I noticed AOL was running a poll for the Discovery Channel to be aired in May, Titled "The Greatest American".
They are taking nominations for who you think best fills this role. I was just curious who you think is "The Greatest American".
Who, to you, best represents what it means to be American?
He may not have done the most for us. He wasnt a great leader, didnt write novels or have works of art hanging in museums. He was just a football player who was living his dream, but gave it up to serve his country in what he felt was a more significant role.
My vote goes to Pat Tillman.
Because I believe that for all the bickering and fighting we do amongst ourselves, when push comes to shove every man and woman in this country will gladly stand together in its defense, and do so proudly. Pat has come to be the icon for all the men and women in the US armed forces who had to give up their lives here to go fight over there.