Author Topic: A day in "ROOKDOM"  (Read 1761 times)

Offline DoctorYO

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2004, 10:24:15 AM »
You're lucky any knight cooperated with you or gave you a check six. Lots of us know you by now ;->

I know this feeling...  The other day The knits were attacking a base and I did (rook tactics) the blow up all alt grabbin fools on the next base on the attack line.. By such lowering the alt of the counterattack at the base we were attacking... (this is how we steam roll your bases as rooks.. its not rocket science it works..)  

Well after some time in the d40 it was time too bug... (airlons missing etc..) Well my escape vector was well away from the current base we were attacking (i flew out to sea with no cons in my forward 160 degrees..) and im thinking clear sailing ahead...  Well some dots i see over the base start heading my direction.. on my 9:00 oclock  Im constantly checking the vox/dar and shure enough i see SunKing on the local vox range channel.. I go "dont bring those cons to me im low alt in 47 with dammage,I cant help you.."  I get nothing...  Now in vis range of sunking...  "Hey im at your low 3 oclock dont bring those cons chasing you to my postion out here at sea."( im totally away from battle )  I get a "what" this time in the text buffer..

Now i type into the text buffer "SunKing do not bring those cons to my low dammaged aircraft..."

He changes course and comes on a near angle approach to my escape vector.. (he trying to use me as his fodder for his escape im thinking wtf.. he's clearly out running his pursuers what is he doing?)

Shure enough i see in the distance following him, p51 then la7 then Shiden..  And lo and behold the lead, mustang like i said was getting outrunned so he dives on the magical fodder offering sunking just presented before them...  with no options against 3 late late war aircraft my dammaged d40 falls...

Back in rookland this cowardice is shunned..  Maybe it was honest mistake i doubt it though..  When he changed course then i knew it was fodder attack method.. (fishu used to do this one.. alot..)

See apparently the knits dont understand the concept that every bird in the air counts...(even people you dont like)  On a defensive that means that a minimum of 2-3 mins of flight time is required for a successful base defense aircraft to be effective..  In this case over enemy territory the time line is more along 5-10 minutes depending on the distance...  When the rook guantlet happend this was realised that every stinking bird in the air is important..  Its simple time in the air to be effective vs dying then reupping with climbout times..  This is why rooks clear eachother's sixs..  

Im not discouraged though and will stay knit..  But with friends/ teammates like these who needs enemies...



PS:  Note not all knits are doing this but ive seen it twice now with sunkings the most recent.. (thats two times too many in my book..)

Offline humble

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #46 on: August 20, 2004, 10:37:04 AM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
I know what you meant, and I enjoyed flying with you.

I'm not saying Rooks are better either.

I wouldn't want them to be. Equal countries make better fights and better wars.

You are not alone in what you are saying either.

You know Hitech says that a check of accounts shows the difference between the countries to be in single digit percentage points, yet the Rooks seem to have more people flying more often. Is what you describe the reason (or perhaps COULD what you describe be the reason)? And if it is, why can't the same happen for the Bishops and the Knights?

I don't have a clue exactly what the difference and large ALL the Knights I've flown with a good guys and alot are good sticks (truthfully now flying against knights I'd say knights are better pilots overall). I'd say th Knights are better "big picture" guys but it seems (in retrospect) to be a "mission" enviornment (I have yet to see a Rook "mission".

The rooks seem to react almost in real time in small groups that are somehow cohesive. The amount of useful information coming over vox and text is easily %500 more than I'm used to. Within a few hours you get used to it and your already altering what you do. I know where we're on offense/defense/furballing. Which area needs an example I was in a tiffie jaboing a base...ran around being useless for a bit (boy gunnery is an adjustment) and finally got dinged. Bird was still ok so I kept on a goon is inbound (eagle I think) and I went bingo fuel (another big change) anyway go glider and hit town with 20mm on way hit town...just 1or 2 passes each but everything down for eagle.

Now back in Niggit land I cant tell you how many times goons have circled in vain with the "vulch train" running near by (with me in it sometimes) hollaring into the void for someone...anyone to "knock the stinking town down#$#$%^".

I think it's just a natural extension of real good radio/text disipline...much less garbage on vox or text....90% tactical updates...

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Offline BUG_EAF322

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #47 on: August 20, 2004, 10:52:55 AM »
I never whined about the numbers however the rooks atracted many horde dweebs lately. I blame those switch *****es.

Having a average 50-100 people more to play as the knits and bish they all stayed rook .

They so good and wonderfull .....uche uche uche....


Offline Pongo

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #48 on: August 20, 2004, 10:54:47 AM »
A day in Knight land.

Offline humble

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #49 on: August 20, 2004, 11:08:04 AM »
Originally posted by BUG_EAF322
I never whined about the numbers however the rooks atracted many horde dweebs lately. I blame those switch *****es.

Having a average 50-100 people more to play as the knits and bish they all stayed rook .

They so good and wonderfull .....uche uche uche....


I don't know if your aiming that one at me or not...

I flew knight till it hurt, I flew for months from 5-6 stinkin bases. I actually quit (although other issues were also involved) vs "switch" to another side. It so happened that when I "re-upped" to check this out I was "assigned" to Rooks...went to switch and then thought "what the heck" lets fly a hop (least I'll know where the CV's are:)).

I have no clue why you see the need to attack or demean someone for giving an honest assessment of his/her thoughts regarding an issue like this. I was (and really still am a Knight) but that doesn't mean you dont call em like you see em. I'm amazed at some of the comments I've seen here (yours included).

