Best way to learn is to export some object (e.g. the HQ) from Object Editor and open it in ac3d.
Your objects are probably ok, as long as their object properties are written correctly (at least the MaxDist definition)
The lowest group (your group 'group') has to be named e.g. as 'str0' and it also need the MaxDist definition. Name can be changed in a small window at left lower corner. Object properties can be written in F8 (Hierarchy tree) by right-cliking an item. F8 is a great place to select/unselect and hide/unhide groups and objects.
To be able to create furthe groups, you can make dymmy polygons which you group with your group 'str0'. This next group is 'objects' ... and same definition again. Then select your dummy polygon from F8 tree (select object tool... not group) and delete the object.
Repeat the previous to create group 'Model' and add MaxDist definition again.
Another important thing is to keep al lobject and group centers at 0,0,0. You can use F9 to enter these coordinates for objects and to the highest group. But since it is impossible to select a group inside a group, you have to remember to look after the coordinates before you group a group in to a new group
... sounds crrrrrazy
The group coordinate change from 0,0,0 especially when you group an old group wit a new dummy polygon. After deleting the dummy, change the new groups coordinates immediately. If you forget that, you have to ungroup the higher groups to get your hands on the lower ones. Same applies to changing group names. Do it immediately.
If these coordinates are not set properly, different parts of your final shape may appear in different places in OE and in game... even partly sunk under the ground... been there done that
I hope this helps you to beginning.