Author Topic: Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....  (Read 2238 times)

Offline rpm

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #105 on: August 17, 2004, 09:12:51 PM »
I think everyone supported going to Afghanistan. Iraq was a different story, and still is. Whether it was bad intel or something else, the reason we stopped focus on OBL and switched to Iraq has been proven false. I do believe SH was a bad man and needed removal, but we have allowed OBL to continue breathing and plotting.

That is my complaint.  We should have completed our mission against Al-Queda before opening a new front. Who knows what may have happened if we paraded OBL to the world like we did SH. Heck, I might have voted Bush.
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Offline AWMac

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #106 on: August 17, 2004, 09:17:39 PM »
SaburoS and Crumpp...  

Well said.

SFC U.S. Army (Ret.)
1975 ~ 1995

Offline demaw1

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #107 on: August 17, 2004, 10:13:27 PM »

  We know where obl is. He is in pakistan near the border.

  Not far from where their army has been doing a little fighting.

  Pakistan has denied us permission to cross her borders to get him. If we wanted to get him,ya we could. I have listen to defence people from nixon, ford, carter,reagan,clinton and bush administration say this.      [paraphase]

  Pakistans leader is just hanging on, if we went in to get him, the radical muslims could rise up and overthrow the goverment. There seems to be millions of them in Pakistan, several million around obl.

 Obl would then be in control of Pakistans nukes. It is possible that some of them can hit us under right conditions. They said they could not prove it but believe it is possible.

  We are not strong enough to go into Pakistan and end up fighting 80 million arabs yet.
. India said if the radicals took over, they would not hesitate to attack with nukes as they fear them. Israel said the same thing ,but didnt use the word nukes, just said they would use everything at their disposal.

  For me if left and right agree on this one point then I am not going to argue otherwise.

 So we know where he is and isnt, and he gets his medical treatments from pakistan.

Offline SaburoS

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #108 on: August 18, 2004, 12:37:25 AM »
Originally posted by demaw1
It is on page 13, under demaw thread.

 Yours was said in a very sardonic way,mt did his normal,and rpm went with standard put down words. Because it was very personal to me[ for 2 reasons,] and I found out it had already started, I became very up set. Now as to what I would do to a soldier, returning with a different view. I would do the same for that soldier as any other. If you noticed, I retracted rpm from post after I saw what he said he would do if he was there.

How about you just plain quote it and post it here. Show me. What's the thread's title and what was the post#? I don't see a "demaw thread" (I even went back 29 pages to search).

Understand this. If I ever come out and insult someone without cause, you can bet that I'll be the man about it and apologize. I do when I'm wrong. I try to make it right.

But you also understand that I don't like being insulted with personal attacks when it isn't warranted.

You opened up in this thread and I retaliated.

You show me where:

Originally posted by demaw1
If you will remember subaros, a few threads back, I told you I had always treated you with respect and was wondering why all the name calling when I wasnt even talking to you.

Again, show me and everyone here where I resorted to the "name calling" insults against you "a few threads back"(at the time of your post).

If I'm wrong about this, you'll get my apologies as that's what a man does when he's wrong.
I'm not wrong in this case though. Prove it.

This leads me to wonder of two things about you:
1) Will you respond with the proof (or are you going to continue to dance around and keep being vague)?
2) After you realize that you're wrong, will you be a man about it and apologize?

If you're wrong, you owe me one.

I guess we'll see.
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Offline Silat

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #109 on: August 18, 2004, 02:55:19 AM »
Originally posted by demaw1

   . Kerry has already said within 6 months he would pull troops out.  .

Could you please show some links to the above statement?
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Offline Toad

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #110 on: August 18, 2004, 03:52:52 PM »
Here's one for you. I think you can pursue it from the leads there.

Democrat Says He Would Reduce U.S. Troops Within 6 Months

Kerry and Rubin also are detailing a new Iraq policy to "significantly" reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq during the first six months of a Kerry administration. In an NPR interview Friday, Kerry said: "I believe that within a year from now, we could significantly reduce American forces in Iraq, and that's my plan." His comments took several aides by surprise. Until the interview, Kerry's stated policy was to significantly reduce troops by the end of his first term.

He's addressing the VFW in Cinncinnatti tonight. A lot of "trial balloon" statements have been floated. You'll have to wait and see what he actually says.

Now for fun, check this out; it's one reason why I have a bit of tough time with Kerry:

Kerry stumbles over Iraq
New York Daily News ^ | 8/15/04 | Michael Goodwin

Posted on 08/15/2004 7:28:36 AM PDT by kattracks

You say you've been following the presidential campaign and are very interested in the candidates' positions on Iraq. Okay, then, answer me this: Which of the following statements did John Kerry make about bringing American troops home if he's elected?
A) He sees a big withdrawal in his first term.

B) He sees a big withdrawal in his first year.

C) He sees a big withdrawal in his first six months.

D) All of the above.

The answer is D - and now you know the problem in trying to figure out where the Democrat stands. Kerry made all those statements in the last two weeks in different interviews and news conferences.

Forget red and blue states - color me confused.

Kerry's Iraq position also morphed in another important way. Initially, he called a first-term reduction a "plan." By the end of the dizzying descriptions, the six-month withdrawal had become "a goal."

