Well today I opened my account and much to my surprise found that I absolutely suck,..I have no patience, and get generally pissed off when I shouldnt. I cant work the radio, my planes wont turn and I cant drop my extra fuel tanks
. I get seasick with the trip to the hanger, the distance numbers next to useless (you guys shoot at 800 yards?),etc etc, squeak, whine, moan.
I would appreciate some help if some one will point me where to go. This isnt my first time in AH, have been looking in occasionally since it first came about,.... I never had to ask for general help before and it makes me angry
BTW for you guys who dont know me I'm the guy who used to give funked chute lessons in warbirds lol
Just jokin funked!! ..BTW that JG2 sounds interesting if ya'll looking for someone to polish the planes or do latrine duty cause that about all they let me do in JG3 in WBs