Originally posted by Flyboy
i just dont want iran to get nukes.
because if they will have those, i know where they will be pointing at.
Just one story - so maybe you can believe that Iran will never attack Israel:
There is one german journalist who is highly respected by the iranian mullahs, because he was with Ajatollah Khomeini in the Air France plane which brought him to Teheran after the Shah fled from Iran.
So its easy for him to get interviews in Iran. In one occasion - it was shortly before the Kuwait-war between Bush sr. and Saddam - he was in Teheran and sitting with the highest ranking mullahs, making an interview.
And then he asked "What will happen after Israel is destroyed by the arabs or by Iran?".
There was a moment of confusion while the translation was going on - then all of these mullahs break out laughing.
One of them - i think it was Rafsanjani - said that Iran needs Israel.
Israel is keeping the true enemy of Iran busy: The Arabs. And so iranian policy will never allow that Israel will be destroyed, because we know exactly who will be the next target of the arabs.
And about the direction of these missiles: I wouldnt bet that they would be pointed again Israel but surely against the capitals of the arab nations, where their radical sunnite mullahs still consider shiite muslims as heretics who should be killed.
There is a difference between official statements of the iranian mullah regime and their real policy.
One example:
When the Kuwait War started and USA was bringing the iraqui troops one defeat after the other, there were islamic volunteers of Pakistan who wanted to travel through Iran to Iraq in order to join the iraqui troops.
Officially Iran didnt sent them back when they entered iranian territory. But these "guests" were escorted by iranian military. So the convoy was first sent to Northeast Iran, where medical exams had to be made, then to south Iran and so on. This funny convoy was permanently moving through Iran until the war was over.
So - officially Iran allowed islamic volunteers to cross iranian territory - but inofficially they took care that they were not reaching Iraq.
I know iranian policy is complicated but the last thing Iran would do is an attack against Israel. The simply fact is that Iran considers the non-arab nations in the regions - like Turkey or Israel - as useful in the political war against the arabs.