Author Topic: So... why was channel 1 removed?  (Read 1171 times)


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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2004, 08:47:55 PM »
The only problem I have with human moderators is they someties tend to be.. Uneven for lack of a better term  when dealing with offenders.
No disrespect intended but.
I've seen/heard of moderators dealing with one player for saying one thing then letting other people get away with doing what ever they want within momets of one another.

I know its happened cause I've personaly witnessed it.

Moderators are fine. so long as they ttreat everyone the same. And that doesnt always happen

Auto Moderators are better, Mainly because they ARENT human. They have no favorites
Unless they are programed that way and deal with everyone with an even hand.

Perhaps increasing their vocabulary to recognise more words and attempts to circumvent the moderation might be a better move.

And leave any problem children for the players to report or file  complaints about
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Offline Mugzeee

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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #31 on: August 27, 2004, 08:53:58 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
First it is not just about profanity.

1. There are many things not acceptible in an open channel discussion. Everything from just being obnoxsious by spaming the channel. To heated arguments between 2 people , that only they realy want to hear.

None ot that stuff can be managed with out some sort of monitor.

2. Channel 200 is still not a free for all, it is just a common meeting place. Best way I can describe it is that it should be like a cheers bar, not a wild west, shootem up, drag out fight and cussing style bar. And the difference from channel 1 is that with channel 200 you choose to walk into cheers, even if clif claven is stitting there.  Now some might think the also want the low class bar in AH, but I don't want any of my costomers to be treated by the undertaker (i.e. leave because of an argument), even thow some might think it is cool to do the killing.

When ever you have a large group of people there will be people who make trouble. Since that is just a given, there has to be some way deal with them. Monitors is our way of dealing with them.


:aok  TY HT


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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2004, 09:23:15 PM »
Just a note on something

I remember when this whole argument started over what was being said on Chan 1
a common term was that they didnt like what they were "hearing" on channel 1 and didnt want their kids to "hear " it either.
This comment always made me chuckle

Again no disrespect but your couldnt "hear" whats on channel 1 anymore then you can "hear" whats on channel 200.
You read it

Now if you wanna talk about "hearing" then  You have to think about some of the stuff that you  "hear" on range channel.

Myself personally as I've said all along.
Doesnt bother me one way or the other what comes out of my speakers.
But I do understand how others might not like it or might not share the same views a me where children are concerned
So I try to be considerate.

The problem isnt so much what is said but rather the players dont jump on the offenders more often.
 By and large and without exeption I've seen what someone spews all sorts of profanity several players jump on the offender and tell him to knock it off.
And without exeption its worked. quite often but not always with an apology from the offender.

Unfortunately the players dont speak up often enough as I've seen counless other times when people dont say anything.

Im not talking about the occasional slip of the tongue. Hey it happens and I think most here can understand that and for the most part let it slide.

Im talking about the people,  cussing in every other transmission and nobody uttering a word to them about it.

I think as players and as a community have a responcability to not only try to keep our own mouths in check but also to occasionally remind others to also.
I dont mean anyone has to berate anyone. nor should they as this would probably create more problems then it solves.
Something as simple as a reminder or a statement that as one poster put it "Hey there is a 9 year old girl around. watch the language." or "Hey dude my 65 year old mother is here watching me play. keep it down please"
Typically would more then suffice.

C'mon folks. We cant expect HTC to babysit us on everything.
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Offline Zazen13

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Re: So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2004, 09:37:12 PM »
Originally posted by Urchin
I honestly fail to see the reasoning behind it.  Any game that is competitive in nature is going to involve exchanges of words that aren't friendly.  If you don't want us to tell some ***** in another country that he is flying like a *****, disable all channels from 200 up.  

It makes very little sense to me to say "Well, channel 1 was a cesspool that was by default accessible to everyone, so I'm going to close it" and then send the anonymous girl scout moderators over to channel 200 to mute people for talking.  Channel 200 isn't available to everyone by default, you have to TUNE to it.  So if the intent was to squelch anything other than "Oh man, that was some FANTASTIC running!  And the way you reversed when your 5 buddies jumped in!  Tactical brilliance!" then you'd be better off removing any way for players of different countries to talk to each other.  

As it is, having anonymous girlscouts moderating a player chosen channel for inter-country communication seems somewhat heavy-handed.  There is already a "profanity filter" that catches everything on any channel other than the squad channel.  If whatever is going over ch 200 gets past that, then some testosterone deprived twerp shouldn't be squelching people just because "he" doesn't like what they have to say.

I was 'moderated' and muted for telling a friend on another country wtfg for his 7 kills in a P40. To me that is just plane old anal retentive.

Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #34 on: August 27, 2004, 09:39:09 PM »
Originally posted by Citabria
personally the insults and taunts and smack talking were part of the fun and what gave the game energy. especially while climbing out to altitude to get to the fight.

That's what I use it for. Adds character to the fight and puts some 'personality' behind the game.

Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #35 on: August 27, 2004, 09:40:46 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Slo: Your talking about the game side, not the social side, unless you meen your would realy like to kill the people you "PLAY" with?


