Yes Crump i consered many of those things. However I was taken aback at your insistance that those flawed charts were definitive and your refusal to accept the posibity that I knew something about Bf109K performance and knew enough to clearly see that the stats you posted were suspect.
Now I dont have a collection of charts from museums like you do, but that shouldnt mean that yiou can disrespectufly dismiss any input of mine. Other people know stuff too even if they dont spend all their free time at museums...
Because you know what, it turms out I was right and that the K4 was much faster in service than you actively argued and that those charts were indeed inaccurate and unrepresentaive of real service 109K4.
So these are two things I really got upset about and the things that made me question your motives and attitudes. First what I saw as your, arrogance in dismissing my concerns over those charts. And second you not disclosing that the tests you posted were from early prototypes with no MW50...
1. The only insistence on anything and for that matter "arrogance" is in your own mind.
2. You're just making excuses and attempting to justify your wrong behavior.
3. Not only did I not "dismiss" your concerns I took actions to address them by tracking down additional documents. What did I get for my efforts from you to find and share this information??
4. Mistakes happen. I did not catch the graph was for "climb and combat power" and not "Take off and Emergency" rating. On the other hand NIETHER did you until a third party pointed it out.
You keep trying to make this into something it is not in an attempt to justify your own actions.
It still does not change the fact:
Angus says:
But it's oranges and apples anyway, by the time you had the 109K, you also had the Dora, and as those two were operating toghether, the Ta 152 appeared, swooping around with incredible high alt performance.
Is correct for the Bf-109K4.
Angus says:
The point remains however, that by the appearance of the 190A series untill the 109 went boosted up heavily, the 190 held the speed at low alt. It also held the roll, and the zoom, and the firepower, so no wonder the allied power dreaded the thing.
Is correct for all the other 109 varients.
That is pretty much all that needs to be said on this matter.