Author Topic: AH what ur supposed to do...  (Read 2292 times)

Offline pimpjoe

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AH what ur supposed to do...
« on: December 15, 2001, 04:35:00 PM »
this does not apply to ALL trainers. i was just in the MA when somebody asked politely for a trainer. there was at least 1 trainer in the arena that i saw when this gentelman asked for help. he asked for probably 5 minuets for a trainer to come help him. the only answer's he got were smart assed and did him no good. i eventually took him over to the TA and gave him the help he was looking for. i have no problem helping others out but i shouldnt have to, especially when there is trainer's in the arena that just choose to ignore when people ask for help. now this is not a whine...just a request. please do what HTC gives you the free subscription to do. TRAIN people that ask for the help.

Offline jpeg

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« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2001, 08:00:00 PM »
I agree.

I was there tonight when that guy was asking for help and then you offered him help and ppl were making fun of you on top of it.

*sigh*.. what a world

Offline Betown

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« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2001, 03:40:00 AM »
With all due respect PimpJoe, you have NO idea what you are talking about. I would duely ask if would stop making sweeping statments like this in the main bbs. If you have a problem with the one of the trainers or all the training staff then please contact either Lephturn or one of our seniour training staff and we would be happy to help you.

For the sake of putting things right in your mind I will attempt to explain.
  • Yes Aces High trainers mostly get free accounts (not all of us I don't think)
  • Yes Aces High trainers are there to help you.
  • Yes Aces High trainers are just normal people who GIVE UP THERE OWN TIME to help others
  • Yes Aces High trainers do have a life outside of Aces High
  • No Aces High trainers are not avalable for training all the time.
We have on and off duty times. If we are in the training arena and not training with somebody else then ofcourse if you ask us to help you then we will as soon as we can. But you also have to understand that we like to play the game as well. So if we are flying in the main arena we will help with things when we can but if we are in the middle of doing something I am not going to auger my aircraft to go and help somebody if I have just flown 2 hours across the arena in a Lancaster.

Pimpjoe, you say you should not have to help people? Well in my opinion that is just very selfish my friend. The Aces High Trainers are very few in numbers and with this few we do an AWFULL lot of things for the community and help anybody who sends us an email. We either arange a time to meet them or help them there and then.

80% of the time I won't give newbies a training session there and then if they ask me in the training arena. To really build good pilots and get people understanding things there is more to it that just being able to walk the walk. You HAVE to know how to talk the talk.

PimpJoe, we are looking for some good trainers. You think you have got what it takes? Send me an aplication.

Best Wishes, Have a Merry Christmas


[ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: Betown ]

Offline akak

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AH what ur supposed to do...
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2001, 04:33:00 AM »
I think Pimpjoe was trying to point out that he shouldn't have been the one to answer the guys call for help if there as a trainer in the arena.  Off duty or not, the trainer should have responded to the calls of the guy that needed help, if only to point the player to the training arena where there are some on-duty trainers.

Offline Tumor

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AH what ur supposed to do...
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2001, 06:04:00 AM »
Originally posted by Betown:
With all due respect PimpJoe, you have NO idea what you are talking about. I would duely ask if would stop making sweeping statments like this in the main bbs. If you have a problem with the one of the trainers or all the training staff then please contact either Lephturn or one of our seniour training staff and we would be happy to help you.

For the sake of putting things right in your mind I will attempt to explain.
  • Yes Aces High trainers mostly get free accounts (not all of us I don't think)
  • Yes Aces High trainers are there to help you.
  • Yes Aces High trainers are just normal people who GIVE UP THERE OWN TIME to help others
  • Yes Aces High trainers do have a life outside of Aces High
  • No Aces High trainers are not avalable for training all the time.
We have on and off duty times. If we are in the training arena and not training with somebody else then ofcourse if you ask us to help you then we will as soon as we can. But you also have to understand that we like to play the game as well. So if we are flying in the main arena we will help with things when we can but if we are in the middle of doing something I am not going to auger my aircraft to go and help somebody if I have just flown 2 hours across the arena in a Lancaster.

