OK..Now I see... Bill Clinton is in office for eight years..and now he opens a library and I'm supposed to forget all about Paula Jones, Juanita Brodrick, et al. Here we go again typical liberals attempting to re-write history. I wonder if anything in the building, (so eloquently described by a British newspaper as a large oversized trailer) has any references to the following:
Not retrieving UBL from Sudan.
The largest tax hikes the USA has ever seen.
After Clinton got done with cutting the defense budget it look like a crime scene.
Al gore (enough said)
Lets not forget PARDON GATE
And many more....
Let's face it...I know I'm gonna get the responses that the 1990's were the great years of prosperity..All I can say about that..is thank you Republicans and I would rather be safe than prosper.
To be continued