Author Topic: Autopilot  (Read 4951 times)

Offline Straiga

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« on: February 04, 2005, 01:59:38 AM »
I dont understand the autopilot system in AHII, if you set IAS in a real airplane, the plane will stay in a level attitude, if the IAS is below the airspeed thats set, then it will accellerate to that IAS, not pitch way over nose down to seek that airspeed then pitch way back up, then down, then up, then down, until it gets to the set airspeed. Anybody sick yet? If your climbing and going to fast for the set speed then it should pitch up slowly to match the IAS in one pitch change, but not a constant up and down pitch motion.

Is this because no one knows how a autopilot works? If you think this is how they work then tell us how you came to this conclusion.

Some planes with IAS hold will pitch to match the airspeed thats set (SLOWLY) that is. Some planes have VS hold and can slowly dial in the IAS by VS up or down to set the IAS. Someplanes have VS speed climb to maitain a rate of climb.

Now this might not be how WWII autopliots work or have these same features but they dont pitch in any fashion the way its is in AHII. Have you flown on the airlines lately, and find how smooth the climbs and desents are. Dont you think that would be the same for WWII aircraft. Can you imagine a B-17 fully loaded, pitching the nose way down to gain airspeed, then pitch up, then down, then up.

Now would you like your autopilot designed by HTC put in an airliner or B-17your flying in RL? Not me.


Offline straffo

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« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2005, 02:51:45 AM »
It's more an auto trim than an auto pilot.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2005, 08:32:59 AM »
Speeds purpose is for climbs and descends not level flight. And it is not ment to even resemble real auto pilots.

Offline JB73

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« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2005, 09:16:49 AM »
straiga... my guess is it can'twork in game like you mention about "speeding up" without putting nose down...

because everyone in AH pretty much runs full max power during climbout.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Higgins

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« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2005, 10:59:37 AM »
With all due respect Straiga this is a game.  I've seen a number of your critical posts.  I'm all for realism but I don't think that every function of this game can made fun if full realism was the sole target.

HT does a pretty darn good job of trying to balance gameplay with realism to make as many of his customers as happy as he can.  I have to force myself to remember this when I don't prefer certain aspects of the game.  You can lose sight that this is a business and way of living for the crew at HTC.    



Offline krazyhorse

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« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2005, 12:21:32 PM »
what's it matter  , it gives us a break so we can go potty or grab a beer, so i like it:D

Offline Straiga

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« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2005, 01:12:36 AM »
With all due respect Straiga this is a game. I've seen a number of your critical posts. I'm all for realism but I don't think that every function of this game can made fun if full realism was the sole target.

With all due respect I know this is a game, I enjoy playing this game. But like myself and others we would like to have a more realistic flight model I think this would attract more people along with being a game. If some people have true to real skins than why cant we have a true to real flight models. We all know its a game, well maybe some people thinks its a game. But for some the more real the better.

Its was no big deal about the auto whatyoumacallit I was just wondering.

All along I have tryed to open some eyes that certain modeling is incorrect. I have a lot of real time flight experience flying many many different airplanes and helicopters along with being trained in FAA approved flight sims. These flight sims are able to train pilots like myself to fly and to experience unusual situations to be a real as possible, so when the real thing happens, myself and many other airline pilots can get you savely to your destination.

As you may have read the discussion about multi-engine airplanes using aileron on takeoff like a single engine airplane. This just doesnt happen, im sorry but how do you convince someone with no multi-engine flight experience that this does not effect an airplane the way they thinks it does. There only way of thinking is coming from a book. So I gathered a lot of multi-engine information to read to try to prove this point. Which I think clearly does but will this change any minds who knows.

I will more than be happy to give anybody a ride and give them stick time in a high performance multi-engine, I will also endorse your log book so you can count the time. Come on out to my part time job and I will show you that engine torque is the least force affecting a multi-engine and we just dont use aileron trim or aileron except to turn the airplane. Also at altitude I will shut down an engine on you to show how much rudder is required to counter the enormous yaw force affecting the airplane. You just have to be there to experience this. Reading from a book does not truely show how hard it is to handle a high performance single engine failure. This kills more multi-engine pilots than anything.

