 2004, 03:01:19 AM »
Originally posted by dragoon
the strike mentioned was not a picket toting computer jockey. they are talking about throwing a cog in the system and i bet yall be laughing when that happens i bet yall be whining.

thanks for ruining it for the rest of us you potato peelin number whining crybabies and if theres a problem catch me online :)

Not that German is my strong point but I am rather fluent in Spanish and I don't think you're going to be around much after HT gets a translation from your previous post.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Cobra412

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Utter Crap
« Reply #104 on: August 15, 2004, 03:04:12 AM »
Simaril your comment about assumptions and facts brings up a good question.  How do you know and how does the game know whether or not this is occuring and adjust for it accordingly?  Your making an assumption it doesn't happen when infact it does happen and not just when it's a race to reset either.

Though people don't necessarily choose to go fight specifically for the reset.  Their presence and actions in a particular area can and do affect the game.  A few guys looking for a dogfight roll across a mission accidentally and because they are there they jump the mission to get some kills.  During this process the dogfighters force many of the players in this mission to jettison their ord.  Now the mission that was suppose to hammer a base or take it has been foiled.  The dogfighters weren't specifically set out to intercept a mission but because they happen to be in the right place at the right time thier actions changed the dynamics of the game unintentionally.  Now have similiar scenarios play out across the playing field.  Again these scenarios affect the game play regardless of what their original intentions were.

You don't have to predict what these guys are doing.  You just have to indicate exactly what is happening at any given time based on what you have at your disposal.  You can't have a dynamic game and then expect to help control the overall outcome by using one variable.  You have to account for all of the changes that are happening and use multiple variables to ensure that the checks and balances you are trying to implement work accordingly.