Author Topic: Bomb dispersion changed this map?  (Read 185 times)

Offline Zanth

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Bomb dispersion changed this map?
« on: December 06, 2004, 12:23:42 PM »
I am noticing that bombs seem to be falling in a wider apart pattern.  I was finnding I was missing a lot of things I was sure I had hit.   Later I was dropping on a VH from approximately 10k (AGL) and salvoed 1 egg (x3).  After this drob I looked thru ball turret could see that first bomb hit while the other 2 went to either side about a vh width away each one.  Was a nice perfect diamond pattern, but only one hit.

Maybe was always this way, but seems different to me.  I confess never looked before now (never had to).  Anyone else find it a little different since new map?

Offline KurtVW

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Bomb dispersion changed this map?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2004, 01:01:17 PM »
It looks about the same to me... I always watch my hits (unless I'm being shot at) because I am always trying to fine tune my drop skills.

Since we are in a windless arena, and we are dropping bombs that are all identical (meaning that in real life there might have been slight aerodynamic differences between any two bombs) I would expect the crater locations to reflect the position of the aircraft exactly.

There is also no varience in the pattern as would be caused by real bombardiers having slightly different trigger fingers.. Our bombardiers are all digitally perfect men who always drop at the precise moment we hit the button :-)

Long story short, it doesn't seem to have changed.