I like this game so much that I will continue to open some peoples eyes its only a matter of time. We the pilots would like a more realistic flight model so we can have some real fun. Pardon the pun.


Offline Golfer

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« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2005, 01:40:34 AM »
If you're offering time...I'm taking you up on that :)

I'm a skeptic :D

Offline john9001

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« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2005, 10:54:12 AM »
i think this happens when your plane is not in trim, i only use manual trim , in a climb i adj speed, trim, ect to where i want it THEN turn on the autopilot, i'm usualy pretty close and have very little "hunting"

Also , remember in WW2 they did not have autopilots we do now in RL.

Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2005, 11:16:35 AM »
The one thing I've gotten out of all of Straiga's threads, is that the flight model is a lot more detailed than I ever gave it credit for. I'm constantly amazed with the knowledge and ability from such a small team.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Straiga

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« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2005, 04:35:47 PM »
The one thing I've gotten out of all of Straiga's threads, is that the flight model is a lot more detailed than I ever gave it credit for. I'm constantly amazed with the knowledge and ability from such a small team.

You must be talking about Air Warriors or something.

If you think AHII is really detailed I have some swamp land to sell you its really nice and really cheap too. You will be able to grow all the stuff your smoking now.

Im constantly amazed of the lack of aeronautical knowledge.

If you're offering time...I'm taking you up on that

Golfer any time! Anybody else?


Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2005, 05:21:57 PM »
Originally posted by Straiga
You must be talking about Air Warriors or something.

If you think AHII is really detailed I have some swamp land to sell you its really nice and really cheap too. You will be able to grow all the stuff your smoking now.


How very pleasant

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline detch01

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« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2005, 06:28:53 PM »
Originally posted by Straiga
We the pilots...

I too am a pilot and I find people who presume to speak for me or include me by association in their mindless jabs extremely annoying.

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Offline hitech

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« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2005, 06:46:31 PM »
Straiga: Now you are just beeing a plane jerk.

Lets see: Straiga tells us our pito tube is incorect. Meen while he was backwards on the CV. Yep Im impressed with your knowledge straga, didn't even know that a pito tube dosn't work backwards. Or not being able to see the detail involved in making a pito tube work correctly and not read backwards.

Or claiming that MP dosn't change with rpm once again claiming we are wrong. When in fact if you go look at the manuals you will find we are spot on with most of the air craft.

Or the great claiming torque some how vanishes on twin engine planes. And they are effected by it differently then a single engine. When in fact there is no change in how torque is handled by a twin. The other forces Pfactor,slip stream, and accelerated slip steam are quite different on a twin.

Oh btw straiga did you know that the Pfactor with cirtical engines is in our model. Along with accelrated slip stream. The is one thing that I have  never been happy with and that is our modling of the BALL. Right now it functions like a slip string. So take a twin up, cut one engine center the ball, and you will see the plane flying sideways just like the real one would with a slip string centered on it's nose.

You allways seem stuck on the torque issue. Well quite simply its just probably our rigging of the planes that makes it feel different to you. You try find the incidence and washout setup on all the planes we model.

Consider this my last responce to you stragia, because discussing planes with you , is not very informative. And some of your statements are quite often incorect. Plus most of your post are in no way helpfull but always just snippy as in your last post.

And as far as you comment about HTC creating real auto pilots, I was a Electrical control engineer long before I ever started creating sims, have created a lot of real time control systems that function just like an auto pilots does, have done lots of robotics, auto mated machines, hi speed material handling systems,and all the safty that goes along with those designs. But AH is not one of those machines nore is it disgned to those standard. While you were playing with your stick, I was engineering the type of stuff you use every day.

Oh btw I'm also a pilot, and quite frankly the attitude you portray on this bbs is not what I belive a pilot attitude should be. Because a pilot who wants people to belives they are infalible is not someone I realy care to fly with.

Is AH perfect, of course not, but just because it isn't dosn't meen that it is not one of the most detailed made for it's purpose.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2005, 07:19:15 PM by hitech »

Offline cav58d

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« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2005, 07:02:43 PM »
Pitch for Airspeed, Throttle for Altitude
<S> Lyme

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