Author Topic: Your work day...  (Read 2830 times)

Offline Drunky

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Your work day...
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2005, 07:41:21 PM »
06:30            Get up, get daughter up and drop her off at Poppa's.  Wife has already left for nursing school.
07:30            Drive to school
08:30-10:00  Class - Library Science
10:00-11:00  Drive to work
11:00-12:00 Work at a fab shop.  I could be cutting material, drilling holes, tapping holes, running the CNC, pushing a broom or even welding.  I've been learning how to short-arc and TIG.  I absorb everything I can like a sponge.  Next will be the lathes.
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-15:30 Work.  Although sometimes I stay until 17:00
15:30-17:30  Home.  Wife should already be home with daughter.  Take shower.  Check email and BB's.  Wash dishes by hand.  Start dinner.  Pick up in living room.  Usually start drinking beer.
17:30-20:00 Watch daughter while wife studies.  Log on BB's.  Drink more beer and start cleaning up from dinner.
20:00-22:30 Study for school.  If I am procrastinating then I post on bb's.  Drinking more beer.
22:30-23:00 Pack for school.  Stop drinking.  Eat.  Go to bed.

The other days are very similar:

I drop off daughter.  Class starts 09:30 and ends at 20:00.  Classes are Geometric Transformations, Multiculturalism in the Classroom, Geography, Logic in Math, and Literacy Across the Curriculum (Content Reading).  I have a break from 15:30-17:00 to drive one hour to the next campus for my last class.  I don't work on Tuesday.

Exactly the same as Monday.

I drop off daughter.  Class starts 09:30 and ends at 15:30.  Classes are Geometric Transformations, Multiculturalism in the Classroom, Geography, and Logic in Math.  15:30 I drive home and continue like it was Monday although I pick up daughter since wife has clinicals on Thursdays and doesn't get home until after 19:30.

Friday is easy.  Drop off daughter and go to work.  Work starts at 07:00 but I usually get there at 08:00 since I can't drop my daughter off too early at Poppa's.

If anyone is counting my classes then, yes, I am taking 18 hours this semester.  With the wife in the RN program it makes for a busy, busy household right now.  I think if our marriage can survive school then we will survive anything else.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2005, 07:44:29 PM by Drunky »
Drunky | SubGenius
Fat Drunk Bastards
B.A.A.H. - Black Association of Aces High

Offline rpm

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Your work day...
« Reply #46 on: February 14, 2005, 08:06:16 PM »
Noon or whenever: Wake up. Eat breakfast. Watch TV or get on the net.

1-ish: (On the 15th) Walk down to the mailbox and see if my royalty check came today.

If you don't already have an oil well, get one...or 5 like me. :cool:
My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
Stay thirsty my friends.

Offline crowMAW

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Your work day...
« Reply #47 on: February 14, 2005, 08:12:15 PM »
Originally posted by bustr

VP, Jacksonville, by any chance BofA? I'm and AVP BofA datacenter in San Francisco.

In an age where companies google their name and fire employees with blog entries that they find objectionable, I find myself unreasonably paranoid.  Even without my real name showing up in this thread.

But I will say that BofA is a wonderful company and I have the utmost respect for all there.

As an extra treat today the CFO called and said that no project with over $10k invested should be cancelled without approval from Finanace.  I sat is stunned silence for a moment.  When I recovered I asked, "Do you really forsee a project that you would force the COO to pay to have completed eventhough Ops has said they no longer need it?  And do you really want Development to continue waisting hours on a cancelled project while waiting for your approval to kill it?"  Through the silence I could hear the gears turning, so I said,"Why don't I send you a report of cancelled projects with the names of the project requestor and people responsible for prioritizing the project.  Then you can personally contact them about the waisted dollars."

« Last Edit: February 14, 2005, 08:17:22 PM by crowMAW »

Offline Airhead

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Your work day...
« Reply #48 on: February 14, 2005, 08:19:46 PM »
Wife and I finally got our California State licensing for producing tamper resistant prescription forms on Dec. 24th. Our first "real" day was the 19th of January, and we now have four of us full time plus three part timers.

We're setting it up as a turnkey so I have nothing, and everything, to do every day so I stay busy tweaking and amending our workflow systems. The idea is to develop a fool proof system because the paperwork the State requires doesn't allow for very many screw-ups, so I basically dumb down and simplify everyone else's fact I'm quite skillful in dumbing down and simplification.

Before this I wrote, then later brokered the publishing, for program books featuring 49ers and Raiders players competing against local fire fighters and police officers' players associations. We produced about two books a month, more in March-April, so it was deadline intensive and very stressful. I wrote the bios, welcome letters, and designed display ads. Did it for 15 years, quit last year when life became unrewarding and moved out of the City, back to the town I'd left 20 years ago.

Between times up here in the past year I've help write two ordinance proposals before the City Attorney- one restricting panhandling and the other banning overnight camping to deal with the drug infested eyesore that has become the WalMart area. I've also worked with members of the DA's office and am helping with a draft that we hope will be a State amendment guaranteeing the rights of Californians to keep and posess firearms- it's a backlash against San Francisco's proposal to ban their residents the right to own and posess handguns. I haven't gotten paid for this, but feel it's my civic duty to better my community by arming our citizens so we can go vigilante and shoot the homeless bums.

Offline NUKE

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Your work day...
« Reply #49 on: February 14, 2005, 08:22:45 PM »
just awesome Airhead!

Really, just a great story and couldn't happen to a better person.

Great job Airhead.

