Corporate support......... (light bulb)
For the sake of argument, I'll postulate that the most sucessfull scenario ever run was the Bigweek Scenario to launch AW3 (or was it 2?)
I call it the "best" because it did what no scenario before or after ever did.... it gelled an alpha-community who to this *very* day refuses to let the bigweek.general newsgroup die. It won the marbles.....
Regardless..... it had support from the highest levels of the corporate organization with all the "office staff" such as BB,GE,Moggy,Mage, Quarters et all taking some active participation in the event.
Now..... if you could design an event.... and convince HT and Pyro take a break from the endless programming, improvements, and stuff and **be** the CO's. ( I mean, who's gonna catch up to this in a month?) Tout it on the boards - and build up some rivalry and hate(tm) etc.... Then a lot of people would follow to see just what the hell the noise is all about.
Moreso than any form of financial or trinket support (those are nice too), the best thing HTC could lend to an event is "star power" where the whole office gets involved in the planning and the hate. You'd get a buzz going alright....

One could add incentive with patches and hats - sure! Also to steal a trick out of my former life as a sales motivator: One could "attach" the CON banquet dinner to the event. Anyone attending from the winning team eats prime rib au juice with a big baked potato, and garlic roasted green beans. Anyone from the losing team settles for (you guessed it) lambchops, mashed, and the veggie du jour.
Add to this the benifit to HTC staff from getting down and diirty with the rank and file players again. (Even the Rolling Stones have to go back and play along to the old records time and again to keep the music from changing too much over the years.)
Sure.. I'm rambling.... but.....
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Agreed ... we have the tools and staff we only wished for in the past.
But it's almost like we need to restart the education process. And that takes a lot of time and community support. And it'll probably require some corporate support from HTC to provide incentives for the MA-entrenched players to try something different.