HT, I know SLO, that's probably EXACTLY what he means... :eek:
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #36 on: August 27, 2004, 09:51:58 PM »
Another thing for HT and the community to consider is that inter-country banter, be it friendly or hostile, actually serves to fascilitate country balance. Nameless, faceless adversaries have a very low pull factor. So long as the game itself fosters the development of 'relationships' between players the community will grow. The manifested nature of the individual relationships is not actually very important in this process.

There is nothing that would destroy the sense of community more than breaking that vital communication link. The 2nd most destructive thing would be to moderate that link into a benign, howdy-doody club with "big-brother is watching" censorship tactics. While I understand unhindered freedom of expression is not a right within AH, as it is essentially a 'private club'. Freedom of expression is important in the development of a sense of community and the breaking down of barriers between individuals and groups on different countries.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2004, 09:57:52 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Quote, "Cherrypicking is a state of mind & being, not only Art and Scienc


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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #37 on: August 27, 2004, 10:15:35 PM »
No no this cant be.
It just cant! It cant be true I tell ya it cant!
PLEASE tell me it isnt!

I dont even wanna say what it is cause if its true I may have to go get a gun and blow my brains out. Or at the very least check myself in for some serious psychotherapy



(Now doing best Renfeild laugh)

« Last Edit: August 27, 2004, 10:18:11 PM by DREDIOCK »
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Offline opus

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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #38 on: August 27, 2004, 11:06:03 PM »
>>I was 'moderated' and muted for telling a friend on another country wtfg for his 7 kills in a P40. To me that is just plane old anal retentive.

Well, hopefully they're still working out the bugs of the moderation system. WTFG requires participation to be obscene.
Way to freakin go, way to friggin go, way to FABULOUSTHY go - er ya get the picture. Unless we start bannig letters.

Seriously, you'd be surprised at what I've heard some people think FUBAR means, and none of it has to do with the address register.

Short reply:

yea thats pretty stupid. Moderators decrypting acronyms that *could* mean something obscene.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2004, 11:08:14 PM by opus »

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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #39 on: August 28, 2004, 12:17:48 AM »
Maybe ch200 just needs a big 'ol group hug!

Offline KaK3MAW

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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #40 on: August 28, 2004, 12:34:33 AM »
QUOTE:" As it is, having anonymous girlscouts moderating a player chosen channel for inter-country communication seems somewhat heavy-handed. There is already a "profanity filter" that catches everything on any channel other than the squad channel. If whatever is going over ch 200 gets past that, then some testosterone deprived twerp shouldn't be squelching people just because "he" doesn't like what they have to say"

 WOW< this post got past the sarcasm and antagonistic monitors, just like daily the foulest of language and inuendos get typed on channel 200 without any filtering. I get the impression that it takes HumanIntel to filter offensive language and it doesnt seem there are monitors logged on early hours  of days  to mid afternoon PST. It seems the same guys continually use cloaked profanity with impunity.
As far as squelching someone, I think that is an honorable way to shut someone up if you dont broadcast you are squealching them.(i sometime forget to put a . before squelch command so it gets broadcast by mistake) It is also one of the best features that improves game quality, because some people dont care who or how they offend others.

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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #41 on: August 28, 2004, 12:52:51 AM »
Originally posted by rod367th
Urchin If you feel moderator was wrong.  screen shoot text and his responce. Then send to DALE or skuzzy.

Only seen one time where I thought moderator was wrong, For the most part they have tough jobs.

Everytime a moderator acts it is put into a log. So whole story is available to Hitech.

Putting soap box away now....................:)

i got muted by a mod for saying pu53y and with the muted window up and showing muted for another 9.2 minutes or so. people on ch1 were ablaze with that word as soon as i got muted and the moderator was ignoring them. i have screenshots of this situation with the mute counter in full view and players chanting that word after i got muted for it.

yep i deserved it:aok  but i think the moderators can be kinda selective as to who gets muted.:rolleyes:

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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #42 on: August 28, 2004, 11:00:25 AM »
I don't think I've ever been muted by a moderator (person, not the filter)

I did however, get a message from a certain someone (Mr.Unamned moderator) to change my callsign one time. :)

That was over a year ago though.

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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #43 on: August 28, 2004, 03:10:52 PM »
All  AH needs is a .( they dont know when to shut up) moderator). because most just dont know how to do that, STFU that is, the word (STOP) no workie!     and Cussing ha!  I hear more cuss words from jr high kids when i pick up my 13 yr old from school  then i do when im in a truckers bar! or a sunday night watching the simpsons.

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So... why was channel 1 removed?
« Reply #44 on: August 28, 2004, 04:24:32 PM »
Taunts and insults are a perfectly natural and acceptable form of game play, but i had seen things on channel one that were just outrageous, even gross at times. I'm no saint mind you, but i limit my foul language to squad channel. It simply boils down to respect, respect for other players and for the community. There are kids that play this game, preachers, and people that don't really want to hear about someone lack of seminal vessicles, or what their mother does. Channel 1, or 200 for that matter, is a common ground for all players, and you should keep that in mind and be respectful. You never know when you somebody is letting their kids play, and I would hope you wouldn't talk like that to them in person. The anonymnity of the internet is a poor excuse for filth.
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