Pimpjoe, you say you should not have to help people? Well in my opinion that is just very selfish my friend. The Aces High Trainers are very few in numbers and with this few we do an AWFULL lot of things for the community and help anybody who sends us an email. We either arange a time to meet them or help them there and then.

80% of the time I won't give newbies a training session there and then if they ask me in the training arena. To really build good pilots and get people understanding things there is more to it that just being able to walk the walk. You HAVE to know how to talk the talk.

PimpJoe, we are looking for some good trainers. You think you have got what it takes? Send me an aplication.

Best Wishes, Have a Merry Christmas


[ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: Betown ]

If your a trainer and someone asks for help, go to the TA promptly.

If your a trainer and you get a free account, and someone asks for help, you best get your bellybutton TO THE TA ASAP.

If you don't like people squeaking because there's no trainers available....tough.  Fix it.

"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline Horn

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« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2001, 08:53:00 AM »
Originally posted by Tumor:

If you don't like people squeaking because there's no trainers available....tough.  Fix it.


And a posted schedule of when trainers are on and off duty would be helpful.


Offline Sky Viper

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« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2001, 03:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by Betown:
With all due respect PimpJoe, you have NO idea what you are talking about. I would duely ask if would stop making sweeping statments like this in the main bbs. If you have a problem with the one of the trainers or all the training staff then please contact either Lephturn or one of our seniour training staff and we would be happy to help you.

For the sake of putting things right in your mind I will attempt to explain.
  • Yes Aces High trainers mostly get free accounts (not all of us I don't think)
  • Yes Aces High trainers are there to help you.
  • Yes Aces High trainers are just normal people who GIVE UP THERE OWN TIME to help others
  • Yes Aces High trainers do have a life outside of Aces High
  • No Aces High trainers are not avalable for training all the time.
We have on and off duty times. If we are in the training arena and not training with somebody else then ofcourse if you ask us to help you then we will as soon as we can. But you also have to understand that we like to play the game as well. So if we are flying in the main arena we will help with things when we can but if we are in the middle of doing something I am not going to auger my aircraft to go and help somebody if I have just flown 2 hours across the arena in a Lancaster.

Pimpjoe, you say you should not have to help people? Well in my opinion that is just very selfish my friend. The Aces High Trainers are very few in numbers and with this few we do an AWFULL lot of things for the community and help anybody who sends us an email. We either arange a time to meet them or help them there and then.

80% of the time I won't give newbies a training session there and then if they ask me in the training arena. To really build good pilots and get people understanding things there is more to it that just being able to walk the walk. You HAVE to know how to talk the talk.

PimpJoe, we are looking for some good trainers. You think you have got what it takes? Send me an aplication.

Best Wishes, Have a Merry Christmas


[ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: Betown ]

Who the hell is Betown?

Send an application?  What application, where?

As for your jerkish comments, you should resign from the trainer corps if you can't at least take 5 and explain to a new guy how/when to get help.
I'm not even a trainer and I have trained a few guys.
Volunteer or Paid via free sub, you represent HTC. (even if there is a disclaimer) You make them look bad with replies like this.


Offline Urchin

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« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2001, 04:58:00 PM »
I'd be happy to be a trainer.  I can only do it part time though, since I work full-time.

I have a good working knowledge of basic ACM, and I generally make up the more advanced stuff as I go  :D.  Where do I get an application?

Offline pimpjoe

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« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2001, 05:38:00 PM »
where's an aplication? i'd be happy to become a trainer. you dont even have to give me the free subscription.

Offline aknimitz

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« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2001, 07:24:00 PM »
Betown, I must humbly disagree with virtually everything in your post.  While the initial post may have been a bit strong, its message was relatively accurate.  I am NOT recognized as an AH Trainer.  I do NOT get a free account.  I am ALWAYS in the training arena helping people out, most of the time by appointment, many times by just showing up there and helping.  Do you go in the TA to help?  I have never seen you in there.  Do you respond to the requests here to get training?  I have not seen you respond to ANY of the requests no here for help.  Maybe you have, I dont know.  The point remains I havent seen ANY trainers officially endorsed by AH in the TA in A LONG TIME ... the ONLY exception is Ghosth.  I have not seen ONE SINGLE TRAINER in there other than ghosth.  Rocket does a good job of reading the boards in here and making himself available as well.