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #50 on: August 20, 2004, 12:15:05 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
One more thing. Since you are so pissed off about the ENY balance system taking your favorite plane, perhaps you should lay blame for that where it belongs, at the feet of the people who fly Knight and or Bishop who complained so long and loud about numbers that Hitech was FORCED by them to do something. In the event that you complained constantly about numbers, and I'm not saying you did, maybe you didn't, you helped convince Hitech he needed to take your plane when your side had numbers. Think about it.

I can't believe that you wrote that paragraph.

I don't think that anybody FORCES HiTech to do anything.

There is no "blame" here and there is no need to try to assign blame.

Let me rephrase that then. The complaints and players logging off or threatening to log off and or cancel their subscriptions, made some sort of change inevitable.

Let me state this plainly and clearly. It was not my intention to say or even imply that Hitech or HTC could be "FORCED" to do something against his/their will. If I gave that impression, or the appearance or impression that I was putting words in Hitech's mouth, then I regret that, and I humbly and sincerely apologize to all, especially Hitech, for doing so.

However you wish to look at it, there was a force that brought about change. By all accounts, something supposedly HAD to be done. The question was what? Did anyone force Hitech to choose this particular change? NO. But several statements he made left the impression with many that he felt like he HAD to act. But then maybe there is confusion there and he just decided he WANTED to act.

That better?

I do find it amusing that those who like the change are all too happy to tell those who don't like it to shut up and fly. See that's an acceptable answser to some when they get what they want. But when they were outnumbered it was not okay for someone to tell THEM to shut up and fly, that wasn't fair.

Look I'm just as much in favor of equal numbers as anyone, I like to fight, and don't care too much if I die.

But I'm becoming rapidly convinced that everyone needs to come down off their high horse and drop their holier than thou attitudes and see that both sides have valid points.

Oh yeah, and I'm seeing plenty of Knights and Bishops saying the imbalance was all the fault of the Rooks and the no talent horde. But they sure do refuse to ask themselves how the Rooks got stronger and larger and they got weaker. And they don't mind DEMANDING that people switch sides, regardless of what they want. Then we hear from people who did switch who did not like the way they were treated. Interesting ain't it.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2004, 12:26:19 PM by Captain Virgil Hilts »
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2004, 12:20:39 PM »
Originally posted by BUG_EAF322
I never whined about the numbers however the rooks atracted many horde dweebs lately. I blame those switch *****es.

Having a average 50-100 people more to play as the knits and bish they all stayed rook .

They so good and wonderfull .....uche uche uche....


Bug, mind if I ask you a couple of questions?

Do you think the ONLY reason people switch to Rooks is because it is easier to "win" there?

Is it not entirely possible that people switched to Rooks and found the atmosphere different and liked the people better?

Is it not possible that people switched because they felt more welcome there?

Or is it simply your position that everyone who switched to Rooks or signed up as a Rook originally is just a no talent horde monger?
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline BUG_EAF322

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« Reply #52 on: August 20, 2004, 12:41:28 PM »
it's just typical rooks always announce they so great that's all

personally i find the knits more skillfull to fly against

but saying that is to general.

Offline SlapShot

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #53 on: August 20, 2004, 12:45:14 PM »
But I'm becoming rapidly convinced that everyone needs to come down off their high horse and drop their holier than thou attitudes and see that both sides have valid points.

I would say that all THREE sides have valid points. This change effects 3 different groups of people. Not just 2 ... us and them.

Oh yeah, and I'm seeing plenty of Knights and Bishops saying the imbalance was all the fault of the Rooks and the no talent horde. But they sure do refuse to ask themselves how the Rooks got stronger and larger and they got weaker. And they don't mind DEMANDING that people switch sides, regardless of what they want. Then we hear from people who did switch who did not like the way they were treated. Interesting ain't it.

Big broad brush being used here to paint your point. We have heard all sorts of gibbersh and garbage from all sides of the fence.

You just have to know how to separate the wheat from the chaff and from what I have read, you know how to separate, so why keep stirring the pot by saying things like ... "And they don't mind DEMANDING that people switch sides, regardless of what they want."

Come on ... I have yet to see anybody DEMAND that anybody change sides. I have seen some say ... "You don't want to change sides, then dust off your Spit I" cause your gonna need it.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline phookat

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2004, 01:56:11 PM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
But when they were outnumbered it was not okay for someone to tell THEM to shut up and fly, that wasn't fair.

A lot of people *did* shut up and fly.  Perhaps this change was not due to whining, but rather to make the game closer to the ideal of fairness.

Really to be fair you should be forced to join the country with the least numbers, every time you log in.  So you can look at this another way.  The reason HTC didn't implement the "really fair" solution was the "whining" from people who wanted to be able to choose which country to fly, regardless of numbers.  So, in that sense you won, and you are getting your way.

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Look I'm just as much in favor of equal numbers as anyone, I like to fight, and don't care too much if I die.

One cannot be "in favor of equal numbers", and at the same time refuse to change countries to balance the sides.  Those two ideas are contradictory in the context of our game (new rules or old).

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
And they don't mind DEMANDING that people switch sides

I have not seen anyone demanding that.  Certainly the new rules don't demand that.

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Then we hear from people who did switch who did not like the way they were treated. Interesting ain't it.

Orthogonal issue.

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2004, 01:58:17 PM »
I have yet to see anybody DEMAND that anybody change sides. I have seen some say ... "You don't want to change sides, then dust off your Spit I" cause your gonna need it.


actually flew a Hurricane mark I 9or whatever the 8x.303 is. Managed to get a spitty but then "bounced" a tiffie. Darn near flew right thru him pounding away with those pea shooters...of course I must of looked like a clay pidgeon hanging at 20 yds in front of him....clean up Isle 3, clean up Isle 3 someone left airplane parts all over the place....ARGH

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson