Author Topic: P-51  (Read 954 times)

Offline Tyro48

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« on: December 07, 2000, 05:41:00 AM »
Would like to get proficient in the P-51 and move out of the maximum suck ranks <G> I seem to be having trouble adapting to the AH P-51 and leaving the AW3/MS Euro Combat P-51's behind, therefore I would appreciate and constructive tips any of you might have!One of my biggest problems in any plane here is gunnery. it's gettin damndable frustrating!!

Offline Robert

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« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2000, 07:46:00 AM »
stay fast .
turn in the vertical.
fly with a wingman.
never get below 7k.

RWY out !

Offline Westy

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« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2000, 07:46:00 AM »
 It's just going to take some time and practice. Alot. The P-51 here is a mean machine but it will compress easily on the unwary and flounder suddenly if you try to turn fight when slow.
 Set your gun convergence too. Figure out the most common range you find yourself getting on the six of other aircraft and set the convergence for about that range.  Draw the range back in over time as you get better.


Offline BaneX

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« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2000, 08:17:00 AM »
First off stay fast... 275+mph indicated airspeed. Also, as stated earlier stay in the vertical as alt is your friend.  If you do find yourself in a turn fight you can't help, pop a notch of flaps. It will give you a little extra lift in those turns, though not much. Then extend whenever you get the chace to grab more alt.

As for gunnery a good starting convergence is around 300yds. You can adjust from there as you see fit. Myself I tend to wait until I'm positive I will hit them before firing and keeping bursts short and right at convergence range.

You'll find that if you put one good burst in them at a close range such as 300-400, you can usually leave the bird to someone else and let them finish it off as you will usually get the kill.

Lastly.. when flying the 51 PATIENCE is of the utmost importance. (Although I can never seem to find any myself)

If you fly bishop look for some of the guys from 13th TAS and try watching them. We fly 51 exclusively and many have become extremely good with it.


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2000, 08:24:00 AM »
What RWY said.  FYI, I've had very little time in the P51 and in tour 10 I had a 7 to 1 K/D ratio in it, in this tour, I've had 6 kills no deaths, definately the uber plane of AH, but only in an avg. or better pilots' hands.

Offline Dingy

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« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2000, 09:55:00 AM »
Originally posted by BaneX:
If you fly bishop look for some of the guys from 13th TAS and try watching them. We fly 51 exclusively and many have become extremely good with it.


Yup..what Bane and the others have said.  If you are Bish, Hangtime and Soulyss are damned good P51 sticks and could show you a trick or two.  You prolly arent a Nit since you whould have been thrown out of the country by the LW contingent by now for even speaking the name Mustang in the arena.  If you are Rook, feel free to hook up with SkyViper and myself some nights.  

I USUALLY try to follow the advice you've seen above but I find that I just can't resist turning a bit in the 51.  Here are some of my tips:

- Having an alt advantage is not necessarily necessary.  Sometimes if I see a 10K furball, I will come in at 8K with a good head of steam (250+) and see if I can get a shot on someone.  If not, I go into a zoom while looking for possible danger and watch the furball below scoping out the next target.

- Mustang compresses around 500.  When bouncing lower bandits, chop throttle as you dive and try to maintain a speed of 400-500 during your bounce.  Add or reduce throttle as necessary.  If you compress, chop throttle and use elevator up trim to get out of the dive.

- Throttle control is MANDATORY since you want to turn your plane at its best corner speed (dunno what this is in the 51...again its done by feel for me...its prolly around 250).  When dogfighting, and trying to follow a break (if you dare) you may need to reduce your throttle so your turn radius is not too much bigger than that of your opponent.  If it is, and you turn outside of your opponent, you leave the door open for a reversal via scissors.  I find myself, varying throttle during the initial stages of the fight and then once my speed falls below 250, its firewalled.

- Mustang has a deceptive zoom.  Because it holds E so well, you can regain alot of the alt you lost on a dive.  Use this to rope opponents.  If you see a lower opponent climbing up to you, go into a climb and watch their distance.  Once it starts increasing, click 1 notch flaps and loop over on them.  Often you can catch an unaware bogie as hes floundering in a stall below you.

- Use flaps but dont overdo it.  Basically I use it if Im trying to come over the top of a loop and the stall horn is blaring or if Im trying to eek out the last bit of lift from my wings while lining up the shot.  I cant tell you what speed I use them because I dont really look at at my speed....I use the sound of the wind rushing over the cockpit and the feeling of the plane as it approaches the stall.

Tactics against planes:
Zeke, Spits, Macchis, 109s (G2, G6 and F) and Niks...dont let yourself get slow against these planes and strive for a position of E superiority.  If they start out higher than you, disengage and come back later with alt/speed.  If they are lower than you, try to set up a shallow dive on their six and if they break before you are in guns range, use high yoyos to follow their break.  Dive back down as soon as they finish their break.   If defensive against them dont worry...begin a dive to gain speed to disengage.  They are MUCH slower than you.

Yaks and not turn with them unless you have an E advantage.  Their turn rates are a little better than yours and if not careful they can quickly turn the tables on you.  If you lose the advantage follow the same instructions as for the spits, zekes etc...if you have no alt to convert, you can almost kiss your sorry bellybutton goodbye biggest problem to date.  Try to get the 109G10 into a high speed fight.  It compresses at about 400, about 100mph earlier than the 51.  You have a pretty even (maybe slightly better?) turn rate than the G10.  The problem is tho once you get onto the tail of a G10, once they kick in the WEP, the performance of the G10 becomes phenomenal.  They will most likely begin to try to rope you.  Once you see the G10 begin to climb in a co-E engagement, flip over and try to disengage.  Even with WEP you are slightly faster once you reach full speed but the initial accelleration of the G10 is better than your 51 so dont get too low while facing a G10 unless you KNOW you are going to get a kill or have enough speed to gain separation after your pass.

F4Us, P47s, 190s and Tiffys...kill with impunity.  On co-E nose to nose merges, begin an easy barrell roll to avoid the HO.  Transition into a low G loop while watching what the enemy is doing.  Many times they will have had to dive to get HO shot and you can then immelman onto their six.  None of these planes can turn better than you (with exception of 190A5) so feel free to turn with them as needed using no more than 1 notch of flaps if you get slow.  Your biggest threat is the HO or front quarter shot from an F4U-1C or a Tiffy so if you find yourself with a lower plane looping over back towards you as you dive on their six, jink a bit to get out of any shot opportunity they may have.  As they turn hard for these maneuvers they are burning alot of E giving you the ability to more easily kill them in another couple long as they dont get a shot in  

-Finally, if you want to stay alive, keep a lookout for the scissors.  Planes with a good roll can quickly turn the tables and when the 51 is fast, it doesnt have the roll rate to counter this move.  If you see a lower F4 or 190 dive for the deck as you are diving on it and then begin a break turn in one direction or another, pull off and climb while watching what that other plane is doing.  Wait for them to finish their break and then roll back into them.  Once they get low on the deck and begin to slow down, THEN you can turn with them.

Here are my biggest downfalls:
- Getting suckered into a turn fite with a 109G10 which then kicks in WEP to rope me.
- Getting caught in a scissors with a Chog or 190
- Spending too much time in a low furball...although Im not in any danger from the planes already in it, once I turn a bit, I get slow making it real easy for higher planes to kill me.  This is an SA issue  


[This message has been edited by Dingy (edited 12-07-2000).]


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« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2000, 11:25:00 AM »
P-51 Handbook:
- Climb to 35k each sortie.
- Run from any enemy within 5,000 feet of your altitude.
- Find bombers with pilot AFK and kill them.

Offline Dingy

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« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2000, 01:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by funked:
P-51 Handbook:
- Climb to 35k each sortie.
- Run from any enemy within 5,000 feet of your altitude.
- Find bombers with pilot AFK and kill them.

This only applies to those who DO NOT truly understand the intracacies of the P-51.  

Once you have a few hundred sorties under your belt  , you will be zooming through higher furballs picking off planes as you go through and turning with spits and zekes who underestimated your E.  

At least thats what I keep assuring myself  


Offline Wardog

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« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2000, 01:35:00 PM »
p51 was my ride of choice till tour 9.

Keep E, gunnery will come to you with time. Hi E knife fights will keep you alive, but i like to fight and take it low, 1 notch flaps in turns, Do not tight turn more that 2x.. extend for range and or alt and come back hot. Wingie is good to have but p51 really doesnt need one.

Here is a film clip that shows gunnery, speed and really bad SA   Ack at a13 was live so i ended up losing a lot of parts.

Dog out..


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« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2000, 02:17:00 PM »
I forgot the smilies.      

I have a guide to Spitfire ACM too:
1.  Pull stick into lap.
2.  Wait for enemy to enter gunsight.
3.  Hold down fire button until enemy plane explodes.
4.  Repeat.

Offline Spatula

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« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2000, 02:40:00 PM »
What everyone else has allready mentioned except funked      

I can only re-iterate what others have said.

Why does everyone say "keep it fast"?
1. Pony dont accelerate as well as most planes so you cant afford to get too slow. Which in practice means, if you keep it fast, you can widthdraw when you please - if you get slow you will have a hard time widthdrawing.
2. Because you can go for your 'finishing move' the rope-a-dope alot easier. People underestimate the P51's zoom ability if you have kept it *fast* you can zoom climb very high indeed (not allways recomended against 109s)
3. The P51 *turns very well* at high speeds. 109s and spits are suckers for this, let them chase you untill your about 450+ MPH then chop throttle, skid a bit, and drop flaps, and sissor them  - hard turn for 70-80 degrees then turn back the other way - they'll shoot right passed ya       OR barrell roll works too.
BTW you can drop flaps at 350 MPH in the pony, it gives you excellent hi-speed turn and slows ya down too.

The P51 was designed too be long-range (it is) and very fast. As such it was designed to be flown fast, designed to have good control when its fast. SO KEEP IT FAST. turn you wind sound volume up, so you can 'hear' your speed. The stang is a wallowing pig when slow.

Dont fight going upwards, always make your attcks going down, or level.

Take no more than 50% fuel, take drops as well. Climb with the drops then release when you see a con. The pony is a pig with more than 50% fuel, it can carry a lot of fuel so its very heavy. Starts performing very well at around 25%.

Take the 4 50 cal gun package if you want to lose more weight. A bit harder to get kills tho      

As for gunnery. Mine guns are set staggered at 25 yard (feet?) intervals starting at 390 for the inside guns. The decision to do this is based on the premise that my gun shots are taken at hi rates of closure, so they will 'walk' through the target. On the minus side, staggerd convergence makes snap-shots less effective, but the mustang isnt strong there anyway.

Gunsights. Keep it simple. Too much stuff all over the sight is too distracting, too busy. Some people just have a single dot in the middle, others a few extra bits and pieces. Check mine out on the gunsight page.

Hope ya got my email and take me up on my offer sometime if you want.

Overlord Spatula

Real men dont need no stinkin cannons

=357th Pony Express=

[This message has been edited by Spatula (edited 12-07-2000).]
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