How are the people requesting training supposed to get a hold of you "trainers."  You arent listed on the website, only lephturn is.  The training problem in Aces High needs HELP.  I have offered and continue to offer to be an official trainer just for the title and a little power to gain some control over the TA.  As it is right now, its a joke.  No one likes going to the TA for the most part because of a rotten few that cannot be controlled.

As always, I am willing to help and available upon request.  And sofar as sending you an application?  I have sent repeated requests to HTC and Lephturn about becoming a trainer, and nothing and no one has given me any feedback.  So please dont sit on your training horse and act like you guys are really searching for more trainers.  I have been trying to become one for quite some time now ... and no one seems to have the time to take the steps necessary to make it official.  SO, I will continue to be an unofficial trainer of AH, gladly, because I would not know what I do today were it not for the kindness and generosity of many pilots in the arena.  Cyou, Leviathn, RWY, NathBDP, Mitsu ... all of these people helped me become the pilot I am, and have helped me learn many of the challenging ACM concepts.

It do agree with you Betown that everyone should be willing to help out new pilots...not just the "official" AH Trainers.


[ 12-17-2001: Message edited by: aknimitz ]

Offline Maverick

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AH what ur supposed to do...
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2001, 10:41:00 PM »
I have to say that the one trainer I have seen the most in the TA and actively asking if anyone needed help was Ghosth. It certainly was nice to see as I very often see newbies asking for help in the TA and not getting it. I have spent more than a bit of time answering questions and explaining how to set up joysticks, start engines, move GV's and so on.

Betown, you were not one of the trainers I have seen helping out there. I have seen you there, but you certainly weren't helping. The tone of your post here pretty much represents your attitude and in a word, it is inapropriate. (I had other words but won't use them) Frankly it doesn't represent AH very well. If I were a newbie looking at your post I think I'd rather pass on asking you to help.


[ 12-17-2001: Message edited by: Maverick ]
A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
Author Unknown

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2001, 10:09:00 AM »
You guys wanna kick his dog too?

Betown had 1 thing absolutely right.  You have a problem with the training staff or the way things are done, please take it up with Lephturn privately or email HTC and express your displeasure.

All I see here are personal attacks, some seeming to stem from not being accepted into the Training Staff.  Kinda makes one wonder if the people needing training is the real reason why people jump in on these threads...
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline aknimitz

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« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2001, 01:29:00 PM »

Boy you just have everything figured out dont you?  You have absolutely no basis for saying that.  This is the HELP AND TRAINING FORUM.  You dont think I have discussed this with AH Trainers before?  With the HT staff?  Think again - I have.  I am not attacking Betown personally, I am disagreeing with his comments.  Betown is a good guy, I've flown with him before.  His post was just not entirely accurate.

A little hypocritical of you to come here and suggest attacks on persons should be done via private email, but your the first to jump right in and throw some out yourself.

Why would I care whether or not I had been accepted as an AH Trainer?  The free account?    :eek:  I am an AH trainer, just not one officially endorsed by HTC.  If it stays that way, its fine with me.  I enjoy helping others learn...and I know I am making a difference.


Offline gavor

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« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2001, 06:25:00 PM »
I have to agree, in order to get some training I had to come to the Training board and ask. The only responses I got were from players like nim and mako. If i had waited for an official trainer I'd still be totally crap instead of just crap.

Cheers for last nights training nim.


Offline iceydee

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« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2001, 07:32:00 PM »
Well, if you're flying in the MA chances are
great that you'd miss something written in
the text-buffer. It seems that if you post
a message in here, you won't have to wait
for too long until you get the help you're
looking for... just check this post:
Looking for training