Author Topic: Dealing with Pottymouth...  (Read 2346 times)

Offline dedalos

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2005, 03:46:40 PM »

Appologies if I misunderstood your post.  
However, you can see how I took it the wrong way.

Abillity to squelch range = permanent fix to the issue
Squelch offender = wait for offence to happen, then squelch offender, go back to waiting for next offence.

I guess I could not understand why you even offered the alternative or why we are still talking about this.  It has been requested in the past and it has got to be the easyest code change ever requested from HT.  I can understand that it is low pririty and at the bottom of the list, but arguing about if it would be a good future?

Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.


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« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2005, 05:29:13 PM »
Originally posted by Gooss
Walmart has nice headphones for less than $20.

Not only does your family not want to hear cussing, they don't want to hear the other sounds.


Lmao I would have to agree with that.
Nobody was more happy then my wife when I finally got a set of headphones.

Cept maybe my mother who happened to be up visiting with us at the time.

Wasnt the cussing they hated.  It was the noise.
My mother hated the tank gun the most
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Offline g00b

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« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2005, 05:42:56 PM »
Given that you can't swear on over text comms I can only assume HTC does not approve of such language. As such, I would simply suggest that if you hear someone being offensive ask them to stop. If they do not, use the film recorder to sample some of their language and send it in to HTC. Whom could hopefully issue a warning email and possibly revoke VOX privileges.

After a while I think it would be much more civilized.

P.S. Free speech does not apply to a private service such as this.


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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #33 on: February 24, 2005, 05:55:33 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon

PS: My kids do love the zooming, shooting, engine, and explosion noises.

Here ya go then


Problem solved.

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Offline RedTop

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2005, 06:27:46 PM »
Interesting Replies.........

I have to agree with a few here. If everytinme I log on I need to look at the roster....Find those that I KNOW will be a "Peach" on the squelch command and then fly , then thats just a bit more that needs to be done IMO:)

On the other hand...If they had a permasquelch deal....then...I can just fly and add as I need to...but not have to CHECK things everytime.

Maybe I'm being a lil rigid , but , I could care less about hearing how some ()#*$&@#()$&*@)#&^@#)*(^#@%)^#%)@#*(^)@#*(^$)@#%^@#()*^% ran so in so down in there LA7 and how he thinks its such *()&*$)#&($)@#*^$)@#*^$)#*^$)#^*$)#*^$)#*$^ that it can happen here when in REAL life that NEVER HAPPENED.

I don't care half the time about Ck 6's from others. AND , why cant you still have that...dont we have a HOT key for that?

Guess it's just me and my age. Becoming more and more tired of hearing it.
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Offline Engine

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2005, 12:26:54 AM »
How dare you people try to infringe on my right to free speech over vox.  HOW DARE YOU?!  I don't pay $15 a month and taxes for this sort of First Amendment abuse.

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2005, 08:46:44 AM »
Originally posted by Engine
How dare you people try to infringe on my right to free speech over vox.  HOW DARE YOU?!  I don't pay $15 a month and taxes for this sort of First Amendment abuse.

:lol Comon now.  You got to put some cheese or something out there.  You cant expect a bite by just throwing the hook in the water.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline JB73

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« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2005, 10:24:28 AM »
i will say i agree with the topic, but find is a quagmire of complications.

some people expect the communication of working together in a furball, not a whole "squad" thing, just in that sortie, help their neighbors.

you are correct back when vox first came out natively in AH, the crowd was alot better. they'd tell someone to shutup and quit cussing, or something and the offender would do it.

i will also say i have committed this sin myself. 90% of the time on squad channel (which a few squaddies have their kids watching) and i always feel bad, but i thak the game so ****** personally, and get all emotional about it i dont know what to do sometimes LOL.

what is it about kids loving to watch this game? family and friends too? my CO's girlfriend likes to sit wand read a book / watch / listen during squad night. she say's it's like watching a movie. i have a buddy who stops by to get away from his kids every now and then, he likes to watch too.

the problem with that is the sound. everyone i know who likes to watch wants to hear also. a headphone splitter and extra headphones might work, but who wants to make a bunch of people put on headphones (and buy a bunch too)? i have had as many as 6 people watching one time, showing them the game, and what it is like online.

i my be a bit more lax about the cussing, as yes i have heard it, but never more than a few seconds, then i fly out of the area. that or the offender was shot down.

i intentionally fly out of range vox of the "dlamba" types most of the time anyway, i can't stand to hear that screetching.

anyway, being mroe "lax"... growing up in the 70's before HBO, pay TV, and multimedia i still knew most of the "bad words" by 1st and 2nd grade (6-7 years old). i also knew i'd get my butt WHIPPED for using any of them, even around friends that might say "mommy davey said *****" or something.

my best frined in the world has 4 children. 10, 6, 4, and 2. the 10 and 6 are boys, the other 2 girls. the 10 year old has said sh** in front of him, and got a talking to i guess, but the mother did pretty much nothing. dad was almost laughing when the 6 year old said sh** one day (he thought the way the kid said it it was hilarious) that made the kid giggly, and hence all of a sudden cussing is not a punishable offense in the real sence.

it is unfortunate, they are not as strict religiously or morally as our parents were. i have a feeling many families are like that now sadly, and of course along with the liberal parenting comes the liberal blame game: "my kid cusses because TV is corrupt and needs to be censored" instead of teaching kids properly in the first place.

i in NO way say any here are like that, and i want to make clear i am NOT making any judgments on anyone in this thread. Redtop we have met and you know or i hope you can trust me on that.

