Author Topic: goes ta show.. Even a blind pig....  (Read 492 times)

Offline Duckwing6

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goes ta show.. Even a blind pig....
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2001, 02:23:00 PM »
Originally posted by Lazs:
rip.. honestly, I have no feeling on your idea. It is out of the realm of my interest. How so? Well... I don't care about "winning" the war. I don't notice if the numbers are unbalanced on the whole so much as how they are in the area I am in.
I don't really think that your idea would affect me much except randomly and not very often. Not sure I have ever seen a time that my country was down to 2-3 fields and don't pay attention to how many fields the other guys have except that... To me, all the red ones are the same. I actually do not know if it is rooks or that other one that I am fighting.

So... maybe that is an opinion after all?

Wow anyone notice what Lazs thoughts spiral around ?

Yup Lazs it's YOUR oppinion .. all YOURS



Offline Fury

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goes ta show.. Even a blind pig....
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2001, 02:42:00 PM »
I don't know what "jet day" means.  Is that a day where the only plane available is a jet, or is it a day when jets are opened up to anyone who wants one?

Either way, I dislike that idea.  I don't want anyone messing up my AH with "jet day".


Offline Wanker

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« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2001, 02:44:00 PM »
Jet day in Warbirds was not a good solution. The jet dweebs didn't like being limited to just one day a tour, and the anti-jet dweebs thought that one day per tour was one day too many.

Offline -tronski-

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« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2001, 04:51:00 PM »
Actually i thought Jet day was a bit of a non event,
People forget a 262 is only good when it's moving cant turn for toejam and it is easy meat if it did.
Plenty of people lined up to take down an inexperienced 262 in their SpitXIV's,Stangs, and the such...
Why do you think historically, Ta152's/D-9's flew 262 field cap?

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Offline sling322

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« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2001, 05:21:00 PM »
Originally posted by bloom25:
It seems kind of funny to me to continuously rant about something that hasn't even happened yet...  

I was about to post something real similar to the above statement....but thanks fer doing it for me Bloom.    Why dont we ban perk point BBS posts until after the plan starts.

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2001, 06:31:00 PM »
Trouble with jet day was every swinging dick was in one and you had to fly looking backwards.

You would see an expensive 262 or 163 a hell of a lot less in a matured perk system.

Would still be fun to try for one though  

I can already see the squad nights devoted to snagging these machines as they took off or landed at distant fields  

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns


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goes ta show.. Even a blind pig....
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2001, 10:57:00 PM »
Originally posted by lazs:
Well... I don't care about "winning" the war.

How about "whining" the war?  

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« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2001, 12:03:00 AM »
I have the sudden urge to hunt F4U's. Looks to me like I can count on at least ten wingmen.

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Offline Voss

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« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2001, 01:06:00 AM »
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
Foxtrot Uniform (sierra) Delta November Romeo Yankee Tango November Whiskey  

DC 134525-27-2

He'll never get it.  

I prefer June whiskey, myself.  

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2001, 07:01:00 AM »
I have the sudden urge to hunt F4U's

Are you kidding?   They're my favorite prey each and every day anyways!!

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« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2001, 08:30:00 AM »
duck.. I believe that rip was asking what MY opinon was.   That is what I gave.

pakrat... there.... said your handle.  happy now?

voss... learn that fancy talk from shooting down migs in the gulf, ace?  

Soooo... anyone have an opinion about allowing uber planes to be enabled for a day or two at the end of the tour as a comprimise?  


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« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2001, 09:46:00 AM »
I like the perk idea. Even before the whole system is in place, it had promoted more organization and strategical thinking, as Hangtime well said.

I have confronted feelings at the beginning, but on seeing what is happening in the MA, I am all for the perk system. Maybe there are better ways to promote some kind of realistic behaviour, I don't know as of now, but I think perk system is quite good at that.

The day for X, Y or Z plane, well, I don't buy it. If you want a perk plane, earn it. I doubt Htc. will make them so expensive as to negate the possibility of trying. If you like perk rides, then you have a reason to fly for points consistently (that does not mean to go over 30k, you will have to go down for your prey). IMHO, flying for points is the closest resemblance of flying for your life that we can get. This is the right attitude in a flight sim. Not in a flight game. What r you flying?




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« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2001, 10:08:00 AM »
That's not a compromise, Lazs - that's "Jet Day"... which sucked hard IMHO. The perk system is probably a much better alternative.

