Odd little bug thingy. 1st found it last night.
Was driving a LVT w/ troops to a town, and had decent FPS. Then when I was close to the shore (say 1k or less ish) I suddenly dropped to zero fps, and stayed there until I hit ground. Once I was feet dry, my FPS shot back up to normal.
Thought it was odd, and recorded it.
This morn, was LVT otw diff field/town and @ 1k from shore hit 0fps again, and stayed there again until I made it to the shore. Died, re-upped, and again w/ the 0fps once I was close to shore.
Flimed that one also.
Curious, did whatever you did to fix the "lvt get stuck on shore" bug you fixed a patch or 3 ago cause this? Doesn't make sense that I would only drop to 0fps within 1k of shore. In the water more than 1k out, I have normal fps. Once i'm on dry land, normal fps. It just that limited stretch that totally feaks out my system.
What's going on??? Lemme know if you want the films.