Offline Airhead

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« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2005, 08:57:39 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
just awesome Airhead!

Really, just a great story and couldn't happen to a better person.

Great job Airhead.

LOL WTF??? Dude, I'm months away from drawing a paycheck, much less showing a stomach is tied in knots, my sphincter is tighter than SOB's and MiniD's "relationship," my nerves are shot and I awake in fear and hit the floor running every day.

Everything we've saved is in this, and if it fails we are fediddleed beyond all redemption mon. My palms sweat, my chest pounds, and I haven't had eight hours' sleep in a row in all of 2005.

I'm lovin it. The rain feels colder, the wind is sharper and the Vodka tastes better than it ever is so much better to feel anything, even if it's fear and aprehension, than it is to become emotionally numb and feel nothing at all. At least now I'm living again, and if I end up holding a cardboard sign on a streetcorner and the Cops roust me and won't let me sleep in my car anymore, or some gun nut shoots me as I beg, then I'll have only myself to blame anyway.

It's all good. :aok

Offline Skuzzy

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Your work day...
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2005, 08:57:49 PM »
My day?  You don't wanna know.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline NUKE

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Your work day...
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2005, 08:59:25 PM »
Airhead, you are going to make it and in a big way. I admire you and wish you all the best.

Offline Horn

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Your work day...
« Reply #53 on: February 14, 2005, 09:00:44 PM »
Awake at 0200, don spiffy uniform, drink half a pot of coffee so I won't die driving to work. Arrive work at three. Get searched at front door, report to Control, get keys, cuffs, OC gas and radio.

0330, open kitchen, do startup paperwork, inventory and unlock all things locked. Check in/search kitchen workers as they report and begin preparation to feed 1400 breakfasts.

0400, Count.

0500, feed work crews, late morning kitchen workers, begin lunch preparation.

0600-0615, feed general population. About 1300 meals. Clean up.

0615-1000-Continue lunch prep. Prep 1400 chicken quarters, 450# of potatoes, 300# spinach, 2000 dinner rolls and 400#'s of salad.

1000-1015, Feed kitchen workers.

1100, Count again.

1015-1200, begin dinner prep. Pancakes! 100 flats of eggs, 100#s of flour to get started.

1130 Count clear, feed population.

1145 Lock down-- 30 hispanics (gangs) going at it in one of the mods. 6 badly injured. 23 go to the hole.

No movement allowed. Staff on "all call"--means no one leaves. So much for the shift ending at 11:30. ERT responds (doods in black with many guns) --facility lockdown. Continue to prep dinner.

1530, Dinner ready. Population being fed one floor at a time, but only after being strip searched. Normal serving time 30 minutes. Today it took four hours.

Home by 1930.

Somebody shoot me.

Offline NUKE

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Your work day...
« Reply #54 on: February 14, 2005, 09:01:08 PM »
Originally posted by Skuzzy
My day?  You don't wanna know.

Hey Skuzzy, we *think* we know, but hats off to you.

Offline Drunky

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Your work day...
« Reply #55 on: February 14, 2005, 09:05:57 PM »
Originally posted by Airhead
I'm lovin it. The rain feels colder, the wind is sharper and the Vodka tastes better than it ever is so much better to feel anything, even if it's fear and aprehension, than it is to become emotionally numb and feel nothing at all. At least now I'm living again... that you?  I thought you wanted to be vet but it was too much schooling.
Drunky | SubGenius
Fat Drunk Bastards
B.A.A.H. - Black Association of Aces High

Offline MrBill

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Your work day...
« Reply #56 on: February 14, 2005, 09:14:12 PM »
awake whenever
turn on computer
put on coffee
pore a cupper and log on to ***** ******
check portfolio
fire up dow and nasdaq tickers
go feed the horse
feed the cat
browse various web sites
take a walk or go for a ride on the horse.
fool around
go play golf or go swimming or shoot some hoops
send "NO!" reply's to any contract offers in my email

I put in my 25 years it's up to you guys to keep things running now ;) :D:D:D
We do not stop playing because we grow old
We grow old because we stop playing

Offline RedTop

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Your work day...
« Reply #57 on: February 14, 2005, 09:15:10 PM »
Get up when ever but its usually by 9 am.
Make Coffee. Have coffee while playing a lil AH or go hit golf balls at the range or play 18 holes.
Take a shower.
Get ready for work.
Arrive at work by 14:30 or so. 1500 start time.
Supervise a Computer room on 2nd shift.
Get off at 23:30
Home by 0000.

Work is boring and most times I read the BBS when not much is going on. But when servers are hiccuping and stuff is going on , I earn my money. Legislaitive People don't like it when they have puter problems.

Work every 3rd weekend to get the following Thurs. Fri. off for a 4 day weekend.
Original Member and Former C.O. 71 sqd. RAF Eagles

Offline Nash

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Your work day...
« Reply #58 on: February 14, 2005, 09:23:01 PM »
This reminds me of a book I read eons ago called "Work" or "Working", by Studs Terkel. It was just random people talking about their work for a few pages.... and it was fascinating. Much like this.

Wonderful thread, Creamo.

Offline NUKE

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« Reply #59 on: February 14, 2005, 09:32:57 PM »
Originally posted by Nash
This reminds me of a book I read eons ago called "Work" or "Working", by Studs Terkel. It was just random people talking about their work for a few pages.... and it was fascinating. Much like this.

Wonderful thread, Creamo.

Nash, I would be interested in your description of your work day. I dig stuff like this.