Why do I say "probably"? It's because unlike you anti-perk whiners, I freely acknowledge that I don't know the whole equation. I do however know that HTC has stated perk rides will be expensive (as they should be) to limit their numbers. The skies won't be full of "uber" rides as they would under your "Jet Day" proposal (which sucks).

Same thing with the minimum 2 perk rides per day proposal of some other whiners - or maybe it was you. Your type wants everyone to always have a perk plane available and that is the fastest way I can think of to kill the sim. Jet Day every day. Yeah Baby. People complain about the guys that fly the CHog now. Implement the two rides debacle and you'll have even louder whining.

What is so frigging hard about just waiting to see how it actually works before squeaking and moaning, Lazs?

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« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2001, 10:35:00 AM »
pak... u just don't get it.  perks will be handed out for behavoir that is not even considered worthwhile or skilled by some...

the focus of the game will go from a free for all with a new game every time you take off to some tour long everquest bull.

seeing even one uber plane in an arena full of otherwise balanced planes and not having any antidote for it other than avoid it is annoying.  If you feel a nik is "uber" right now you can simply go up in one next time you take off.

what is the attractrion of having an uber ride against inferior planes?   wouldn't you be better off in a boxed sim with adjustable AI?  I really would like to know.  

still.... perhaps there could be "furball" island where not only were the fields uncaptuarable but no bombers or perk rides were available/allowed.

Guess what this boils down too is a major rift in player base... Those who want to furball/free for all and those who want to everquest.

  When I fly with my squddies for the hour or so we all have free we don't want to be bothered with any real "goal" or complex rules/scoring... We just want to kill stuff.  We don't want to be annoyed by some dipshit in his wizz bang trophy plane.   He merely cheapens the experiance for us and slows down the action.  

conversly... I imagine some would love to have "goals" and bask in the (cough) "admiration" of the rest of us when they (choke) "earned" an uber ride.  If it were just that they wanted to fly late war planes then a seperate "day" or "arena" would suffice.  


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« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2001, 01:54:00 PM »
No, lazs, you don't get it. You apparently really like to just whine. Fact of the matter is you just look stupid.

Your point about the one "uber" plane in the arena and avoiding it is something I actually look forward to. It's a bit like having shorter icon ranges. Adds tension. Adds realism. Not every plane in WWII was a bland cookie-cutter version of the next. They had strengths and weaknesses and sometimes these were very pronounced. That was the whole point - to outclass the opponent and kill without being killed. This will add a little of that without making it a free-for-all "Jet Day". Not all perks will be hunter-killers anyway. Some will be bombers and some will be ground vehicles.

Better off in a boxed sim? Nope. I like flying against people. That's what it's all about isn't it? AI is never as good at simulating a human intelligence as a human or as fun to defeat. I like to fly in both superior and inferior planes and take my chances against people. Plain and simple.

Actually, the one who sounds like they should be flying a boxed sim is you. That way you could make all planes the same and not have to worry about something unexpected attacking you.

There already is a furball island - it's the main island. Nothing strategic and it draws the quakers so they can mix it up ad nauseum.

IMHO, your lumping everyone into free-for-all and Everquest groups does everyone a disservice. Your view of the player base is too simplistic and I think reflects your limited view of the sim in general. You need to broaden your horizons and experiences, dude.

As evidence:

When I fly with my squddies for the hour or so we all have free we don't want to be bothered with any real "goal" or complex rules/scoring... We just want to kill stuff. We don't want to be annoyed by some dipshit in his wizz bang trophy plane. He merely cheapens the experiance for us and slows down the action.

What a limited view. It sounds like you are the one that needs the "furball island". It sounds like you don't want anyone to be able to fly anything but the rides you deem appropriate or fly in the style that suits you. You must get really pissed if someone shoots you down. Not fair or something I would guess.

Your arguments are mixed up. You complain about one thing then claim that is what you want to be able to enjoy the sim. Are you smoking crack, lazs? I'm really not following your arguments at all. This really is sounding like you only like seeing your name in type instead of actually wanting to better the sim.

Are you that envious of people that would earn a perk ride? Does it bother you that much that someone might enjoy something other than your favorite airplane or that they would enjoy a different flying style? You really need to lighten up, dude. This is nowhere near the end of the worrld you make it out to be.

My offer still stands. I have a good friend who can print up shirts. All you guys in the "Sky is Falling" camp might be interested in something with that slogan and a cartoon of you huddled in a hole trying to avoid progress or enjoyment because you are too freaking afraid that perks might be fun.

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