The one consistency was his caveat that any changes on American strength mostly depended on getting allies to pony up forces.

Hey, wait a minute. That basically means none of the reductions would happen unless France, et al., agree to send troops. Fat chance of that happening.

All of which leaves Kerry's plan full of conditional holes, and thus no real plan at all.

Maybe it's Kerry who is confused about Iraq. In theory, you can't blame him. "Between Iraq and a hard place" aptly describes the American dilemma. Lots of the candidate's fellow countrymen are confused, too.

But Kerry is running for President. And when your party says you're the man, you are required to have more answers than the average Joe.

Kerry offered another Iraq answer last week, but it only further muddied the waters. Taunted by President Bush about whether he would still vote for the war authorization knowing what he knows now about weapons of mass destruction, Kerry said yes.

Bet your bottom dollar Bush was as shocked as millions of Kerry's supporters. Only Bush was smiling shocked - he basically got Kerry to endorse the invasion again - while the anti-war crowd that makes up a huge chunk of the Dem establishment couldn't be happy.

Remember that 80% of the delegates at the Boston convention said the war was a mistake. And now their candidate seemed to be saying something else entirely.

Kerry's war room was quick to try to explain the nuances - Kerry felt Bush had no plan for winning the peace - but the damage was done. By week's end, even Kerry aides were admitting he had walked right into a clever Bush trap.

And the Bushies weren't done scoring points. The President, whose meanings are clear even when his syntax isn't, seized on Kerry's timetables to say, rightly, that any talk of withdrawal would undercut efforts to stabilize Iraq.

Vice President Cheney seized on another strange Kerry comment - that he would run a "more sensitive" war on terror. That was like lobbing a big fat softball right down the middle, and Cheney clubbed it with a mocking tone. A "sensitive war," he said, was not the right response to the thugs who killed 3,000 Americans. Pow!

Kerry's missteps made for a bizarre week, but it's only August. And many polls, such as one showing him up by 7 points in Florida, suggest the election is his to lose.

But Vince Lombardi was talking about football, not the Oval Office, when he said winning is everything. In political terms, a Kerry victory based mostly on anger at Bush would not prepare the country for the difficult choices ahead.

That means Kerry better get a grip on himself now and decide where he truly stands on Iraq and the war on terror. For soon enough, confusion will be unforgivable.

Originally published on August 15, 2004
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Offline Hajo

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #111 on: August 18, 2004, 04:12:42 PM »
Don't know what all the fuss is about two Doofuses running for President.

( Or is the plural of Doofus Doofi???)
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Offline demaw1

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #112 on: August 18, 2004, 07:07:54 PM »
Saburos, look at my last post in vets,moderates,conservatives..

 I brought it to front page.  Thanks.

Offline SaburoS

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #113 on: August 19, 2004, 12:43:36 AM »
Originally posted by demaw1
Saburos, look at my last post in vets,moderates,conservatives..

I brought it to front page.  Thanks.

Originally posted by demaw1

I do hope you will read my post above.
1 5:18 pm
2 5:29 pm
3 5:51 pm
4 10:43 pm
5 11:51 pm.

It will maybe clear this up a little, and you will see that even in anger I will apologize if one is in order.

I do hereby formally apologize to Subaros, as it is warranted.

I dont know how I got him mixed up with Pongo, but be assured I did. Subaros had nothing to do with that particular thread.
Thanks demaw.

Last edited by demaw1 on 08-18-2004 at 05:09 PM

Apology accepted. Thanks for being a man about it.
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Offline Silat

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #114 on: August 19, 2004, 01:48:29 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
Here's one for you. I think you can pursue it from the leads there.

Democrat Says He Would Reduce U.S. Troops Within 6 Months

Demaws implication is that we will completely pull out. Your link shows that he is wrong.
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Offline Toad

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #115 on: August 19, 2004, 03:55:36 PM »
I think the important thing to note is the Kerry is all over the map on troop withdrawal from Iraq. Even he doesn't know what he wants.

Which ties in perfectly with him offering Korea as a place to start when considering other troop withdrawals and then blasting Bush a few weeks later for announcing troop withdrawals from Korea. Again, he's all over the map.

Kerry's just another shameless politician and the most liberal one in the Senate at that.
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Offline Silat

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #116 on: September 02, 2004, 01:58:32 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Lets talk about something of substance, say...Kerry's voting record in the Senate the last 20 years. Shall we?  I mean really...4 months in 'Nam, is that all he's going to the election booth with?  Or do you want to continue to be a Kerry-Apologist?

2nd tour Rip
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
"Conservatism offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future." B. Disraeli
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Offline Nash

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #117 on: September 02, 2004, 02:56:45 PM »
"I dont know how I got him mixed up with Pongo, but be assured I did. Subaros had nothing to do with that particular thread." -demaw

Same avatar.

Offline Red Tail 444

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Ted Sampley of Swift Boats sez....
« Reply #118 on: September 02, 2004, 04:44:41 PM »
Flip Flop

"The War on Terror Cannot be won"  dubya

"We can win the war on Terror" Dubya

Originally posted by Ripsnort

As they say in soccer...