Seagoon, i can understand your situation, and sympathize with it. the choice you have to make is a frustrating one, and is not easy.

the real problem in this situation is where do we go from here? HTC can give in and make range squelchable (or tunable like CH200), then have alot of people mad they couldn't communicate with the pilots in their area.

he could leave it the way it is, and keep some people mad in a sence.

either way there are unhappy customers, the question is which one aggravates more than the other? HTC is a business, in the business of making a profit. they are great nice people, but those are the facts jack. noone want's to hear they are the customer in the minority that is getting ignnored, or however you explain it. the bummer is no matter what they finally decide, there will be a customer base that is the "ignored" part.

it is the same way with all the plane requests, gameplay requests, and everything. i highly doubt HTC staff make a snap decision about this stuff. from what i have seen of HT and Pyro, they probably have 20 spreadsheets of data charting the trends and probabilities in different scenarios. if the "numbers" say leave vox, they probably will i am guessing. that does not make them the bad guy in no way in my mind. they made a business decision. the business is not about constitutional rights, free speech, or any of that garbage. they make the rules, we obey, or go somewhere else where the rules fit us i guess.

personally i have given up trying to "demand" they do anything to change the game. it doesn't matter what a lone person thinks. i may come up with an idea, and can suggest it. maybe other players will like it, maybe HTC will like it. maybe they will all hate it. i will not be mad or sad or pissed off if they do. why be?

in closing, all, this has been a free flowing tirade of text, with no real reason. if i worded something in a bad way i am sorry, i am not great with language all the time. nothing in this is meant to offend, attack, direct agnst towards a player / group of players.

i agree that cussing on range vox is a bad thing, i agree that something should possibly be done about it, but i can not think of a solution that does not make a part of the AH community upset in some way. i think AH is a great game, and there are tons of changes out there that may or may not work. i think socitey is more corrupt than a polititian in strip strip club. i think there are no real answers, only comprimises that lead to the least aggravating course.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Engine

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2005, 01:35:23 PM »
Originally posted by dedalos
:lol Comon now.  You got to put some cheese or something out there.  You cant expect a bite by just throwing the hook in the water.
It was part troll, part biting sociological satire. A muckraking expose, if you will, of the glaring injustices... oh screw it, you win. :)

Offline pellik

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #39 on: February 25, 2005, 02:36:43 PM »
You can take your cencorship and **** off ******** you ******* ***** I ******* pay my own *** ****** ****, **** is my **** ******* problem ******* **** ****** ***** horse **** nancy drew ******* mystery **** ***** ****** *** ***** ***** ********* **** ******* quala bear ***** **** runstang dweeb ********* ***** ****** ***** * ****** *************** ******. That's what I think of your ***** ****** ******* *** ***** cencorship.


Online rabbidrabbit

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #40 on: February 25, 2005, 02:45:04 PM »
Why not a permanant squelch list thats kills all coms from the blacklisted player?  Why do I have to squelch the same people over and over again?

Offline Tails

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« Reply #41 on: February 25, 2005, 09:25:11 PM »
Permanent squelch list would be awesome. But then I would have to remember every time I squelch Fubar...

(Yup, foxy got an Enigma to play with)

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« Reply #42 on: February 25, 2005, 09:25:32 PM »
EDIT: That was odd. I only clicked post once...
« Last Edit: February 25, 2005, 09:27:43 PM by Tails »

(Yup, foxy got an Enigma to play with)

Offline debuman

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #43 on: February 25, 2005, 10:16:48 PM »
Originally posted by rabbidrabbit
Why not a permanant squelch list thats kills all coms from the blacklisted player?  Why do I have to squelch the same people over and over again?

I agree - this seems to be the most "do-able" of the options listed.
For the life of me I don't see why HTC won't enable a ".squelch rangevox" function.  It seems like it should be MY choice if I want to hear people give me check six or not (not to mention all the other babbling that we are forced to listen to).  If I don't, I'm the one who gets shot down - not them.  Also, we already have that keyboard command that allows you to send a check six to others.....
Is this some kind of 1st amendment thing?  Doesn't it violate MY right to free speech to have to listen to speech laced with profanity?  Don't tell me to take my $14.95 somewhere else - the fact that HTC doen't allow profanity in the text box tells you that they seem to be against it.  Why only in written form and not in vocal?  Oh well, I gotta get off here and go and the %&@*$ dishes.:D

Offline Stang

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2005, 02:05:50 AM »
Originally posted by pellik
You can take your cencorship and **** off ******** you ******* ***** I ******* pay my own *** ****** ****, **** is my **** ******* problem ******* **** ****** ***** horse **** nancy drew ******* mystery **** ***** ****** *** ***** ***** ********* **** ******* quala bear ***** **** runstang dweeb ********* ***** ****** ***** * ****** *************** ******. That's what I think of your ***** ****** ******* *** ***** cencorship.


