Originally posted by Toad
Does this failure to answer mean babek HAS no answer?
No - it just means that I am not able to watch all forums I am reading so precisely that I can answer at the moment someone ask me something
Originally posted by Toad
Babek, why does Iran need bomb grade enriched uranium for civilian uses? I was hoping you'd explain it to me.
Were are the proofs that Iran has bomb grade enriched uranium or is building installations which generates them ?
And please - dont mention these super-accurate sources which told us, that Iraq had huge stockpiles of MDW and was only 45 away from invading the USA - so a immediate attack was necessary.
On the other hand - I will not deny that there is a possibility that our military and our politicians want to have a weapon which will give us a position to avoid attacks against Iran.
This is because of our history.
In the last 100 years we were attacked in both World Wars - despite our declared neutrality.
In WW2 our country was invaded and occupied by the allies, our Shah had to resign and to die in exile, we had to join the allies and the son of the Shah became a puppet who ruled our country with terror.
Then in the 50ties - when Iran was creating its own democracy by a peaceful and unbloody revolution - again foreigners intervened and deposed our prime minister and reinstalled the Shah and his SAVAK - and we got decades of much more terror.
Then we got the bloody revolution and Khomeini - and - yes: Even more terror.
In the Iran-Iraq-War the world accepted that 130.000 iranian soldiers were killed by gas-weapons. Geneva-Convention ? Who cared ? No one. That was again a lesson we learned.
Many european countries and even the USA helped Saddam and there was no single UN-resolution - even when Saddam used his gas weapons against the iraqi kurdish tribes which were allied with Iran.
Then Pakistan got the nuclear bomb. The same Pakistan which was in 90ties our enemy. The same Pakistan which supported the Taliban in Afghanistan while Iran was helping the anti-Taliban-forces.
And we also learned that - even if you dont have MDW and ebven without any UN-resolution - a superpower can invade, destroy and occupy your country and no one could stop them.
While another country defined as a member of the "Axis of Evil" is not touched. N-Korea has the same criminal terror-leader like Saddam - but it also has nuclear weapons.
So indeed I can understand iranian politicians to dream of having a nuclear weapon.
But allow me one question I miss in all these discussions:
Russia, China, european countries are building in Iran the nuclear sites. When there really are proofs that these installations are used for building a nuclear bomb, why there are no threats against these countries ?
Why they are not the Axis of Evil ?
Arent THEY - in the case that they are delivering the nuclear bomb - supporting terrorists ?
Wouldnt it be logical to threaten these countries with the might of the great superpower - so they stop building the sites in Iran ?
Strange that no one did.
I think that Iran is far away from having nuclear weapons.
We know desperately that in no more than 3 decades our main source for money will stop. Then we wouldnt have enough oil to export it to the world.
Meanwhile our population is growing. During the shah-time we had 40 millions iranians - today more than 60 millions.
And these are not primitive mullah fanatics. Iran has a good infrastructure of schools and universities. We have a growing industry - producing our own cars, trucks, jets, planes and so on.
But if run out of home-made energy to maintain this infrastructure - we wont have any future.
This was even seen by the Shah - who started to build the first nuclear sites in Bushir.
Today there are 15 nuclear installations in Iran. And there are no reliable proofs that we are trying to build the bomb.
There are many reason to do so - from the iranian point of view - but I still believe that we are going to build a civilian energy source.
The problem is, that because of the actual political situation, Iran will be the next target in this so called war against terrorists.
Iran is accused to support terrorists - like the Hamas.
But isnt it funny?
On the one hand the USA accuses us to support terrorists - and on the other hand it supports terrorists of Hamas-class by themself.
Just one example:
The USA has a list of terrorist organisations. So the names on these lists are terrorists by US-definition.
One of these organisations is the Mujaheddin-e-Khalk - the MEK.
During the Shah-reign the MEK killed many US-soldiers who were stationed in the imperial Iran.
Then the MEK was involved in the deposal of the Shah and in the innerpolitical fighting. They lost against Khomeini and fled.
They performed bomb attacks against iranian civilians - causing many deaths.
When Saddam attacked Iran the MEK formed to an army with bases in Iraq. Supported by money from exile-iranians and by Saddam they got tanks and other heavy weapons and attacked side by side with the arab hordes against iranians.
What happened with this MEK when the USA invaded and occupied Iraq?
Were they brought - as bad terrorists to Guantanamo-Bay?
They are allowed to wear their light weapons, to live in their military camps in Iraq and are protected by US-soldiers.
Really funny. In the war against terrorists there are terrorists who are protected.
I am sure that these iranian terrorists will be used in a war against Iran. They can infiltrate our country, because they speak our language and look like iranians. They already had betrayed us and killed iranians for Saddam.
And I also know that this is normal in the political game.
But you have to understand on the other hand, that for me it sounds ridiculous when Bush blames us to support terrorist when he also does it at the same time.
Btw - actually there a political groups in the USA trying to get the MEK off the lists of the terrorists.
OK - so much about this.
Now - to avoid misunderstandings:
The majority of the Iranians want to depose the Mullah regime.
But we must do it alone - not with the open or covert help of foreigners. Then we have the best chance to create a true democracy and not such a thing like in Iraq, where a GrandAjatollah who hates democracy will become one of the most powerful politicians.
When Iran is under pressure - like by stupid speachis (Axis of Evil) or attacks against installations or even a full scale invasion - then the people will follow the ruling regime.
Its a fact - a sad fact - that Bush had helped to stabilze the Mullah regime by his political decisions.
He cant establish a democracy in Iran by threats or using MEK-terrorists.
9/11 was indeed a catastrophy - also for us in Iran. Because before this day we were pushing the Mullahs in the inner political struggle from one defeat to the next. Now they got stronger because of the politic of the Bush-regime.
But I am still convinced that the iranians will depose them without foreign help. It will last longer than we had expected - but finally it will happen.
And so - in our iranian history of 2500 years - the terror regimes of the Shah or the Mullahs will only be small episodes.
Thats what I hope.